
A Certain Magical Reincarnation

In a world of swords and magic, the Nameless Lord brought disaster four centuries ago. His dark legions invaded, and he wielded fearsome power. As the gods fell, they gifted the world a hero, blessed with divine favor and light. The hero repelled the darkness, but the Nameless Lord vanished suddenly. Records claim he was defeated, while legends whisper he retreated, awaiting his return." *** "Trevor, a mundane editor from Earth, died one fateful night. But as his life ended, a new one began. Reincarnated in a magic world as Reo Bellar, he found himself in the midst of a centuries-old conflict. Reo longs for a peaceful life in the suburbs, surrounded by friends and family. Raised by gentle parents in a small village, he discovered unusual abilities in his new body. Now, seeks the secrets to his past and of his rebirth. 'I'll be straight with whoever brought me here,' he thinks, 'I'm not interested in being a hero or vanquishing demons. Just a quiet life, away from all the excitement...' But fate had other plans for our Prince of Woe.

DBM_Novelist_ · Fantasy
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109 Chs

Chapter 105: Are You Done? [1]

I felt my Mental Sphere tremble faintly as it instantly suppressed the sharp pain that came with my shoulder dislocating and slight fracture within my ulna and forearm.

The tremor from the sphere was so subtle, it was almost barely unnoticeable despite my higher perception, and I could only detect it for as soon as it did, the pain numbed down substantially.

With my Mental Sphere passively keeping my emotions in check, that was perhaps the main reason I could continue to hold the glare against Bowen without overtly expressing my displeasure through the pain I sustained in my outstretched arm.

It seems I underestimated his strength just a little bit.

I sighed internally.

'it most likely wouldn't have turned out like this if I had taken a proper stance before meeting his punch with mine. I got too arrogant. '

I was high strung over the euphoric feeling that came with having my Mental Core breakthrough and my Mental abilities and perception drastically improve, and as a result of that, I grew a little cocky.

I was certain I could see through all of his moves, and indeed I could, except that there was only one detail i failed to take into account.

'I experienced a breakthrough with my Mental Sphere, and now my body can barely keep up. '

Yes, the balance I had oh so struggled to achieve and maintain over the past five years came crumbling down the instant my Mental Sphere improved.

And once again, my body was falling behind both my Mana Core and my Mental Core.

Well, Mental Core aside, as a Mage aspirant, my body is innately tempered to withstand the recoil of my Mana to some extent anyway in regards to my Mana Core which was far ahead in standards of my body and Mental Sphere.

But in relation to my Mental Core, my higher perception and senses would be close to useless if my body failed to keep up accurately with my thought process and action.

In other words, my body at the moment was a liability.

The balance between my centers of power, my Mana Core, Mental Core and Physical body, was something i had painstakingly tried to maintain over the last few years, but now it was like all of that didn't matter.

I could only sigh internally and keep my thoughts behind my mask and to myself.

'Well, it shouldn't be a problem for too long. If I pushed it a bit longer, my body would quickly adapt. '

That was, fortunately, another perk of having a Mental Sphere; absurd mental and physical flexibility.

Which meant, a few more exchanges like this, and my body would be brought up to speed with my Mental Sphere.

But I wasn't sure if I could sustain more hits with equal amount of force as this one without having my bones and limbs obliterated.

"Is that it? Is it with only this much power you plan to overtake my Village? Pathetic."

I stared unshakingly, apathetically deep into Bowen's eye. His brows furrowed tightly after my words and I felt the tension in his outstretched arm lessen as he withdrew backwards and regrouped with his members.

By this point all three were warily watching at me after the recent exchange I had with Bowen.

My action had out them in the defensive against me, and as if now, I lost the advantage of being 'just a kid '.

'I got too carried away. '

I sighed underneath my breath.

First there was the deeo repulsion I felt towards these bastards, and then the feeling of having my powers improve.

There was no use beating myself up at this point. This was, after all, a good lesson.

My capabilities with the Mental Sphere was nigh-limitless, as there were countless ways I could utilize the runes embedded in my head, yet I had made such an obvious blunder on my part and ended up having my opponents deeply be wary about me.

I could fully utilize the cognitive abilities of my Mental Sphere in this situation because of my lack of real battle experience.

Certainly, I had spent the last five years constantly improving my abilities, but it would be all for naught if I lavkes tge oroper experience to exercise my skills under real life circumstances.

Yes, I had sparred with Don as the others, and Cliff, and Mr. Ridge a countless number of times, and even secretly hunted down Wild animals and fought against packs of Monsters in the forest.

But as it were a friendly spar with the condition that the other parties were unaware of my true capabilities, I could not exercise my full skills during each sessions.

And in the case of hunting monsters and beasts outside of Village guard's noses, you just can't compare the experience to fighting against a fellow human.

Hence why I was in this predicament.

I desperately lacked battle experience and needed to change that before it was too late.

I sheathed my dagger then placed my hands on my sword. Drawing deep breaths, I shifted my stance and slowly leaned forward, I watched as the faces of the three men twitch with tension but disregarded that.

In a manner of sense, them being wary and on edge about me also helped. I needed to understand the extent of my skills and ability, all of my effort over the last years, and I wouldn't have it if everything turned out to be too easy.

With all that said...

I pressed off the ground and charged forward with an impulse, the forest vicinity around me seemed ti blur as tgey quickly raced by me like a backdrop.

Tge exact moment I moved, the three apprehensive men took different steps towards opposite directions, spreading out and reaching for their weapons.

Channeling the Mana in my Mental Core, everything within my perception drastically slowed down, and my sharpened eyes darted around at different angles.

However, regardless of how much time seemed to come to a still for me, for everyone else it continued to flow like nothing happened.

I had already reached the position where the men once were only a second ago. The only person left behind was Borris who simultaneously pulled out his broad sword from the sheath on his back and swung viciously at me.

The broad blade of the heavy sword cut a descending crescent with a short grunt from the big man, and from the tension I could spot in his muscles during the fleeting moment before his sword made contact with me, I could tell he wasn't holding back with this single swing.

I wasn't sure wether to cry or laugh.

I stumped my feet forward, bringing my advancement to a startling halt and shifted slightly to the side. Similarly, a click simultaneously resounded as I unsheathed my sword and rammed the pummel against the sternum of Borris with a powerful thud.

The trajectory of his sword which already missed my body fell short once more as a muffled groan forcefully left his lips and his body arched backwards and flew off his feet, slamming against a tree.

"Hey! Didn't you say he's just a kid?!"

A single second hadn't passed after that when I heard the voice of Marco and three sharp throwing knives whizzed for my face. I channelled my Mental energy once more and time appeared to still for me again.

From the corner of my eyes I judged the immediate distance between the blades and me and pivoted on my forward right heel, spinning against my feet to evade.

The silvery blades of the knives as they whizzed passed my eyes under the influence of my perception, reflected clearly my still and impassive expression. Under the passive cold indifference effect of my Mental Sphere, my black eyes appeared to be lightless against the reflecting surface of the silver blade.


The knives whizzed passed my face and I pressed my feet off the ground and jumped back, evading a powerful blow from Bowen who had tried to circle around me and take advantage of the knives from before.

I had read all of his movements from moment he separated despite not having my eyes on him. Detailed images of a certain radius around me constantly materialized in my head from my dispersed brain waves in the vicinity.

Hence, nothing could escape my perception no matter the angle.

I took a few more steps back and observed the three wary men who scrutinized me with evident caution.

Bowen recoiled slightly and held the side of his chest, and a small muffled groan brought my sidelong gaze to Borris picking his figure up from the ground some short distance away.

I felt a faint bead of sweat trickle down the back of my neck.

I may have not been letting it show on my expression or in my breathing, but it was taking a lot to keep up with my perception and efficiently evade the attacks of the three combined.

But with each movement I took, I could feel it; my reflexes and agility slowly spiking.

I could feel myself growing stronger from the short exchanges I had against the three.

'In the end, nothing truly beats actual experience!'

I wouldn't fail to admit it was an exhilarating feeling. It was also precisely because of this that I felt scared.

Never once before had I imagined I'd get excited from having my life placed on the line...

"Goddammit. How does he move that way, that fucking runt?!"

I could pick up a small curse from Borris's lips with my enhanced hearing.

The three men served as good fodder for me to test out my skills and raise my experience, but I had to remember not to get too carried away.

In the end, these guys were Intruders who still harbored malicious intent towards the village — my village. The reason I had come after them in the first place was to determine their clear goal, it was only until later I decided to capitalize on them to test my growth.

Alas my cold gaze fell on the lanky figure of Marco a little further to my left, more specifically, against the spherical object in his hands.

My actions didn't seem to go unnoticed as the next moment, I felt a wave of boundless bloodlust wash over me from my front.


Bowen chugged down a strange substance from a transperent Vial and some color appeared to return to his face. His brown eyes gleamed with renewed intensity and the tight expression of pain that squeezed his face some seconds ago slowly receded.

He flexed his fist and prepared to rush at me with Borris.

Meanwhile, Maro clicked his teeth and jumped back a few more steps.

"I don't have much left but...you brought this on yourself, kid," cradling the device in one hand, he brought his free other above his head.

"Hm?" With my gaze now focused on him, I watched as the pale yellow, misty aura that enshrouded his figure surge slightly and flicker.

My eyes sharpened instantly at the sight, and three lance of flames appeared and hovered in the air around him.


Marco uttered deeply, and the color in his expression drained drastically as the three spinning spears of fire flew at me at a threatening speed.

'Magic. ' my eyes glistened.

'Ah, yes. He was a Mage, wasn't he? 'my thoughts were fleeting as I outstretched my right arm and channeled my Mana through my hand.

Wielding it as I pleased, the wind converged at my palm then drastically expanded outward at a single thought.


The incoming lance of fire instantly expanded and exploding before they could finally reach me. The flames spread before my outstretched arm and quickly dispersed through the wall of wind, simultaneously, a cloud of dust and smoke erupted and enshrouded my vision.

Once more, I waved my right wrist and the wind bellowed, the smoke cloud instantly receded and gave way to me.

Casting a casual glance at a pale Marco who seemed to have lost even more color from his expression, my voice cut through the still silenced that descended.

"Is that all?"