
CH 16: Comforting Natasha

"heh, yeah, I know..." The redheaded host of the Symbiote nodded with a sad smile, before even that disappeared :"Hey, Chaos. Why did you bond with me?"

"(... Haven't I already to-)"

"No, that's not what I meant. I know you did it because of your instinct as a Symbiote and because you were weak back then. What I mean, is why did you stay? Why did you stay bonded with me?

I don't see the logic behind it. I'm not an idiot, I know just how powerful you are. Especially how powerful you would make and become if bonded with a powerful being.

Having all of your physical capabilities multiplied by 20 times is no joke. Especially since it doesn't matter what your host is or how powerful that host is.

I'm sure many people and races would do anything and even wage wars to become your host. Just imagine how powerful Thor or Hulk would be if one of them became your host.

Having a powerful host will also help you a lot in becoming the ultimate being. So why? Why stay with me? An ordinary human with nothing but issues and traumas?

I can't even help myself, yet you think that I can help you? In becoming the ultimate being at that? I don't really think that's possible... It won't be as long as I'm your host..."

"(... You're right. There isn't any logic to it, and neither does it make any sense.)" The words echoed in her mind, causing her to clench her fists unknowingly.

Hearing him agreeing with her, it felt like someone poured a bucket of ice water on her head. She looked down in sadness. In shame. Shame of what she was. Shame of what she had become. Shame of how weak she was. Shame of not being able to help the being that she had started to consider a friend.

"(But I don't seem to care about it.)" He said, and she grew confused :"What?" She thought that he was going to leave her. Just like how it's the most reasonable thing to do for him.

After all, even she didn't have any hopes for herself. The thought of him being able to work it out with her just sounded stupid to her. Just a pure idiotic and stupid idea. A stupid idea that deep down, she wanted to believe it to be true.

"(You're talking as if I know, Natasha. But I don't. I seriously don't. I have no idea about what I want or should do. I know more about you than I know about myself.

You're right, my unique ability of multiplying physical capabilities is just broken. Forget about waging wars, those who know about the true strength and potential of me and this ability, would beg me to bond with them.

You're right. For me, a Symbiote, the most natural thing is to bond with the strongest host I can find. But... I just... Don't want to. I don't know why.

Even when I know it's the most logical and reasonable thing to do for me, I still don't want to do it. It's just my instinct fighting against my weird thought process and mortality all over again.

It screams at me that I should find a stronger host. The strongest host. But my... "Heart"... Doesn't want that. I don't know why, but I just want to stay bonded with you.

Help you. Fight alongside you. Become stronger with you. Become the ultimate being with you. Even though I know that achieving that goal and dream will become hundreds, thousands and millions of times easier by bonding with stronger beings, my "heart" still doesn't agree..."

"Heh, I guess we both have issues with ourselves, huh?"

"(True, I guess. But the thing is, I don't hate my issues. If I just followed my instincts, I feel like I'd hate myself. Feel like I'd become a simple minded animal with only its goals in mind, not caring about anything else.

That's why, I don't hate my "issues". In fact, I like them. Because I feel like our issues are what makes us even slightly more different and unique than each other.)"

"Make us... Unique?"

"(Of course. I know that in the bigger picture, none of us really are that unique or significant. But just stop looking at the world of darkness and secrets for a moment, and look at the normal life of ordinary humans.

How many of them are deadly assassins? How many of them are top ranked spies? How many of them fight aliens? How many of them befriend aliens and fight alongside them? Not many as much as I've seen."

"... Yeah... But I never wanted any of them. Never wanted the pain that came along with these skills. Just wanted an ordinary life where I could live in peace..."

"(But you've already gone through the suffering to get them, haven't you? So if you didn't make use of them, wouldn't all the pain that you've gone through be just a waste?

Nothing but pain that only left scars? Ones that weren't of any use but bringing miserable emotions and suffering? Life doesn't give you what you always want, so you just have to live with what you have, and get what else you want by yourself.

Also, you may not have an ordinary life, but you've at least made it so countless normal humans could live and continue their ordinary lives. If not for you, they would've just died. So don't beat yourself up, okay?)"

"... I... Guess you're right..." As she looked down on her hand and a few scars that her cruel life had given her, a small smile finally appeared on her stunning face :"Hey, Chaos? Can you come out for a second?"

"(Hm? Sure.)" And he came out of her side before floating in front of her, a small smile on his terrifying face that would give other people nightmares.

But for Natasha, all she could feel while looking at that horrendous face was comfort. She reached out with both hands, and pulled Chaos into her embrace :"Thank you. You're the best."

With his head beside her face and over her shoulder, he smiled fondly as his body spread and hugged her back :"I know. That tends to happen when you have the best host there is."

A low chuckle left her plump lips, snuggling him even closer :"Thanks. But seriously, thank you. You trying to comfort me means a lot to me."

"Mhm." He nodded against her shoulder :"You're welcome. What are friends for otherwise?" Causing her to nod as well :"Happy to hear that." <Did... Did this motherfucker just friendzone her???>

"Hahaha." She suddenly laughed, causing him to pull back and look at her in amusement :"What's so funny?" And she shrugged with a smirk :"It's just that if somebody said that YOU would be comforting me, I'd think they're dumb. Yet here we are."

"Heeey!" He frowned in an offended manner, causing her to chuckle as he glared playfully :"What does that mean?!"

"Well, I don't think anybody would accept an alien blob, who's favorite snack is brains and likes to kill people, would give me free therapy." She shrugged :"So you can't really blame me.

It's like saying the devil suddenly showed up and said shit like "Hey, go ahead and do good! Don't commit any sins! Be a good person and be proud of yourself!". Or something like that."

"Hmph." He scoffed, and returned into her body after rolling his eyes :"(Whatever. And who said it's free? You owe me a few full dishes of dino nuggies and chocolate. You forget to pay me back and I'll make sure that one of your organs will disappear. Poof, just like that.)"

"*Rolling eyes* Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say. Fine. I'll even put some more stuff in the deal once this whole bullshit is done. Like a chocolate cake, some of your favorite dishes, and such. You deserve it."

"(*Smirking* Hmph, glad that you know how to be thankful to me.)"

"Uh huh. But first, I need to clean up first. Damn, I feel mentally tired. I'd honestly like you to give me a good fuck. But we don't have the time for that."

"(Heh, yeah. How unfortunate. Then let's finish this horseshit of a situation so I can give you a good dickin, huh?)"

"*Biting lip* Mmm, I'll trust you to be true to your words."


"I made breakfast." Sam said while Natasha was whipping her gorgeous hair with Chaos's biomass, which had become a towel, while Steve was whipping his face with an ordinary towel.

"If you guys eat that sort of thing." He said while leaning against the wall, and Chaos's voice shocked him :"Depends on what the food is."

"Who was that?!" The black man shouted, alarmed as his head whipped to look around before he heard a scoff :"It's your conscience. We haven't been in contact for a while. How've you been?"

"What the... Hell...?" The bird man muttered under his breath, causing Natasha to chuckle as she got up and walked towards the living room :"Relax, he's a friend."

"He?" Sam glanced at Steve in confusion, before he also got up and walked to the living room after patting Sam :"Believe, I'm as confused as you are. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it."

"It's seriously not that complicated." Natasha's sigh was heard, as they walked to see her sitting behind the table :"A slime-like alien accidentally came to Earth, needed a host to stay alive in our environment, he got inside my body when I wasn't paying attention, and when I saw that he's a pretty chill dude, I decided to let him stay in my body since he can also give me powers."

Sam :"... What?"

Steve :"Told you. It's really confusing."

Natasha, rolling her eyes :"No, it's not. You're just idiots. Long story short, he needs a living host to stay alive in an oxygen-rich environment. I'm that host. See? Pretty simple."

Sam :"S-so something like a paras-"

Natasha :"I would not finish that sentence if I were you. He hates being called that."

Sam :"... Okay. Don't wanna get on something's bad side when I don't even know what it is... But are you alright? He doesn't... Like... Eat you up from inside, right?"

Natasha :'*Smirking* He doesn't eat me up, but he sure as hell eats me out a lot.' "No, he doesn't do anything like that. In fact, he actually gives me powers. I'm stronger and faster than Rogers right here thanks to him."

Chaos :"You're welcome, Natasha."

Sam :"... So do you... Have a face or something to show?"

Chaos, smirking :"Not one that you'd like to see if you don't want nightmares."

Sam :"... Fuck it... I'm just gonna go with it..."

Steve :"Yeah, that's the best option. Anyway, we should get back to the important stuff."

"(More important than me?)"

"Hehehehe, I know, right? The blasphemy is real."

- (One explaining the situation to Sam later)

Natasha :"So, the question is, who at SHIELD could launch a domestic missile strike?"

Steve :"... Pierce."

Natasha :"Who happens to be sitting on top of the most secure building in the world."

Steve :"But he's not working alone. Zola's algorithm was on the Lemurian Star."

Natasha :"... So was Jasper Sitwell."

"(Uh yes! The sitter! The one who's tales have been going around the universe for how well he sits! Truly a great legend hahahahaha!!)" <Just imagine what would happen if Thor heard that guy's name lol>

Natasha, snickering and whispering :"Quiet."

Steve :"... Sigh, so, the real question is, how do the two most wanted people in Washington kidnap a SHIELD officer in broad daylight?"

"The answer is..." Sam said as he picked up a file and a bunch of pictures on top, then walked to Steve before putting it on the table in front of him :"You don't."

Steve :"What's this?"

"Call it a resume." Sam said seriously before Steve got up, and Natasha picked up the picture to take a look :"Is this Bakhmala? The Khalid Khandil mission, that was you? You didn't say he was a Pararescue."

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