
A Certain Affection Meter

 What happens when a certain teenager's life becomes a dating simulator? / TOARU Universe

IanLSL_ · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

My Life Became A Game!

Academy City, home of the Espers. Where 80% of the people who live are students. In this place there are six levels that a student can reach, from level zero to level five.

In this place there is a certain level zero with a power in his right hand that can wipe out other types of powers. The name of this power is called Imagine Breaker. It is with this person that this story begins. With the dense protagonist named Kamijou Touma.

"What is that?" Kamijou spoke to himself as he looked at a strange video game window he was already quite familiar with.

[Heroines Status]


He's always wanted an esper skill, but because of his Imagine Breaker, he can't develop any. But when he literally gets one, why the hell does it have to be a dating sim-based one!?

He touched the sides of the window and saw that Imagine Breaker didn't work, which he found very strange.

"Such misfortune, why does this kind of thing only happen to me. Well if it's the same in the games, then I just choose one of these and the information will appear!" Touma spoke as he chose the first option from the window. The window that existed before was closed giving a new one!

Kamijou was disappointed when he found that it only had question marks on it.

Due to this he went to the next one and clicked causing another window to open in front of him.


[Eroge Protagonist]: His life can be played as a Dating Sim.

[To protect that smile]: ? (Skill locked)

Yeah just as he had imagined, his power was to become a protagonist of Eroge. At least that way he'll be able to find a girl who likes him.

Today was a free day for him, which wasn't very common, as he always had to fight espers or magicians.

"When I finally have a day off, a mysterious event happens to me. Anyway, I'll go for a walk to clear my head!" Kamijou came out of his dorm and remembered that Index had gone to spend the day with Komoe-sensei, since their teacher was having a barbecue and invited them over.

Touma didn't want to go because he wanted a moment to himself, however Index agreed right away and even took Othinus with her.

While wandering through the certain park, he stopped at a certain beverage vending machine that he always tries to avoid in order not to encounter a certain 'Biri-biri'. But since it was day off and he had nothing to do, he kind of wanted someone to talk to or go out to do something.

Just as he suspected, Misaka Mikoto level 5, was sitting there in one of the park chairs, with an open drink can and another that was closed.

"Hey biri-biri, how are you?" Touma used the nickname she hated so much and just as he thought, she suddenly tried to shock him.

"I already told you my name is MISAKA MIKOTO!!" Misaka replied as she fired a bolt of lightning at him, a frown plastered on her face.

He soon left his right hand in front to do the job as usual, causing him to cancel the lightning.

"Damn when are you going to learn my name?"

"Sorry Misaka-san, I had nothing to do today, so I thought, 'Why don't I try to piss off a certain biri-biri?' and that's why I came here!" He told a half lie since he really didn't have anything on his mind today and he just wanted to give her a tease to see how he would react.

[Mikoto route has been unlocked! You can now see Misaka Mikoto's 'Heroine Status'!]

[Misaka Mikoto: 'Tsundere Friend']

[Relationship Status: Rival Friends]

[Affection Points: 40/100]

[Heroin Summary: In childhood Misaka gave her DNA to researchers under the assumption that it would be used to help children who couldn't use their muscles. It was actually for the purpose of creating 'Railgun' clones. So that the Accelerator could move to Level 6 by killing all 20,000 created clones. However, you, due to her misfortune, managed to discover the project and thus managed to end the experiment, thus causing her to develop feelings of gratitude and love for you.]

[You gained 10 Affection Points with Heroine Mikoto!]

Touma just gaped at the screen in front of her. It felt like the world was making fun of him. 'There's no way Misaka likes me, she never gave me a sign' He said to himself, as he looked at Mikoto and the screen.

He looked at a certain blush that was starting to grow on the girl's face. He finally realized that those 'fevers' she had whenever he was with her was no ordinary 'fever'.

He tried to speak, but the girl responded by breaking out of the trance she was in.

"You just like to piss me off baka, since you have nothing to do, why don't we sit on that bench and talk for a while?!" Misaka replied as she tried to hide the blush that was still on her face.

Kamijou just nodded and went to the bench, they sat down and Misaka gave him the unopened soda that was next to her. When he took the soda from her hand the world started to go black and white, he also realized that he could only move his arms, he also saw that the world had stopped when he looked at some birds that were standing in the air and when he least expected it a few choices of choices appeared in front of her.

A-[I won't drink anything from you!]

B-[You're not trying to catch me off guard are you?]

C-[So you already knew I was going to come here, right, since there was even a soda left over!]

Looking at all the options, he quickly ruled out option 'A' it would be too insensitive to say that to a person. He ruled out option 'B' as well, already knowing what her feelings are for him. It would be very rude to say that to she now, seeing his fits of rage, was just a way of hiding her embarrassment. Seeing that option 'C' was the only possible option for him right now, plus it would be a bonus to see her blush again cutely...

'I wonder if this power of mine also changes my personality a little?' Kamijou said to himself as he pressed the last option, causing the world to gain color again and time to flow again.

"So you already knew I was going to come here, right, since I even had a soda left!" Touma spoke to Misaka with a teasing smile, literally causing her to short-circuit. Touma realized that when he said that to her, he had no control over her body, it wasn't until he finished talking that he regained control.

Seeing that the girl was now giving off sparks, he placed his right hand on her shoulder, thus causing her power to cancel. He looked at the embarrassed girl beside her and saw that he was right.

Touma was happy for a girl like Misaka fell in love with him and saw that always the encounters with her in front of the machine were not a simple coincidence, he felt stupid for not having noticed her feelings, in addition to being angry with himself for always try to avoid her since all she wanted was to spend time with him.

Coming out of his thoughts, the boy decided to apologize for the teasing, but he also decided not to talk about her feelings right now, as she could literally start an explosion and would most certainly avoid him.

"Hey Misaka, no need to be embarrassed, I like hanging out with you too!" Kamijou said to her as he hugged her, he doesn't know what got into him, but he thought it was the right thing to do.

Misaka was speechless, she never thought he would want to spend time with her as she had to agree that she always had a temperamental personality around him. But he literally says that he likes to be with her and still hugs her.

She felt like she was going to pass out now, but she couldn't, as those kinds of moments are rare, especially for someone as dense as he is, so she decided to enjoy it. She returned his hug, even though her face was on fire and even though she was embarrassed, she liked being in his arms.

The same arms that saved her sisters, the same arms that saved her, and the same arms that surely saved other people. When she was in his arms, she felt calm and happy. If this was a dream, she sure as hell didn't want it to end. But suddenly came some words she never thought he would say.

"Misaka, do you want to go for a walk in the Seventh Mist, get something to eat or play at the arcade?" Touma said getting out of the hug and smiled with all sincerity written on his face. He felt nervous since he had never asked a girl out. When a screen appeared in front of her.

[You gained 20 Affection Points with Heroine Mikoto!]

He looked at the window and smiled at it, glad he was making the girl happy.

Misaka was surprised by his question, she didn't even think about it and answered right away.

"Yes, of course I do, *cough* I mean, it's not like I'm excited to spend time with you!" Misaka said to the boy in front of her and tried to feign disinterest, when literally she was pulled into a hug again. Not that she was complaining...

As Touma hugged her, he realized that for sure the ability changed his personality, but he didn't care about it, as Biri-biri looked happy in front of him, besides that he would surely be frozen the moment he knew. her feelings.

"I already said Biri-biri I care about you and I know you care about me, no need to pretend, I won't judge you, now let's enjoy our time together!" Touma said to Mikoto as he took her hand and headed towards the Seventh Mist. He was a little nervous about holding a girl's hand, but he suspected that because of her power, he had more confidence in himself.

Unlike the girl next to him he was literally on fire and going crazy inside as he looked at the boy's hand.

She decided to throw all her nervousness away, as it would spoil their time, and as he said, she cares about him and he won't judge her because of it. So she decided to just enjoy the moment they are sharing. She laced her fingers together and started to get nervous again when she saw that he hadn't done anything.

When he suddenly does the same, he turns to her and gives her a shy smile, along with a small blush on his face that she notices. She can only celebrate, as she's never seen him like this and for sure not a girl has. When she came out of his thoughts he started talking to her.

"Hey Misaka, you know we've known each other for a long time but we never call each other by our first name, how about you call me my name and I'll call yours?" Touma said to Misaka and smiled shyly, expecting a positive response from the girl.

Seeing that she literally never called him by his name, always calling him 'Baka', Misaka began to feel guilty but dismissed those feelings, seeing that their relationship was finally making progress.

"Of course Touma, I would love that!" Misaka said softly and shyly, but enough for him to hear and find it as adorable as possible. "But remember, I'll still call you Baka since you're always pissing me off somehow!" Mikoto said with an intimidating smile.

Touma raised his hands in defense and said. "I already said that I do this to spend time with you Mikoto, besides if you're still going to call it that, I'll still call you Biri-biri. Think on the bright side, this will be like our affectionate nickname from now on!" Said Kamijou with his smile plastered on his face.

[You gained 10 Affection Points with Heroine Mikoto!]

Misaka could only blush and agree, but she was glad they had their own nicknames and that he thought that way.

"Okay, I accept that, Baka!" She said to him, while looking away from him.

"I'm glad you liked this Biri-biri, now let's enjoy the moment!" He answered her as they stopped in front of the Seventh Mist.

This is the second story I create in my life and the first on this site. I'm from another country, so I'm using an internet translator to do my story, so there might be some mistakes here and there, sorry about that.

I haven't read the Light Novels and it's been a while since I've seen the anime, so if any personality isn't matching the character, let me know.

Story inspired by SAO: THE EROGE and Affection Meter.

I liked this kind of story a lot, so I decided to make one of my own.

Disclaimer: I do not own ToAru Majutsu No index and the characters in it.

Yes, I practically copied the name, but I didn't have anything nice to put in, so this was it

IanLSL_creators' thoughts