
A Certain Pokemon Shop(Re-Write)

What would you do if you ever woke up in a familiar yet unfamiliar world, without any of your past life memories except for the anime,Manga,Novels,Movies,And Games you have watched, read, or played before? Follow Zeke! In his adventure in a not so normal earth, that he woke up into! Oh! and he has a system too! ______________________________ Warning! Letting u guys know that i took inspiration on some of the fan-fic i have read before. so don't be surprised if there some familiar things. _____________________________ Disclaimer: [The Image the cover used isn't owned by me] [Ctto for the one who made the cover] [The rights to the characters shown belong to their respective owner and only my Oc's belong to me!] _____________________________ Permanent Discord Code: yPePuE3PVu

LazyWriterZ · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 4:Berries are Hacks!

A/N:Do tell me if I made some mistakes, I'll fix it if I have some time


"Thankfully Im rich now! I think.."

'Wait, do I even have money to buy it? I mean I know my current parents are rich, but i dont even know where the money is.

As I have said my Parents are the only person who's rich, not me.

and I dont even have memories of this world. so how do I do this?! This is a lot harder than I thought.

Lets try and look at the Side quests, the rewards might help me.'I thought while pinching my chin.

Deciding on what my next course of action, I tapped on the only side quest I currently have.




[Side Quest](Repeatable)

Name:A healthy body is a healthy mind

Description:You woke up in this unfamiliar world, with your body being malnourished.

Are you just gonna leave your body like that? Of course not! So go get in shape!



100 push up(0/100)

100 sit up(0/100)

100 squats(0/100)

10Km run(0/10km)


(First time reward):Body Memories.

(First time reward):Gym Building.

(Repeating Reward): 100 System points

Time limit:24 Hours (22:12 left)


"The ol' Saitama Excercise?! I mean I wont complain as I need the rewards, especially that Body memory, since if I could get that, I could probably find where the money is, and hopefully know what happened to the dude before I got here." I muttered, as I finished reading the quest information.

"Alright! I guess its time to start with it while I can! especially so, because it has a time limit unlike the main quest, and I wont know if other quest will reward me with my body memory later" I said, as I decided to start exercising.

I then looked left and right, trying to find a nice spot for the exercises but then, I remembered that I have a personal Farm dimension.

Considering farms are big and all, I would probably have all the space that I need in the Poke-farm.

So I got to the world travel pannel, went to the habitat part and selected the Poke-farm.

And pressed Yes when the system asked me if I wanted to go into the farm.

And after pressing [Yes] I was enveloped by light before I found myself in a typical farm-like scenery complete with the barn and all others, and I noticed that it even has a 3 store building in it as my residence here. Then suddenly a brilliant idea hit me!

The system only mentioned to bind a building and didn't specify that it has to be in the main world.. So I think ill just bind this one!

Since if my main shop is inside this place I dont have to worry about intruders and my safety! Plus! The time here could be set faster or slower by ten times max than the outside!

So theoretically I could just spend 10 days here and only a day will pass outside!

Heck! I can even control the time flow here, so if I will it I can choose if I want the time here to be the same as outside or as 10 times faster or slower than outside.

Although if im out of this pocket dimension, The time would automatically be set as it is outside, because sadly I can't control the time here if I am outside...Yet.

Now where were we...Ah yes! Apart from me being able to control the time here at will, I am also invulnerable to Injuries and other harming effects when I am inside! Which means that I do not have to worry about somebody attacking me here!

So yes, Binding the system in the building here is the most ideal scenario. as it would be safe, and time saving than if I bind it with a building outside, where I dont have invincibility and the time being the same.

which will by the way would be counterproductive as I can't open the shop all day. I mean, I can if I just hire people to take care of the shop, but sadly the shop wont function without me, as I can only sell pokemon that hatches from the pokemon eggs that the poke-mall supplies every week. But that topic is for later.

Now, its time to try binding the building to the system, for it to become my shop.

I called out the system, and stated"I have decided to bind this building as the main shop"

And as I said those words the system responded by Showing me a Pannel, asking to confirm my decision.

[Are you sure? Y/N]

I pressed " Yes " and my system responded with a notification Bell, signifying the successful binding of the shop and completion of my main quest.




[Main Quest]

Name: Starting Up!

Description: You've already woken up! and have the necessary information about how the system works! So why not start selling Pokemon with your own shop!



Bind a Shop to the system!(Completed)


*Shop Renovation ticket

*Random pokemon Starter

*Low Shop Omnipresence

*Starter Gift

*Pokemon Library

Time limit:N/A


[Claiming Rewards]



[Rewards have been sent to the inventory]




Seeing the status of the quest being complete, I couldnt help but smile as, as I pretty much completed the main quest without an ounce of effort. And seeing the notification saying that the rewards are sent to the Inventory I could not help but smile more brightly.

"Nice! Basically completed that without effort at all! Although completing this quest doesn't mean I wont complete my Side-Quest as well"I said, Celebrating at first then relaxing as I still remember that I have a quest that can make me recieve my current body's Memories.

Plus! The first floor is undergoing renovations and it will finish 4 hours later, as seein in the system notification.

[Under renovations: 3:59:58]

Alright lets start now!



And so! I spent the next 4 hours in the Poke-farm exercising after setting the time to flow faster by 10-fold, I decided to do all the exercise by 20, except for the running as I made it to be a warm-up each session of exercise I did after each 10 minute break.

After running my first 2km around the farm, which I asked my system to keep track of.

I started to do my first set of 20 reps of pushups. which I surprisingly finished easily, still I didn't change any of my schedule so I moved on to doing my first 20 reps of sit-ups and this time I got tired a little but I ignored it and did the last exercise before my 10 minute break which are squats, and oh boy, I did not enjoy the squats as my knees got tired quickly at the fifteenth rep but thankfully I persisted and finished it.

That signified that I can now take a break so I did, by eating berries that we're already grown in the Poke-farm that I took from the trees that I saw as I passed by whilst I was running.

The Berries I took are those of Leppa Berries and some Oran berries as well, and the first bite I had, took me in a surprise as it was so delicious! more delicious than regular apples that is! plus as I ate the leppa berry my tiredness was somehow going away so!

I couldn't help but take more and more bites at it until the Leppa berry I had was no more, so I took two more before moving in to one of the berries I really wanted to eat from my past life, and that being the iconic Oran berry.

Oran berry in the anime and games is a blue berry that can heal any minor injuries or in games restore a tiny amount of hp.

it looks basically like a blue orange, appearance wise, and the taste is once again much more better than a regular orange as the flavor of sweetness and sourness are more enhances and balanced.

And as for its effects, well my body became much much more better as I ate the oran berry, its like it fixed all the unknown hidden injuries and defects that my body had making my body better than ever!

this would probably be a miracle medicine if this was outside, and I know that capitalists will either horde and monopolize it all, or heck even burn down all the tree out of existence.

cuzz just based on the experience I had just now, I probably just discovered why the people of the Pokemon anime I just watched are so freakishly strong.

I mean who the heck wouldn't become strong if you eat these super nutritious berries?!? plus there are also pokemon by-products there like Beedrill/Combee honey and Moomoo milk.

Just thinking about those makes my mouth water, so I decided to save some points to buy a pair of miltank and tauros or bouffalant eggs in the future.



After the 10 minutes break, I continued doing my workout quest set by set, by four more times, and taking breaks in between where I drink water and eat the 2 only current berries that this farm has.

and 1 hour and 40 minutes later as I started my Exercise quest.

I finished the side quest.

It was surprising for me as well, as when I calculated it I am supposed to finish in 2 hours and 40 minutes, but for some reason each time I took a break, each reps and laps becomes easier and easier and I think know the reason.

Yep, the berries. As I know a normal human body doesn't adapt that early. so it must be the berries which im guessing is the oran berry, as its healing properties are probably to sped up the natural recovery of a person or pokemon's body. And that's probably why it can only heal minor injuries as recovery takes a lot longer when you have a serious injury even with enhanced Body recovery speed.

once again I reaffirmed my conclusion on why the protagonist and any characters of the Pokemon anime was strong and sturdy as heck.

and as I thought of the possibility to exploit more of the unique properties of the berries a system notification sounded, signifying the completion of my quest.
