
A Chance To Become An Adonis

Laying in his own pool of blood, Lu Chen watches his wife being embraced by another man. He couldn’t believe it. If there is any way possible, Lu Chen wanted to tear them apart from each other, yet nothing. Lu Chen couldn’t do anything as he slowly dies. And the final words he will ever hear was, “You will always be nothing but second place.” Then a bullet went through his chest. Before Lu Chen had lost all consciousness, endless regret begins to flow through him. The people that cared for him he ignored, people that trusted him he betrayed. The only thing he had on his mind was; a second chance. However, it is as if somebody had heard him plead. Lu Chen was sent back to his 18-year-old body. He didn't want to believe it, yet he had to. Lu Chen couldn't waste this opportunity. What will the young man do to change his future? Hello guys. I will be posting 2 chapters every 2 days somewhere between 9:00-10:00 pm. Also, Penname will be Cai Xi Peng. Illustrator of my cover: Famahima (This novel is all rights reserved) Discord link: https://discord.gg/Ge8JfDk33C Patreon: patreon.com/placeintime Please note that I will be posting on RoyalRoad and Webnovel as well.

Teaisnice · Urban
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740 Chs

Chapter 59: Get on before I change my mind.

Chapter 59: Get on before I change my mind.

Saying that he will place in the top ten at the least made Elder Wu surprised. Naturally, he knows that Lu Chen's grades have been at the bottom of the class for every term he's been in. If it had been any other time, Elder Wu would have thought Lu Chen had gone crazy for saying this. Yet this time, Elder Wu felt he could believe in the child's words. From the aloof attitude Lu Chen had while saying it, Elder Wu felt this unconcern attitude didn't come out of cockiness. Instead, it is sheer confidence that it will definitely happen.

While Lu Chen continues to discuss what happened at school, Elder Wu's expression became weird. Lu Chen stops talking as he spots a figure walking down the street.

"Elder Wu, can you drive towards that person over there." Lu Chen said as he points toward the figure.

Driving slowly, Elder Wu stops the car beside the girl. Lu Chen rolls down the windows and looks at her, "Hey Meixiu, fancy seeing you here." The figure who is walking all alone is Ye Meixiu.

Ye Meixiu makes an angelic smile when she saw it was Lu Chen who's in the car, "Hello, brother Chen." But Lu Chen wasn't smiling at her. Instead, he has a strange expression as he asks,

"Meixiu, why are you walking home from school? Shouldn't there be a car to pick you up?" Lu Chen remembers Ye Meixiu's parents had bought a mansion a few miles away from the school. But it wasn't the main reason why he felt disturbed. Walking home alone is pretty dangerous for the girl.

Scratching her face slightly, Ye Meixiu explains, "Well, you see, uncle Mo had told me the car had broken down in the day. So uncle Mo couldn't pick me up from school and I have to walk.

That still doesn't make sense tho. Even if the car had broken down, there should be someone monitoring you still. Allowing a second-generation nouveau riche as Ye Meixiu walk home alone is like giving a free meal to robbers.

Lu Chen then suggests, "Hey, get on. We'll drive you to your house."

"Really?" Her face beams with happiness.

"Get on before I change my mind." Lu Chen said jokingly.

Ye Meixiu gets onto the car, and she bows her head slightly towards Elder Wu, "Hello Elder Wu."

Elder Wu smiles back at her, "It's been a while, Xiao Xiu. You have grown up so beautiful."

Ye Meixiu blushes from his comments and asks, " You've remembered me, Elder Wu?" She hasn't gone to the Lu manor for more than ten years now. So the difference in her appearance from the present to when she was a child was very different.

"How could I not recognize you? You, Xiao Fei, Xiao Ai, and our young master were like four peas in the pod. You, especially. Xiao Xiu, you were so close to the young master." Elder Wu says as he reminisces about the past with the four.

"I still remember when the four of you would always do everything together; sharing the same bed during nap time, play together in the yard, even taking bath toget-"

"Elder Wu, please stop!" Lu Chen interrupts Elder Wu from spewing out everything. The past between the four of them was so embarrassing for Lu Chen. The number of embarrassing stuff Lu Chen and the girls done together was enormous. It was something Lu Chen want to be forever locked in the past. Lu Chen turns to Ye Meixiu, who's blushing from embarrassment from the past as well.

Seeing the two student's embarrassed faces from the rearview mirror, Elder Wu chuckles at this sight. Xiao Xiu is finally back. Thank goodness.

In terms of who was the most qualified to be Lu Chen's fiancee, Elder Wu felt Ye Meixiu is the best choice for Lu Chen.

In the past, Elder Wu had noticed that Ye Meixiu has been close to Lu Chen consistently. He realizes the feelings the girl had for Lu Chen was more than just a simple childhood friendship. And when comparing it to Liu Fei Fei's feelings over Lu Chen, Ye Meixiu is a hundred times better than the girl.

Happy Chinese New Year to you all! I hope that everybody is safe during these times and I wish you all the best wishes to year families and have a happy new year! ^w^

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