
In Regards To Our Past, Past Life

It's nearly been 2000 years now since that day when that tragedy happened to us. Our beloved home is now gone. All that's left is the memories of those days i spent at that place with you and...the regrets of not saying "I Love You" .

I am Anne and I am about to share to you guys of the promise from 2000 years ago with my most beloved people...


As always... I am now heading back from school and would always look forward to go out from the school gates as the same time with you.

We had always been classmates since the first grade and I never knew of what feelings i hold of at those times... It was then five years later when I dream of our past.

It was such a beautiful dream of that place we called "home" . It was a dream of our beloved Pompeii...

At our days in Pompeii, we would love to pick some citrus fruits from the trees planted in a noble's villa... We would then run towards the sea to swim until before noon... We would then play around at the mountain till night...

As every time I try to remember of these fun moments I spent with you, my tears could not just hold themselves up...

I could remember vividly how beautiful your smile was as you grab a hold of my hands and we both run side by side, reaching out our hands to the horizon as the sun goes down and the light would reflect in your ginger-gold eyes and would brown hair would turn orange...

Right now we are already in our sixth grade and would graduate from elementary next month, all I could do is simply watch you quietly at the corner as everyday passes by in a glimpse of an eye...

The current you looks exactly as when I saw you back then at Pompeii... You are still as cheerful as you were. Sure, your brown hair now turned black but, you're still the same...

I can't help but feel lonely for being the only one who remembers the past and i just can't let go of this miracle at all.

The life that I live in now is my third life and when it was the second life, i didn't had the chance to meet or see you at all...

The you right now is approachable...even our parents our close,but...I no longer look like the way I was before... I'm too afraid to be rejected by you... I can't dream on how the two of us will be together once more...

I'm happy when you were being nice to me but, i know that you just treat me the as the same with everyone else... I think that I'm being selfish for wanting you all for myself and i don't mind being alone like this as long as i have you. You are the only one who gets close to me then you made me get close to the others and made me share a lot of fun memories with others.

"Hey Anne! would you want to join us in an outing after the graduation?" Sean asks as he looks towards me

I would love to go with him but...I decided to cut off our bond for good after graduation and go to a different middle school...

"I think I'll pass Sean..." I said as i try to put up a smile to hold up the sadness i feel at the moment.

I've been able to hold up for 2000 years now, It wouldn't make any difference from before if I won't be together with him from now on again ... I hope...I won't be reborn with this memories again in my next life...

After graduation, I spent my summer vacation at home and just doing some paintings of Pompeii and you. The green grass with blooming colorful flowers... The sea that shines when the sun sinks down on it... The celebrations held and enjoyed by everyone... In this time, I am the only one who would feel nostalgic now...

Summer Vacation ended and it is now the first day of school... I am now doing great at making friends thanks to Sean's helping me before. Now, I'm going to try and forget about him for the rest of my lives...

Just when I was thinking about that, It was lunch time when me and my newly made friends went to the cafeteria and saw him...

He was the little brother of Sean,Mattia 5 years younger than Sean from Pompeii in our past, past lives... Both Mattia and Sean had the same looks back in Pompeii. Mattia was literally the spitting younger image of Sean and the two looks the same even now. The only difference that they have right now is that they have different hairstyles and Sean have a beauty mark near his left eye.

Mattia noticed that I was staring at him and the two of us made an eye contact. I hurriedly turned around my gaze and he went towards me and my friend...

"Uhmm...I'm very sorry to ask this out of the blue but, are you Anne?, do you perhaps remember me?" Mattia asked with a hoping voice...

Just with that tone, I could tell that the both of us are in the same situation... The two of us asked our friends to let us be alone and have a chat with each other for we have a lot of years to catch up(literally).

"Wow...You look exactly like your brother now... Tho, I could tell right away too bad." I said as i chuckled in the

"Speaking of brother, I met him in a family reunion back at summer vacation. He turned out to be my cousin and he is also going to this school." Mattia said happily

As Mattia said that, Somebody sneaked up from my behind and surprised me with tickles...

"Speak of the devil" Mattia said as he laughed.

My heart skipped a beat just by knowing that it is him who came to us... But instead of being happy, i felt miserable than before... Just when i decided to forget about him... He came across my path again.

I left in a hurry with a pale face...

(Sean's POV)

I don't know what I did wrong... I felt that Anne was trying to avoid me since the week before our graduation... I asked of her mother of how she was doing but auntie said that she was just too busy enhancing her skills...

I went and tried to visit her but she seemed to be out so i tried waiting at her basement where she is said to be doing artworks...

All I could say is that she really is very talented! I was very drawn to her sketches and paintings... paintings of the sunset, Citrus trees, The blue Ocean, A painting of an old ancient looking town in Europe and a ...

I don't know why but...I feel sad, regret, and anger at the same time... And my emotions were triggered when I saw a profile of a man with a long brown hair and a pair of ginger-gold eyes...

I felt anger towards that man for some reasons that I don't know...

(Anne's POV)

Things went on and I've been avoiding Sean nonstop to the point that I even avoided Mattia...

I am such a coward for being afraid to face the present truth that I should believe in to... Lord... I really seek for your guidance now... What should I do?...

Before I even noticed it, I'm already at my ninth grade...We are now soon going to hold our school prom... All of the students are required to join and I can't just miss it even if I wanted too...

It is already the night of the prom... everyone was wearing a mask... and it was specially dark for the light was specially reserved for the prom king and queen... Everyone is now dancing...

A man walked towards me to invite me to a dance... I took his invitation and the two of us danced...

Me and my dance partner danced like the way everyone did back then at Pompeii... I was having too much fun to realize that everyone's eyes were focused on us...

The spotlight was then lighted and started to look for the prom queen and king...

To my surprise, it was me and my dance partner...

What's more surprising is that, it was Sean all along!

I ran away and was chased by Mattia instead...

I went back up to my classroom and tried to calm down myself...

Mattia came and tried to comforted me...

Mattia also feels lonely that his big brother doesn't remember "us" at all...

(Sean's POV)

Anne's look can't be shook off from my mind... There was a voice that continues to resound as if he was desperately trying grasp a certain person...

I went to the boy's washroom and washed my face to refresh myself... Just when I was looking by at the mirror, my self changed appearance and hair color too then I was dragged inside the mirror I was staring...

I saw myself in a distant past together with Anne and Mattia...

The everyday and last moments we spent together...how could I ever forget!...

The promised I made...she must be desperately trying to hold onto it...

"I got to see Them!" I said as I hurriedly run to where I think they are...

The two of them were crying and so, I went and hugged them from behind and desperately asked for forgiveness...

"Sorry guys... I made you two feel this lonely..." I said.

(Anne's POV)

Sean remembers now!...

No words can describe my happiness...

(The Promise From The Past)

"We swear that we will always be a family as we are!" Sean excitedly said as he lit up a fire

"Brother and Sister Anne is going to be married and then I'll play with my niece and take care of them hehe!" Mattia happily said

"Everything shall happen for I believe that everything could be possible in the future!"