
A Cheap, OP Brawler

A young Japanese man with eyes that take him as a 'demon,' Jinma Kotori, is killed by his former shady company and gets a second chance to live in a new fantasy RPG-like world as a bodacious goddess' 'Champion.' He begins his new life with the world's default starter class, a Brawler, and a defense-based blessing. Much to the goddess' surprise, Jinma's stats were already high for a human before the blessing was granted, and his first encounter in the new world of Raiza is a high-leveled, Special Monster ... A typical isekai harem story with video-game mechanics and OP MC with monster girls as his main focus of love interests. Adult language, scenes, and content involving sex and gore are to be expected. Viewer discretion is advised. This story is also published on royalroad.com and scribblehub.com For news on this and my other stories, please follow me on twitter, @OrangeRain3477 If you'd like to give support for all of my stories and access exclusive content, please go to my subscribestar to do so. subscribestar dot adult slash orangerain

Orange_Rain · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 101: Dinner Preparations

We had somehow napped longer than I thought because Mametama, who was playing post guard outside of my room while I was having my fun with Ren and Tyvera, notified me through Telepathy how the others were returning after 2 hours since we separated. I wasn't sure how long our 'bonding' moment lasted, but Ren and Tyvera were really feeling the soreness after receiving my large cock in their bodies. I cast Heal to quickly speed up their recovery as well as [Clean] to clear out the mess we made and gave both of them a passionate kiss of gratitude for their love and hard work. We then hastily got dressed and stepped out to meet everyone and head to the mixed public bath we heard of to get ourselves soaked and relaxed, especially for Ume and me to prepare for our dinner with Lady Krauss tonight.

I said 'everyone,' but Sue wasn't there. From what Ume said, Sue was doing some last-minute shopping along with some other errands before getting back to the inn. She said we could go on ahead of her, wished Ume and I luck on the dinner, and was going to join the rest of our party for supper while she, Erizora, and Kalline would wait for me back in my room to sleep together.

At first, I found it odd how she couldn't get into the mixed bath with us, especially with all of the physical contacts she made with me from the moment we met this morning up to then. Considering there's another public bath that separates between genders though, maybe there are some demons out there who weren't as nonchalant with bathing someone of the opposite sex at the same time as others, no matter their race. Or maybe Sue, as a fan, was just shy of exposing her bare body to me, her idol, without losing her cool, especially in a space like a public bath. I had the experience of being a bodyguard for an idol that my previous workplace on Earth assigned me to on multiple occasions. While my experiences with her were … unique, to say the least, I had seen and dealt with my fair share of fans who were a little too enthused about coming face-to-face with their idol, so I understood a little of where Sue was coming from to make that decision.

I imagined she would go to the gender-separated bath like Kisaki and Roll, so the rest of us went over to the mixed public bath to get our rejuvenating soak for the day. The place was similar to the one we went to in Dondegarm, the only difference is that they didn't have the 'private bath' where groups of customers can have their own intimate times in. Perhaps that was a special perk for Dondegarm as it tries to show their support of making interconnections between the Human-Kin and Demon-Kin, especially for the all-female races like Lamias and Arachnes who need human males in order to reproduce. Palocaesy, while it has some 'human-friendly' establishments, there are some who aren't as for making friendly relations between different kin as others.

It was apparent in the bath we went to as the reception was utterly shocked to see a lone human (me) going into a mixed bath with a harem of demon girls. Most of the patrons inside were just as so, and Nyra pointed out a few who directed discontent and irritation in my direction. They didn't dare approach me, though, probably because of the intimidation from seeing Erizora, Kalline, Ume, and even Tyvera for her rep as the 'Terror of the Skies' among my group. The girls may not have the ability to read their moods like Nyra can, but they must've felt the hostility in my direction because they huddled around me closer than usual without me even mentioning anything.

I admit it felt kind of odd being the one protected, but I got to enjoy the view and softness of the girls' wet and naked bodies surrounding me, so there wasn't any room for me to complain.

I looked into the new Savage Beast title with my Street Smarts while I soaked. I learned that I apparently earned it after having sex with more than one beast-type race in my lifetime. It's kind of strange I'd get something like that now after having sex with an Ogre, let alone a Dragon, but I guess different titles have different requirements that can't be overlooked.

Not only that but if I remember right, my Innate Stats read that my Endurance was already at a ☆ rank, something that goes beyond what can be measured in this world. I'm not sure how much of a difference my new Bestial Endurance would help me in battle, but maybe it gives me more 'endurance' in these kinds of activities? Wouldn't my original Endurance already speak as many levels of how much I could hold out for? I couldn't really come to a conclusion.

Aside from that, the girls enjoyed their talk while keeping me protected, the attention focused mostly on Ren and Tyvera on how my 'bonding' with them went.

"Chief … can be quite a beast when he wants to be, huh?" [Tyvera]

"A very good quality for a pack leader with many mates to have." [Ren]

"Also quite considerate when taking care of me. To be so strong on top of that, I really feel safe and warm to be in his embrace." [Ume]

"I'd take Master over an Ogre on any given day." [Erizora]

"… Can something like that really feel so good?" [Kalline]

"What's wrong, Kenaka? Feeling left out from the lack of affection?" [Mametama]

"Just restraining myself from blowing this place to smithereens is all. Nothing too serious." [Kenaka]

I asked Kenaka if he wanted to talk after overhearing that but he didn't want to spoil the mood. When I thought about it, he hadn't gotten in on a lot of action since he came to this realm. Being the former King of Wrath, I wondered if he needed to go all out to vent some steam. The same could be said for Mametama as the former Queen of Diligence since she only sprinted today to exert the majority of her own energy. I also haven't even seen how they fare on the battlefield yet. I made a mental note to go to the fields with Kenaka and Mametama by themselves so I could see what they're made of while letting them move around a little.

With our dinner date approaching, we finished our bath without any conflicts and got dressed before leaving the building. I gave Kalline enough money from my pouch so she and the others would get enough food to eat for tonight. They bid Ume and I the best of luck on our time with Lady Krauss before we parted ways and I opened [Portal] to take the two of us in front of the noble Vampire's cottage, specifically the gate.

After checking each other to see if we look decent, we psyched ourselves up and made our presence known before one of Lady Krauss' maids came up to greet and direct us inside.

"Jinma, Umeiyon, salutations," Lady Krauss greets us first upon our arrival while giving a curtsey before smiling. "It is delightful to see the two of you joining us for dinner this evening."

"… Good evening, Lady Krauss. And to you as well, Lady Beelzebub."

"Good evening," I return the greeting first before Umeiyon follows soon after while both of us bow. Though I said my greeting to the both of them, my eyes were locked on Lady Krauss only.

She's in a different outfit this time around. While it's still in gothic lolita fashion like the earlier dress, this one she has on has a more formal, elegant air to it with frills that sway with each step. Not only that, even though her face was already creamy white enough, I could still make out hints of light makeup on her complexion; lipstick of a pale pink that look full and luscious while her trademark Vampire fangs poke out; eyeshadow that matches her natural violet color while her lashes are done to really make her eyes pop; even her deep red locks seem to be brushed and handled with great care; finally, to top it all off, her cleavage is on full display thanks to the open-shoulder design of her top, her white breasts pumped up and presentable to resemble two large pearls on an oyster like it had just struck a good deal, and oh, wouldn't you know it, she even has a pearl necklace on for the occasion as well.

To sum it up, it's like she's ready to go to a ball instead of a 'casual dinner.' Way over the top for this occasion, in my opinion, but I couldn't even question her change when I thought she was beautiful enough already. I'm that spellbound by her appearance at the moment, enough to get my heart picking up the pace.

{Fuck … and I thought I got that out of my system after my time with Ren and Tyvera,} I inwardly curse as I restrain my masculine hormones from getting to my crotch again.

<"You came six times earlier and after a moment's rest, you're ready to for more. Are human males this insatiable with mating?">

<"I don't know, I think it's just Jinma being the insanely virile dude he is, whether or not my curse is involved with his libido,"> Ume makes a snappy question on my vitality while Nyra follows up with her own thoughts, both heard in my mind through Telepathy.

In case we're stuck on how to respond or behave appropriately, we agreed to let Nyra keep my Telepathy skill on between the three of us throughout the course of dinner.

<"Still, Lady Krauss looks quite different from what we had seen of her earlier. I'm having difficulties to breathe just looking at how she set herself up.">

<"Despite her smile, I could sense some anxiety and nervousness in her mood. I think somebody's looking to fish for some compliments tonight,"> Ume comments on Lady Krauss' change in appearance while Nyra gives her insight with her Psyche Magic skills.

"Both of you came at a good time, the appetizer should be approaching momentarily. Have a seat and let us chat for a bit.

"Come on, hurry it up, we haven't got all night," Lady Krauss gives her permission for us to sit at the dining table while Beelzebub voices her impatience. Both of us comply without argument.

<"Pst! Jinma! Say something about her dress!"> Nyra exclaims in my mind.

{Why? I'm not trying to woo her?}

<"It's common courtesy towards females that males must follow on special occasions, dammit, just do it!">

"I … wish we had something more appropriate to wear since you're looking so stunning this evening, Lady Krauss. I feel like we're sticking out like sore thumbs, especially in such an extravagant place like this," I say in accordance with Nyra's 'advice.'

"Oh, hush, this is just me in a good mood. I understand adventurers usually carry the necessities needed for their quests, it would not be fair to expect you to compromise your safety just to satisfy me for one evening. I am more than pleased enough to see you two going out of your way to freshen yourselves up before coming here."

{… Holy shit, all of what she said just now was true?} I ask internally while keeping watch on my Intuition skill to catch any hint of lies.

<"Not only that but her mood just brightened considerably after you complimented her looks! Way to put your silver tongue to use other than eating them out!">

<"Huh, I didn't think other females would get that hung up over their looks like that. I mean, I have similar feelings with my body but I still don't see the point of wearing clothes, and I thought Jin's tongue was pink?">

{Ume, I love your body the way it is now and I probably wouldn't mind you next to me naked under some circumstances, but clothes are around for a reason. Also, the tongue thing was a figure of speech,} Nyra praises my compliment while Ume gives her input on body insecurities and the idea of clothes. I ease her concerns and correct her in response.

Still, I have to agree on Ume for this one. To see Lady Krauss so dolled up for this occasion, I only woke up from my nap at least a few hours ago, and yet I'm already exhausted enough to head to bed, even without dinner.

It just goes to show that we have a long night ahead of us.