
Off She Goes

Like any other famous city, almost half of the population in Ancdam are non-natives. Being a frontier city offers a variety of opportunities to job-seekers and traders. For this reason, inns and lodgings are always fully booked. In one particular inn, the raucous clattering of several objects could be heard.

"OK! I think that will do for the preparations!".

Fei was busy preparing her things for the long trip ahead. She packed all the essentials, mostly food that she would need for the journey to Presling Grove.

She came to the conclusion that since nobody could accompany her to the site, she would make the trip herself. Of course, she took into consideration the threat of monsters in the area.

That is why she used her supposed-to-be reward of 5,000 silver coins to purchase a cloak made out of Curse Creep hide. Curse Creeps are monsters that are specialized in hiding. They use this unique trait to ambush prey, as well as unwary adventurers. Once defeated, their hide retains this amazing ability to blend with the surrounding backdrop.1

She placed the cloak inside her bag, tapping it several times to make sure that the item was properly secured. She also procured several items that could help her hide her presence. She bought a trinket that serves as a ward against monsters of rank D and lower.

She also bought repelling incense, warding talismans, a vial of holy water, and even a dagger in case she has to fend off attacks by herself.

"OK, time to leave". She straddled her bag packed with necessities and closed the door behind her. Luckily, her room is located near the staircase. As she slowly descended the stairs, she was greeted by the inn owner.

"Look who's up so early in the morning, and packed to the full, at that. Where are we headed today?", asked the owner as she busily swiped the dirt off the floor.

Fei's currently lodging at an inn called Lunar Tear, a medium-sized inn located in the innermost part of the City of Ancdam. The owner is a middle-aged woman in her late forties. The inn's first floor serves as a tavern during the night.

"Owner, I'll be out for a few days. Here's the advance payment for this week. Please keep my room as it is, I'll be back shortly", she said and placed a stack of silver coins on the table out front.

"Out on another trip to observe monsters, aren't we?", the owner said, "I'll never get used to that job of yours", she added.

Fei smiled. She is used to hearing the same thing that everyone says. Still, she's been staying at the Lunar Tear for a year now ever since she graduated from the academy. She knows that the owner is genuinely concerned for her well-being.

The sentiment alone made her smile, but she was careful not to let the owner see her smiling or else she knew that she'd never hear the end of it in the future.

"It's not a job. It's research," she replied.

"Research or whatever, I sure hope that you aren't intentionally placing yourself in dangerous situations, you hear me?", the owner said as her hands tightened around her broom's handle.

Fei knew that what she was about to do was the opposite of what was said just now.

However, she won't be stopped now, nor would she intentionally worry this kind, old lady who is almost a family to her.

"I know. Did you already forget? I'm the best monster scholar in the entire Drethia Kingdom!", she declared.

This is for the best, she thought. Though she wasn't entirely telling the truth, she didn't lie either.

"I'll bring you a souvenir, so don't worry", she added as she waved goodbye. The image of the inn gradually fades as she makes her way toward the city's gate.

She walked a few distances between back alleys and minor roads before she reached the main street. A stream of freshwater flows alongside the main street, while flowers of different colors riddled the sidewalks.

Children can be seen running around the central park where she was yesterday, while others make garlands and bracelets out of flowers and give them to their siblings.

As she was ogling the site, she arrived at the city's gate.

Even in the early morning, the number of carriages lined up outside the gates is numerous. Merchants and travelers would need to pass the checkpoint of the City Guards before entering Ancdam.

Looking closely, she could make out people equipped with different weapons, probably aspiring to become adventurers. Some of them looked seasoned veterans, while others seemed to be in the same age range as she was.

She walked past the line of people, taking care not to cause any unwanted attention. She brought out her map and traced the path she would take. Gorges, plateaus, meadows, mountains, rivers, ravines, etc. Luckily, her path doesn't have too difficult a terrain, but will surely deviate from all the known roads.

Steeling her resolve, she closed her eyes and chanted,

"[Parana Angarum].

A ray of light surrounded her for a brief moment. [Parana Angarum], a quick chant meant for minor protection and a substantial increase in luck to the target.

As a scholar, Fei studied spells and enchantments, even though her proficiency with these is subpar compared to her peers.

Ever since the appearance of the Northern region, a few select people would be born with the aptitude to freely manipulate the flow of energy or "mana" around them. These people are often called magicians or mages but differ based on their application of mana.

Fei uses an enchantment spell, but she can also cast magic, buffs, and minor heals. Still, she lacks the ability to use any type of attack spells or magic.

This is the reason why she would always file escort requests to the guild.

"[Haste]", "[Endure]".

She cast [Haste], a buff spell that increases the target's speed for a certain period of time, and [Endure] which raises the physical limitations of the caster. 

Feeling the effects of her skills on herself, she adjusted her bearings and sped off to the Northern regions towards the Presling Grove.

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Hi hi! Author here!

So Fei finally decided on her own to venture into Presling Grove, with no one to escort her to boot!

What will be the result of her solo mission? Let's find out in the next chapter!

Kawaii_Kowaicreators' thoughts
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