
A Chad In The Multiverse(Extreme Version)

This story has been moved to my main account Oshimura

Embodiment_Of_Lust · Anime & Comics
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Chad 4 (Read my warning in the description of this fanfic. At this point it may as well be a meme)

I gave the A-Rank dungeon back to Yoon-Ho since I got a dungeon key as a reward from the system. The big difference between Jin-Woo and me, is that I can grow at a much faster rate than he can, and I can gain stats from not only leveling up, but also from anything or anyone I tame. Also my system is fundamentally different and doesn't really issue quests often. It only rewards me with points and other things based on the actions I take. At this point I have around two weeks before Jin-Woo has to go into a dungeon with that assassin. I will make sure that her stats are high enough that nothing goes wrong. The system told me that the story will be pretty much the same as long as I have Ju-Hee act the same unless she is in danger.

Two weeks passed by and I was at the top of power that an S-Rank could have. It is getting increasingly difficult to level up or up my stats by this point, but I'm sure that will change in the coming weeks. Ju-Hee got to the highest an A-Rank healer could, Aerith is an S-Rank assassin and her rank upgraded to Elite Knight. Her hair is mostly silver now, and her skin started to shine a bit. Ansha and Seldra got to A-Rank, upgraded to Knight Grade, and assumed humanoid appearances now. Both of them had blood red hair, red eyes, large breasts, amazing curves, and grew a second tail. The elves got to high B-Rank, and now I have each role in a party taken care of. I expanded my guild a little and managed to get four arachne at A-Rank. We fought them in an A-Ranked spider dungeon and because of that, I learned what it's like to fuck a spider. I had to use body modification to make my dick longer just to fit their fat asses. They are able to assume more humanoid appearances due to their rank and power.

It was around the time for Jin-Woo to go on his first dungeon run with all of the fillers. I sent Aerith to capture Han Song-I and place my replacement I made in her place. I basically grabbed a random orphan girl around her age, used body modification to make her look exactly like her, and spent points with the system to implant her exact memories up until this point and remove the previous ones. Is this something terrible to do? Yes. Do I care? No, the girl has zero relevance after that red gate. It didn't take long for Aerith to deliver me a knocked out Han Song-I, and she was already naked. She had C-cup breasts, a somewhat hairy pussy, a tight ass, long black hair, black eyes, and a skinny figure. I wanted to take my time with this since all of my girls except for Aerith are out running a dungeon right now, of course it's not a public dungeon, but rather a system dungeon, and I can join them anytime if needed.

Thinking about it, due to the power difference, just one load of my semen should be enough to tame her. I figured that I should just make the first load quick, and take my time afterwards. I motioned at Aerith, she unzipped my pants, pulled out my hard rod, lined up Song-I, and shoved her mouth onto my cock. She woke right up after that, But couldn't do anything but struggle as I held the back of her head, and Aerith enjoyed pushing her head back and forth on my cock. Aerith learned some healing magic from the system, so Song-I won't get hurt from having half of my 14 inch in her throat. Or the relentless bobbing her head was forced to do as Aerith was continuing to speed her head up. It took another five minutes before I felt it. I grabbed her head with both of my hands, rammed my cock down her throat, started cumming, and thrusted at a rapid pace while splurging out loads of cum. Aerith made sure she would be awake and breathing through the whole experience with magic, and I continued to fuck her throat. I planned on training her to feel the most pleasure from getting a rough, hard, facefucking. All that could be heard in my room was the sound of my balls slapping Song-I's face and the moans of Aerith as she was rammed by tentacles. I casted some magic on Song-I to make her mouth feel like a pussy.

After I did that, she started to moan as loud as she could with a cock down her throat. I didn't slow down my thrust in the slightest and even sped up. I of course controlled my strength so that I didn't fuck her to death. By the time I came for a second time, Song-I already came two times and was about to cum again. This time, I shoved her mouth to the base of my cock, so that my balls were against her chin. I could audibly hear her swallowing the large amount of cum going down her throat as I held her there. After a minute, I got a bit more rough with her, and pushed her head against the ground before continuing to ravage her throat. By now, Aerith was jacking off two tentacles, two were penetrating her ass, two in her mouth, and one large one in her pussy. At this point, I should feel like Cthulhu would be jealous with the amount of tentacles I can create. I figured it was about time, and took both of Song-I's remaining virginities with two tentacles, and had two more fondle her breasts. She would have screamed, if I wasn't cumming down her throat for a third time, and ramming it to go for a fourth.

After looking down at my handiwork, Song-I was struggling to stay awake and was having constant orgasms piling on top of each other due to the rough treatment. Aerith was awake and slowly getting up, but was covered in semen. I withdrew my tentacles, and used my clean skill on all of us. Then I got fully dressed, before taking a seat. I gave Song-I some clothes, before she got dressed, and I directed Aerith to take her into a dungeon to level her up. I made sure she had her own skull mask as well, her skull happened to be pink. She seemed very excited at the idea of her being able to get stronger. Apparently she didn't get a special ability or particular skill when she awakened as a hunter. She just got stronger than normal humans. It didn't matter all that much though, I opened up a C-Rank dungeon with the system and had Aerith take Song-I in there with her. Aerith can just power level Song-I while I think of my next move.

It should be a few days before Jin-Woo has to go into a dungeon with that assassin, the inmates, and that swordsman who's actual class is a mage. They are irrelevant to me, so I didn't bother remembering their names. During that time, I could gain some more power. Over the past month, my guild has grown in popularity by quite a bit. Mostly due to the fact that we do B or A-Rank dungeons instead of C or D-Rank, and that almost everyone in the guild have the power of at least a C-Rank hunter. Also the fact that there are 2 S-Ranks in the guild and that I am the only male in the guild. Of course, nobody knows that for sure since everyone wears a mask and cloaks, but it can be inferred if people pay attention to the body types of each member. I don't have my guild members go out to take care of dungeons very often, and most of the time, just have them clear dungeons that I gain access to through the system.

Only a day passed since I ravaged Song-I and she was already high D-Rank in magical power. Apparently she wanted to be a mage, so I got her a few skills from the system that would help her in that regard. By the time I sent out Ju-Hee, Song-I was mid C-Rank in power. I made sure that Aerith was tailing Ju-Hee, staying hidden from anyone else. She took off her guild uniform and handed it to Aerith, before heading out to the dungeon. I made sure to have Ju-Hee act exactly like she did in the manhwa, and only if she was truly in danger would she use her full power. I doubt it though, since even though my guild now has a presence here, not much has changed with the story. By the time everything was over, it all played out pretty much the same, and as far as Jin-Woo knew, Ju-Hee would be heading back to her hometown. Once Aerith and Ju-Hee finished reporting what happened to me, I thought about what to do next.

The next big incident would be when Jin-Woo goes into a red gate. He would gain his class as shadow monarch by that time as well. I have around four before that happens. I don't really need to do anything, but I kind of want to mess with Hwang Dong-Su, the S-Rank that is coming from the U.S. to kill Jin-Woo. I yawned, before I noticed that my dick was getting sucked by one of the elves. The girls must have returned from raiding a dungeon. I grabbed the girl's head, and started moving it back and forth at a rapid pace. I conjured up a large amount of tentacles and sent them after all of my guild members.

I started walking towards the red gate that Jin-Woo went into when I felt the power of two S-Ranks. By this point, I had the strength of a National Level Hunter. My plan after I mess with Dong-Su, was to raid a demon dungeon from the system that would be a copy of the one that Jin-Woo raids. I wanted to tame even more, so I figured female demons were next on the list. Maybe I could get a few succubus'.

[3rd Person POV]

The leader of the white tiger guild and Dong-Su were having a standoff, when they felt a huge amount of power coming towards them. Both of them, and everyone else around them looked down the road to find out what the disturbance was coming from. It didn't take long before they spotted the guild leader of Laughing Skulls walking towards them. He was wearing his signature skull mask, with a grey jacket, pants, and shirt. He was also wearing black gloves. Yoon-Ho the White Tiger guild leader was smiling, but also sweating like a madman looking at his friend that he had known for years. Dong-Su looked at him with a face filled with rage and fear at the same time. He's only seen this type of power from the guild leader of the Scavenger's guild, but even that didn't compare to what he was feeling at this very moment.

[So, may I ask why two S-Ranks are fighting it out here? Does it have something to do with that Red Gate? Or maybe a person by the name of Jin-Woo?] [Chad]

The two S-Ranks were going to speak up, before they heard a loud sound of bones cracking coming from Chad cracking his neck. Yoon-Ho thought that if even Chad was talking about Jin-Woo, then there must be something going on with him.

[Why should I answer you? This situation has nothing to do with Laughing Skulls, so leave before..] [Dong-Su]

Before Dong-Su could finish what he was saying, Chad grabbed his face with one hand, and shoved him into the ground causing a crater to form. He didn't stop there though, and hit him several times across his body before anyone could even react. Woo Jin-Chul looked at Chad like he was looking at a monster, and Yoon-Ho just shook his head at what happened. Yoon-Ho expected Chad to grow in strength when he returned, but not this quickly. Chad just moved over a bit, stood against a wall, and waited. Dong-Su attempted to move several times to no avail, both his arms and legs were disabled. He showed no signs of bleeding at all, but he would need assistance in moving. Jin-Chul took him in his car and drove him to the hospital at a rapid pace.

[Chad's POV]

That was underwhelming to say the least. I was honestly expecting a bit more than that. I guess this is the difference between a National Rank and an S-Rank. Oh well, I only disabled his bones to the point where it would last around 48 hours. He is probably gonna whine to his guild leader about me, but I don't really care that much. By the time that he actually comes here, my power will be beyond his. I waited for around six hours before the red gate was cleared. Everything was pretty much the same, the only difference is that the Song-I with Jin-Woo isn't the real one, but just a copy. He won't be able to find that out though. Heck, the girl with him will eventually lose her relevance. Jin-Woo completely disregarded Yoon-Ho, but still looked at me when he noticed the large difference in power between us. He probably thinks that he will catch up to me, but I won't ever let that happen. It was time for me to raid a demon dungeon and gather more members for my guild after taming them. I think I did somewhat scare Jin-Woo when I smiled at him though.