
A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

Sakagami Tomoya, a shut-in otaku who had a very easy life, finds himself in a sticky situation. After dying, being given a system, and being tasked to become a Story Breaker, Skakagami Tomoya must now bed five girls from each anime universe and impregnate them in order to break the loop that makes the worlds these stories resided in from resetting each time the story ends. Once a he, now a she, and a fox girl at that, will Tomoya befriend the MC's of these worlds while trying to steal their harem members? Or will she settle for a few side characters to get the job done? Or will she kill the MC and take over their role? What is the actual purpose of the Guide To The Multiverse? Many mysterious and more will await Tomoya on her journey to save these story worlds. Advanced chapters can be found on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/invayne

invayne · Anime & Comics
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105 Chs

Heading To Fuhren

--AN) 17+ advanced chapters on https://www.patreon.com/invayne --

As the days passed, the amount of gold that Tomoya and the girls saved up was enough to move forward. "So you are leaving?"

"Yeah, I need to head continue my journey," Tomoya replied as Catherine held her hand tightly. Tomoya was really wondering why this woman's strength was so great.

"Are you sure you can't stay? We could really use your help keeping the bugs at bay." Catherine did not want to let Tomoya and her wives go. The trio was very strong and could easily take the bugs out.

"I already made you all weapons to defend yourselves. Just stay safe. Send the women and children who are unable to fight to a safe location until things are settled. If I hold your hands, how will you ever grow strong enough to defeat the monsters? Right now, you only lack weapons, which I made already." Tomoya replied as she pulled her hand free finally. "I have people I need to meet up with, so I am sorry."

"Fine! Here." Catherine knew it was regretful, but she also knew she could not keep those who were not destined to stay here locked behind bars. "Take this, and if you ever run into trouble, just show this letter to any guild they will help you." 

Tomoya's eyes lit up. She had been waiting for this! She quickly took the letter and stashed it away in case Catherine tried to take it back. Only then did she show Cathering a warm smile and say: "Thank you for everything."

"Yes, thank you!" Shea also jumped in. She held Catherine's hand and smiled brightly. "You have really been too good to us."

"It's only natural. The tri devils are to be admired from afar and feared if standing too close. You three have really made a name for yourselves." Catherine said a few more words before finally letting the trio go.

They walked to the gates of the town and were about to exit when a green haired girl came running over. This was Sona Masaka, the daughter of the owner of the inn they were staying at, as well as the biggest peeping tom in all of Brooke.

"Tomo! Yue! Shea!" Sona called out. "Are you really leaving?"

Tomoya turned and smiled at the girl. "Yep. It's time for us to move on. My other wives are waiting for me to pick them up." 

"I see…. Other wives… Huh!? You got more wives!?" Sona cried out and tried to imagine the scene she had witnessed more than once over the past few days with more girls involved. Her whole face turned bright red. 

"Not yet, but soon. Sona, remember not to trust everyone. If we were some scum bags, we would have dragged you into the room and had our way with you. Your first time should be with a person you love." Tomoya saw Sona's red tinted cheeks grow deeper, a deeper shade of red, and gave a knowing smile.

"Thank you! I learned a lot! I will be sure to find a wonderful girl in the future!" Sona no longer thought men were handsome at all. Now, she only looked at the cute girls that walked into the inn. She had yet to tell her parents, but she would only marry another girl! Tomoya and her wives showed her that girl on girl was the best!

"Good luck!" Tomoya turned and walked away while waving her hand. She was proud that she had set another cute girl on the yuri path.

After leaving the town, Tomoya took out a flying car. This was made with the steering wheel in the center so Shea and Yue could both sit next to her. Because of how wide it was, both girls could curl up on the seat and use one of Tomoya's thighs as a pillow. "Tomo, you let Sona watch us have sex the entire time to make her a lesbian, huh?"

Yue's question made Tomoya chuckle. "Sona is a cute girl. She deserves to be with another cute girl. While it might sound like a bad thing to do, I do not want a cute girl like her to be corrupted by men. She needs to embrace the softness of another woman. Plus, I think she would end up being the male in the relationship anyway." 

"Haha." Shea let out a laugh. "Tomo just didn't want a girl she couldn't add to her harem to be with a guy."

"Shea, it's not good to point these things out." Yue poked Shea's head before wrapping herself up in Tomoya's fluff.

"It's fine. She is right." Tomoya let out a laugh. 

A little while later, Tomoya landed outside a walled-off city. The Independent Merchant Republic, Fuhren. The largest and busiest mercantile city in all of Totrus. This was the place Tomoya needed to visit the most since she needed to get the mission to save some brat who gets half eaten by Tio. But this was also the place where she would meet Myu, the cute little dagon girl whose mother she wanted to make part of her harem.

"Alright, let's head inside. We need to make ourselves known." Tomoya was a little excited. She would soon meet three more targets! 

"Tomoya, there is a rich-looking guy running towards us, waving his hand." Yue pointed towards the direction of the gate. Tomoya had just finished putting the flying car away when she turned to look at the man. 

Wrinkling her brow, she pursed her lips. "Iruwa Changu? Why is here here?"

--AN) Don't forget to keep voting to keep this novel going. If we reach the top five, I will write an extra ten chapters for that month. --