

Archive and I started hunting for other Aether hatchlings. There was a lot more of them in this planet than I expected. So far, we have successfully consumed another thirty-two Aether hatchlings. We experienced no further ascension though.

Anyways Archive is quite handy. She seems to naturally know where Aether hatchlings are located. It was mostly because of her that our Aether hatchling-consume-rate increased by threefolds. When I asked her how did she do that, her 'simple' reply was:

"I suppose you remember the sphere of perception during our time as an Aether hatchling. Using the standard measurement system I saw in your memories, the original radius of perception was about 9.91 meters, for easier visualization, let's call it 10 meters. It then grew to... about 15, then to 20. Basically each consumption increases it by approximately 5. Right before we ate the 9th Aether hatchling, it was 50. Then after the process of ascension took place, it doubled. Now it is 100."

"Well, that's great, but where is it now?"

I have been only using my eyes to see now.

"I am using it."

Well, that explains it. Wait, what about that detection sense I had?

"That detection sense was the one I used to know that no other Celestials are in this planet except us. Oh, I see another one, about 1800 meters right..."

Archive spends a few seconds, aiming to pinpoint the direction with her arm.

"There. Let's go."

"A Celestial!?"

Archive gives me a disgusted look.

"An Aether hatchling, you degenerate."

That sounded ambiguous, you know!

It took an hour or so to walk another 1800 meters. We had no choice but to walk. Upon arrival, I placed my hand on the Aether hatchling and quickly felt a connection form. The next moment it already felt like this ball of light is now a part of me. After that, it let itself be absorbed by me. It was too easy. I have been doing this all week.

I dropped myself on the ground and once. Aside from the ocassional great feeling I recieve every time I consume an Aether hatchling, the rest is getting boring.

Archive said earlier, in one of our small talks, that a Celestial can only die through annihilation so I need not worry about food and sleep. That was easier said than done. It just feels odd to not feel fatigue and hunger. It feels unhumane. Nevertheless, I am already not human. I guess I should just get used to it. More importantly, that just made everything even more boring!

"That is a reason why that consciousness is unfit to be a Celestial. It has a lot of emotions that should be exclusive only to mortals."

"Then, all-knowing master Archive, please grant me a way to deal with this!"

Archive sits down beside me with her legs crossed.

"I have not seen the full extent of this planet but I can guess that this planet is vast. About three times the size of that 'Earth' in your memory. Although my guess would be only true if the rest of the planet curves the way all the places we have been to is curving..."

Archive then keeps on spouting out words that I can barely comprehend. I guess she is talking about how she came up to that answer. She goes on like that for a few seconds while I just lie there. I only managed to catch the last sentences of her discussion.

"...what I mean is that if you really want to something productive you can just go around this planet and consume all etherial creatures. Assuming a sparse distrubution of them, this activity will keep you busy for a while."

"I had spent..."

"Eight days, three hours and thirty-five minutes..."

She cuts in.

"...a lot of time, with you, doing exactly that in repetition!"

"I know. You seem to show promise."

Archive replied in her usual monotone.

"That's not the words I want to hear..."

That phrase was barely audible as I mumble it out, but that doesn't matter for Archive anyway.

Speaking of Archive, she suddenly stands up and looks to a certain direction. For a moment I remembered a puppy that suddenly sees something that catches its attention. Upon thinking about that, she looks back at me and I quickly avoid her eyes.



"Look, there."

When I looked at Archive, she was pointing somewhere in the sky. Though, whatever she is pointing at, I guess just lying down here will not help me see it. I stood up and then placed my gaze on where she is pointing.

I saw a huge grey thing that resembled a space shuttle. It seemed to be decreasing altitude diagonally at an alarming rate.

"What... is that?"

"Visitors, obviously."