
A Chance For Happiness

"Death" Death is something that accompanies Alora ... The adopted daughter of duke Nyx... she tried to escape from it and change her fate...she tried who knows many times...a way after a way...still no result... especially when there is a demon who is making sure she dies painfully every time...she was stuck on an endless cycle of time...each time she dies she goes back in time she tried saving the people from the demon and its danger but what she got was just hate and despise... After so many tries trying to survive the danger but failing every time... Alora made a decision she will end everything...so she gathered all she got from magic and exploded herself along with the Demon....this was her last death...or that was what she thought....her long awaits happiness is waiting for her in this life...

DepressedOnLife · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

You Are Me

Chapter 7

Ok I know this chapter might be confusing but you will understand everything in the end


??: "ALORA!!! " a voice was calling her.

Alora:' Huh?...what..?' Alora opened her eyes lazily and looked around to see who was calling her...her eyes met another pair of eyes, they belonged to a young man, he had short red hair and green shining eyes...

??:" Come on Alora Wake Up Already!! I'm tired of waiting!!" the young man screamed with annoyance...he was bored there was nothing to play with so he wanted Alora to play with him!! since he doesn't dare to ask the "other one ".

Alora opened her eyes wildly and stared at the young man in shock...she couldn't believe it...

??:" hey what's wrong? is there something on my face? or did you finally realize how handsome am I!! well, you realised that too late But it doesn't matter you know what they say " better late than never" hahaha!!"

Alora didn't mutter a single word she was just staring at the young man without blinking...

??:" okay what's really going on? are you okay Lora...? AAH don't tell me you stayed all night training again!! last time you had a high fever for 3 days!!" the young man's words looked a little harsh but his tone was full of concern towards Alora they were warm to her...

'Hold on Alora...don't let Them out...keep them locked inside... DON'T LET THEM OUT!!'

the young man was worried...because Alora would usually scream at him for waking her up from her " beauty Sleep" but now Alora is just staring at him

...he put his hand on Alora's forehead" hmm...there is no temperature...do you feel pain anywhere?"

'Hold them, Hold them, Hold them, Hold them, Hold them THEN IN!!! IT'S NOT REAL!! DON'T BE WEAK!!'

??:" you know what I'm calling Ethan!! he knows what to do!!" the young man sprinted out of the door and took a deep breath and shouted "ETHAN!!" multiple times each time his voice became higher and higher

Ethan:" WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ARES?!" an angry voice shouted back.


Ethan:" WHAT?!" loud aggressive footsteps were heard all over the place...

3 seconds later a loud bang was heard, Ares gulped...he looked towards the door and saw another man...he was breathing heavily...he walked to Alora and crouched down on her bed, and asked in a soft voice:" Lora? are you okay? is something wrong? did that bastard say something to you?" Ethan's eyes were glaring at Ares they had a dangerous light...

Ares gulped and said urgently he knew that if he didn't defend himself he will turn into meat!!!


'don't... Hold it... '

Ethan looked at him suspiciously... He turned his head to Alora and said: " you know you can tell me everything right? Did he say or did anything?"

Alora was still silent...


Alora closed her eyes with pain eating her inside out... ' don't...please... '

Ethan: " shut up Ares" Ethan put his hand on Alora's hair and stocked it gently...

Are:" T^T I'm being accused... UGH!!! FINE, IT DOESN'T MATTER ANYWAY!! " Ares walked to Alora and hugged her while sulking and said" I only need Alora to believe in me not you asshole" Ares had a smug look on his face...

Ethan:" why you-" he was irritated by this look, especially the one on Ares's face... He looked at The Silent Alora and took a deep breath and also hugged her" this is not the end of our talk Ares... I will drop it because I'm too worried about her we will continue it later! "

'...no...I...can't... '

The two of them stopped talking and just hugged Alora gently..... It was full of love for her...

Alora couldn't stand it anymore... Hot tears streamed down her face, and she squeezed his eyelids shut in the hope his tears would stop.

Ethan and Ares both shouted at the same time

" ALORA?! " they were both shocked they didn't understand what was happening with Alora but still they tightened their hug and started comforting her...

Ethan:" hey hey don't cry!! Oh!! Ahhh what about we go downstairs to make your favorite pudding this will definitely make you happy!! " Ethan was really nervous... He never saw Alora cry before...

Ares: "Yeah!! Come on Lora!! "

Alora didn't stop crying, her tears fell even harder... And she hugged Ethan and Ares back...

"I-I'M SORRY!!! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!! IF I ONLY DIDN'T....you would be ... "Alive... Alora stopped talking she didn't want to remember what happened...

Ethan and Ares had confused looks on their faces

" Alora what are you talking about? is everything okay?" asked Ethan anxiously...

Alora tightened her hug and said:" I wish I can stay here forever... With you guys... But... "

Ares:" huh? What do you mean Alora? This is your home so you will always still be here unless we moved the house but it's a different story... And of course, we will always always be with you because we are a family!!! right, Ethan?" Ethan nodded his head straight away

Alora looked at them with a smile on her face " this is not real...this is all a dream...I want it to be true...but it's not...because we didn't meet again...'


Alora closed her eyes for a second but when she opened them there was a different scenery before her eyes... A dark void surrendered her...

??;" how booooring Alora... I thought you will enjoy my gift...but looks like you didn't~," a playful voice said... And the voice echoes repeated endlessly in the void...

Alora began looking around searching for the voice she couldn't see a thing ...

??:" you became weak Alora...you never let anyone into your heart even Jane...so why those two?"

Alora:" SHUT UP!!! AND SHOW YOURSELF DUMBASS!!!!" Alora shouted to the unknown voice

??:" I Don't Want to~" Alora cringed at the way the voice was talking...

??:" well since you didn't like my first gift...I think this one will make you glad....hahaha!!!" the voice started laughing evilly...A flashing light hit Alora which made her close her eyes forcibly...

Suddenly the scenery changed...Alora opened her eyes to look at her surrounding...she was horrified by it...''...no...no..NO!!!" Alora cried out... this place is where she truly lost everything...

There were no words to describe how this place...destruction was everywhere... her beautiful home was burning down...what made it worse three dead bodies were lying on the ground and another girl was laughing... it was Lilith...Alora couldn't stand looking...she loathed this memory

??: "Haahhaha!!! What about now Do you like my gift?! Did it bring you"nice" memories?!"

Alora lowered her gaze to the ground she didn't want to look...

??:" now now this won't do Alora...you have to fully enjoy it fully...RIGHT?!" A sudden wave of power took control of Alora's body and raised her head so she can see everything...

??: "good girl~now why don't we recall what happened shall we?"

Alora couldn't answer that power and shut her mouth completely...she couldn't stutter a word...

The scenery changed once more to a picture of a beautiful house...and there was a beautiful garden in front of it...it contained a lot of gorgeous Roses and flowers...you could tell how it was carefully taken care of by its owners...and in the garden, three people were sitting there chatting with each other while drinking some tea...it was a relaxing sense...

??:" so how did all of this begin....let's see...young Alora runs away from the Nyx's in the 80 cycles...taking a ship to go to the other kingdom to try living life before getting killed...a sea monster attack you fight that monster with your Magic blah blah blah... and when it was about to hit you when you are not aware...two people help you... Who are Ares and Ethan...you defeat the monster together and save The ship...Ares tried talking to you and Ethan but you both ignored his existence...poor thing...2 days later the ship arrive at the main city harbor...you three go in different directions without even talking? Wow, now I'm really curious about how well everything will work out.

Alora had a" how the fuck you don't know about this since you are in my head" expression...

The voice felt like it said the wrong words so he hurriedly started to explain:" I-I just to let you know I could only enter the bad memories only to torment you so the good memories like this one I can't enter it but right now we are here because I finally succeed sucking your conscience into your memories in the name of " torment you " so now I can finally access to all the memories a-and I didn't know what should I do to be able to talk to you...so I can only send nightmares to see you!!!"

Alora froze for a bit but then started fighting the power that was holding her...

??:" ah you want to say something wait..." Alora felt the power leaving her mouth but still controlled her body...

Alora: "so you've sent me countless nightmares all of these years so you can just talk to me and get accessed to my memory?! You fucker!! You could have asked and I will let you enter asshole!!".

??:" wait that works?" the voice asked doubtfully

Alora:" of course it does!! This is my fucken head I can control it !! I'm the boss her-"

'wait...it's MY head so that means!!!'

Alora closed her eyes and imagined the power disappearing from her body...' it worked' Alora stood up and started crackling her fingers...


Alora:" I told you, Dumbass this is MY head so I AM the boss !!" Alora finally finished her fingers and switched to her neck "now would you appear peacefully OR forcibly...you choose..." the voice looked at Alora who was about to murder it...

??:" b-but you can't see me stupid!!! So you can never catch me!!" the voice was flustered he didn't know what to do!!!

Alora:" oho? Want me to try?"



A ball of Light appeared in front Of Alora...the ball started taking a form Alora stared at the process silently...a human figure emerged...ten minutes later Alora looked at the complete figure...it was herself...

??:" now how about this!! Are you shocked?! Hahaha!!"

Alora:" stop it with that annoying laugh it doesn't make you evil but a joke."

The voice-no the other " Alora" was stricken dumb and didn't react for a while...

Alora:" and I'm not shocked...rather I kind of expected it but wasn't sure you know "

The other Alora Sobered up and its face turned red and...started weeping and screaming while stomping on the ground like a spoiled rotten Brat " NOT FAIR NOT FAIR!!!! WAAAAAAH!!! YOU DESTROYED MY FUN!! "

Alora:" shut the fuck up...do you know how embarrassing I'm right now...seeing "myself" being stupid..."


Alora " never NEVER call yourself me because I ain't a spoiled brat not stupid like you"

"you-you!!!HUMPH!!!" The other Alora didn't know how to respond to Alora's words so it just closed its mouth to not become more ashamed...

"a-anyway how did you know?" the other Alora asked trying to change the subject

Alora: "I mean it's obvious, that demon itself herself couldn't get into my head even though it should be the easiest thing to do with the demonic magic...but that demon didn't...no...it should be couldn't not even once...so that means what inside my head is part of "me" "

The other Alora didn't respond unlike what Alora expected...she thought she(the other Alora) will become angry and throw torment like before...

Silent filled between them Alora glanced at the memory behind her and saw it stopped moving.

"...will you erase me now?" the other Alora unexpectedly asked

Alora:"...Huh?" Alora was dumbfounded by this question...

"answer me "

Alora: "hmmm no I won't do that"

"hahaha expected- wait what?" it was dumbstruck by her answer and said" b-but why?! I-I was horrible to you for so long!!! I sent you millions of nightmares every time you sleep!!"

Alora:" well that's true...but if you didn't send me those nightmares I wouldn't be who am I right now...those nightmares made me stronger than before... and obviously you kind of protected me from the demon right? So my conclusion is that you are sending me nightmares to strengthen my mind so that demon doesn't enter...am I correct?

also, hate to say this but you are also "me" so if you're gone it will be like I'm killing myself. f? And I don't like that idea at all"

The other Alora was dazed by Alora's answer...she throw herself into Alora's arms and started sobbing and crying...Alora sighed and started comforting her.

Alora:" by the way, do you have a name because it's weird to call you "Alora" and it doesn't feel like we are one since we have different personalities"

"No I don't have... but you can name me!!"

Alora looked at the other shining eyes...she couldn't let it down...she started thinking She wasn't good at picking names...she sighed once more....after a while she came up with a name " what about "Avic"? it has the same meaning as my name "dream" "

" I LOVE IT FROM NOW ON I'M AVIC" Avic hugged Alora while giggling and laughing

Alora:" Okay that's enough get off" Avic ignored her and tightened her hug

Alora couldn't count how many times she sighed...

Avic raised her head from Alora's chest and said:" since we are on good terms now can we continue the memory I want to know everything!!"

Alora:" okay fine!! I will let you see it and permit you to my memories alright?

Avic" YAY!!" Avic shouted excitedly

Alora:" you know you act like a child..."

Avic:" well then I'm the childish version of you but that doesn't matter let me see already!!"

Alora sighed and said:" to the beginning we go I guess"

Hello Folks!!

Hope you liked the chapter!!

As always please tell me if there was a mistake or an error I should fix

See you all in another chapter!!

DepressedOnLifecreators' thoughts