
A Chad In The Multiverse

This is what would happen if a true degenerate named Chad was reincarnated into their own multiverse. For those of you from my other fanfics, this is the extreme version. I will probably release the more tame one at some point. I don't know when though. Alright time for that usual warning that nobody reads that they should: Warning: There is lewd that goes even further beyond in this fanfiction. This is written by the personality Lustimura. Read at your own risk. Almost anything you can think of will be in this fanfic. Keyword Almost. The things that won't be in this fanfic and once again I say WILL NOT be in this fanfic include: Yaoi of any kind, vore, necrophilia, gigantisism, and a few others I would rather not mention. If you don't know what any of those are, DO NOT LOOK IT UP. Outside of that, if that didn't draw you away, don't say I didn't warn you. Also the MC is OP if the tags didn't tell you that already. I'm not trying to hide what this fanfic is, hence the tags that are there and the warning. Also there is a 'system' in this fanfiction but it is not the focus. The lemons will be the focus. What do you do when life gives you a system and lemons? You focus on making lemonade. Also, every character depicted in this fanfic is 18+. Hit me up on discord: Under construction

Oshimura · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chad 3

We were inside the White Tiger Guild base when I introduced my three new guild members to Yoon-Ho. He asked me what my future plans were, and I told him that I would expand my guild again, and guide them into the dungeons. It was also a well kept secret between us that I could increase the power of female hunters that I was with and could tame monsters. He knew but didn't say anything. He must have noticed something when he saw Seldra and Ansha's tails. Well, looks like I have a strong and unexpected friend in this world. He waved us off as we left to raid a dungeon, he even reserved a few more C-Rank dungeons, a B-Rank Dungeon, and an A-Rank dungeon for me. He probably won't be surprised by Jin-Woo's powers in this world when he sees him this time around. He also invited me to go out drinking with him and Byung-Gyu whenever I'm free. We exchanged numbers and left.

Once we reached the first C-Rank dungeon, we quickly went inside before anyone could notice us, because I will more than likely come out with new minions. Once we got inside, we were greeted by open plains. I don't know how bad my luck could be for me to encounter a red gate already, but this will probably drive Yoon-Ho crazy. I didn't mind all that much, this would be a great way to level up and gain minions. I can buy food from the system, and camping equipment. My girls didn't even bat an eye when they noticed the gate change to a red gate, probably due to the previous conversation I had, oh well. First we need to find a good place to hold out, then slowly hunt monsters until we find the boss. As luck would have it, the enemies that I spotted in the dungeon once we found a place to camp, and I started scouting around, were elves. Not the deranged ones that Jin-Woo encountered, but pale-skinned, red haired ones. Although I can't 100% tell if they are insane or not like their counterparts. I'll have to capture a female one to find out. There were two males and one female that I spotted.

Ju-Hee buffed me, and I quickly took out the male elves, while Ansha and Seldra tied up the female elf. They barely had a chance to scream. I didn't take any chances though, and we quickly relocated to our base camp in a cave with the female elf over Ansha's shoulder. Once we got back in the cave, I made sure that Ansha and Seldra had a tight grip on the elf as they held her down. I ripped up her clothes and rammed her pussy without lube. There was no need to be gentle, she was at least high C-Rank and close to B-Rank in power, she wouldn't die from it. Muffled screams could be heard from the elf, but I could care less. While she wasn't a virgin, she was still insanely tight as I thrusted in her pussy. Over time, she was eventually moaning in pleasure and bucking her hips after I came into her for the third time. I was already fucking her ass by the time her restraints were removed. My other three girls were playing with each other and I had an evil smile as I had an interesting idea.

While I was still fucking Aerith, the elf's name, in her ass, I bought the body manipulation skill. It was a combination of flesh magic and tentacle magic that allowed me free reign with adjusting my body. I gave myself nine tentacles. Two went into Aerith's mouth and pussy, three found their way into Ju-Hee's ass, mouth and pussy, two attacked Seldra's ass and pussy, and two went for Ansha's mouth and ass. Thus it became a fuck-fest within the cave. I made sure there were no enemies nearby the entire time as things reached their climax. Another 30 minutes passed by, and our entire campsite was covered white, with the girls spasming as they continually orgasmed. I used the clean skill and got rid of the mess. I also bought a portable bath from the shop. While the clean skill may clean you, it could never remove the feeling of a nice bath. I removed it from my inventory, and part of the cave turned into a hot spring. I also bought a good amount of food and several sets of clothes for all of use.

By the time I was finished and took a bath, the girls got up, ate, and took a bath themselves, before going to sleep. I bought a few sound wards from the system shop and placed them in several areas around the cave. This way, we will be woken up the moment anything comes in the vicinity of the cave, even if they are stealthed. By the time it was morning, I found out that Aerith specialized in assassination, and could wield two daggers. I bought two daggers from the system shop that were better than her current ones, got her a matching guild uniform to the ones that the rest of us wear, including a skull mask that had a black skull with a white background. Once we were all geared up, I had Aerith lead the way to her elven brethren after making her indifferent to her own kind. She also turned out to be Elite Rank, which means she was at least low B-Rank in power. Also, her level was 2. I'm glad we caught her off guard, because after taming her, my agility and sense stats went through the roof. Currently she was the strongest one of the group excluding myself.

We slowly took out all of their scout groups over the course of a few days. I managed to get two more elf girls that were at elite grade. I opted to have them pick their own names, since I couldn't think of names for them at the time. It took us around a week and a half to take out most of the elves. The amount of female elves I have increased to 8. I become a tentacle monster every time I have to tame a new member, due to everyone else getting horny and my endless lust. Well not a full on tentacle monster, I just grow a large amount of tentacles out of my back to pleasure all of the girls and myself at the same time. The rest of the elf girls were also of elite grade, not a single knight grade. By now though, I felt like I had the power of a high A-Rank due to my stats and level. I have a feeling though that the boss of this dungeon is at least A rank since almost all of the elves are B-Rank.

Ju-Hee managed to get to High B-Rank in power, Seldra and Ansha managed to get passed Elite grade and are probably close to upgrading again. Their features grew more feminine and human like, but still mostly looked lizard like. Aerith was the closest to me in power and upgraded to Knight Rank. Her hair had strands of silver in it, her ass got more plump, her bust size increased to D-Cup, and she remained slim. Once we got to the boss, I was disappointed that it was a guy, but it's fine since Aerith alone was worth being here, let alone the rest of the elves that were now spotting my signature guild getup. The boss fight was painfully easy, since I had several damage dealers, a strong healer, and a few tanks, the boss died in a minute of engaging him. When we finally finished the dungeon, I made sure our camping site was stored in my inventory, including the wards and portable hot spring, before we headed out.

Like I expected, Yoon-Ho was waiting outside the dungeon, with a lot of his guild camped out, and the Hunters Guild was there as well. I didn't care for all the attention so I just waved to Yoon-Ho and ran off with my guild members. Everyone was surprised by the eleven new guild members that they didn't see before, and quickly broke out into whispers. Now that I have enough points, I bought something that I was eyeing for a while. It was called a portable base, and it would cost most of my points. When we got to Ju-Hee's house and went inside, I placed a ward near the entrance, and activated the portable base. We were greeted by a white light, before we were inside of a gigantic mansion. Each bedroom was catered to a specific person. The kitchen was bigger than one on a 5 star restaurant. We had a mess hall and a dining room. There were four floors, a library, a bathroom in each bedroom, a bathhouse, a hot spring, a patio, and much, much more. All of my girls were brimming with excitement, but didn't rush off until I let them. Once I let them go off to do their own thing, all of them ran off in different directions when I told them that someone was at the front door of the house outside.

When I opened the door wearing casual clothes except for my mask, I saw the guild master of the Hunters Guild Choi Jong-In and Yoon-Ho. It surprised me to see Jong-In, but he probably wanted to see me due to the red gate. I invited them inside and directed them to a table in the dining room. I served tea as a courtesy, before sitting down myself.

[Excuse me Dan, May I ask where are your guild members at this time? Forgive me for being presumptuous, but you were seen walking in here with them.] [Jong-In]

Yoon-Ho just shook his head. I took a sip of tea and decided to show off a bit. I transported us into the dining room of my new guild base. I saw a few of my guild members there, and they ran off to get everyone else. Both of the S-Ranks looked shocked. Not only were they transported with space magic, but the place they were transported to was gigantic. That's probably what they were thinking. Once I finished drinking my tea, the rest of my guild gathered behind me, with Aerith, Ju-Hee, Seldra, and Ansha standing directly behind me. The two of them were at a loss for words when they looked at me and my guild members to gauge our power. I was already at S-Rank in power after killing the boss and another session with the girls. The two of them probably noticed this. Eventually Yoon-Ho spoke up.

[I see that you have finally broken through to S-Rank after all these years. Congrats, you should get re evaluated when you get the chance. Although, it looks like you are still growing your guild so you should take your time with it.] [Yoon-Ho]

Jong-In nodded his head to that. We talked for a little while longer before I brought them out of the place and we were at the front door of the house. They decided to follow me as I headed off with my guild to sell mana crystals. The guild leaders grabbed the small amount of members they brought with them to follow mine as we slowly started to draw a crowd around us. It looked like the receptionist was ready this time as I had my guild members bring out 15 bags filled to the brim with mana crystals and monster cores. After that was taken care of, the Korean Hunters Association took notice of what was going on, and Woo Jin-Chul the chief came by and noticed the situation. He quickly dispersed the surrounding crowd and requested that I follow him with my guild members. Looks like I would be getting tested sooner than expected.

When we got to the association, the guild leaders continued to follow me and my guild members as I was brought to a testing area. When I was tested, I was 'immeasurable' in both a physical and magical category. I would be the 10th S-Rank. I was fine with this, I'll have to have Ju-Hee go on that dungeon run with Jin-Woo when he fights that assassin from the hunters association though, and just repeat what she said in the manhwa. All of my members were tested as well, their info was kept confidential and all of their names written down. Aerith was a high A-Rank assassin, Ju-Hee upped her healer rank to A, Seldra, Ansha, and the rest of the elves were mid-high B-Rank. My guild was upped to an S-Rank guild due to me being S-Rank. After everything was taken care of, we quickly cleared out all of the other dungeons that were reserved for us except for the A-Rank dungeon. I couldn't find any valuable targets to tame in the dungeons sadly, but we did get a large amount of mana crystals, and I paid my guild members. It wasn't much since I already provided everything they needed, it was just spending money if they wanted to buy something for themselves.