
A Castle adventure

Belle Rose has to put up with being told to do things that she doesn't want to do, and she doesn't want to marry the man that her parents have picked, Ayers, as she wants to marry the man she wants to be with. Her parents treat her like a 16-year-old girl instead of a 22-year-old woman, and Belle Rose wants to show her parents that she is in charge of her life instead of them. Belle Rose goes on a school trip to Hohenzollern castle as she has never been on a school trip because her parents won't allow her. Belle Rose prays and hopes that Ayers will marry someone else instead of her. She met Prince Willem Maxilion Alfonso Sven of the Netherlands. She risked her own life to save Prince Willem Maxilion Alfonso Sven as Luke was about to stab Prince Willem Maxilion Alfonso Sven. Prince Willem Maxilion Alfonso Sven asks one of the teachers if Belle Rose can stay with him to recover from the injury, and Mrs Sprocket told him that Belle Rose could stay with him. However, they have no idea that something huge will happen, and Belle Rose knows she has to do something for Prince Willem Maxilion Alfonso Sven.

Claire_Roulston · Urban
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46 Chs

How are you coping with everything?

Mrs Vary took a deep breath in, and she asked. "Belle Rose, how are you feeling, and how are you coping with everything that is going on around you?" Belle Rose knew that she had to be honest, and she shook her head as she replied. "Not great, and I am nearly losing my temper with my parents. I know that they are making themselves happy, yet they are not making me happy by forcing me to marry someone who I never met nor heard of before."

"My parents kept saying that they listen to what I say and try to help me. Nonetheless, I knew that they were not listening to me and lying. I have tried a million times to get my parents to understand what I feel, but they still treat me like a little girl when I am 22 years old. So I want to go on this trip, and I can spend time on my own."

"I feel betrayed and let down by my parents. They don't realise that we are in the 21st century and have to let me do what I want. They don't understand how I feel, and they are only thinking about themselves. I am 100% outraged that my parents took my rights away from me and have gone too far. Enough is enough, and I am hoping with mad right now."

Mrs Sprocket and Mrs Vary know that Belle Rose is telling the truth. So Mrs Vary let Belle Rose go with Mrs Sprocket. They move to see the headmaster called Mr Robin Godwin and tell him what Belle Rose said to both of them. Mr Godwin allowed them to enter his office, and Mrs Sprocket informed him of what Belle Rose said to her and Mrs Vary.

Mr Godwin couldn't believe that Belle Rose had to go through a lot because her parents took her rights away from her, and he knew that Mrs Sprocket was gravely worried about Belle Rose. After Mrs Sprocket had finished telling him what Belle Rose had said, Mr Godwin had a solemnity look on his face, and he stated.

"Keep an eye out and keep your ears open for more information. I got a strange feeling that something will happen to Belle Rose if she goes on the trip, and I think it would be best if Belle Rose is paired up with Fatima. If Belle Rose does go on the trip, she can enjoy her time and see different things. If she is not allowed to go on the trip, Mrs Sprocket must sign the permission slip and help Belle Rose pack. Nevertheless, it is best to help Belle Rose to get away from her parents and Ayers."

"Ayers has just informed me that he can't go to Belle Rose's house tonight because he has to go on an emergency business trip, and I got a feeling that Belle Rose will be ecstatic about him not coming. So I have contacted her parents, informing them that Ayers will not be joining them tonight. But, of course, they were fuming with rage, and I quickly hung up."

Mrs Sprocket and Mrs Vary knew that Mr Godwin was on Belle Rose's side. School finished for the day, and Mrs Sprocket walked Belle Rose back to her parent's house, and she could tell that something was up as Mrs Sprocket spoke up. "Belle Rose, what is wrong as you have been quiet from school and are you hoping that your parents will allow you to go on this trip?"

Belle Rose nodded her head, and she replied. "I wonder if my parents will or will not let me go on this trip when I want to go on this trip. Luckily I have learnt German, and I hope to use it on the trip." Mrs Sprocket knows that Belle Rose is worried if her parents will or will not let her go on the trip, and she had her fingers crossed. Mrs Sprocket watches as Belle Rose strolls over to the front door, and a servant opens the door for Belle Rose.

Belle Rose gave Mrs Sprocket a thumbs up, and Mrs Sprocket walked to her house. Belle Rose went to the living room, and a staff member told her to sit down in a chair. Belle Rose held her school backpack close to her, and she waited for her parents to come to the living room. Paris and Ava walk into the living room. They sat on a sofa, and Belle Rose remained quiet. Belle Rose waited for her chance to bring the news of the school trip to her parents, and she knew that they wanted to tell her something.

Ava knew that Belle Rose was waiting to say something, and she asked her. "Belle Rose, it looks like you want to say something and what is that you want to say?" Belle Rose took a deep breath, and she spoke.

"I have just been informed today at school that the headteacher has asked Mrs Vary to say that my fellow students and I are going on a school trip. It is a five-day trip as the trip is to Hohenzollern Castle and the surrounding areas of the castle. I 100% want to go on this trip, and I have the slip form you have to sign. (Belle Rose brought the slip form out of her school bag and the information and placed it on the table. Ava picked the information and the slip form up. She and Paris read through the information as well as they looked at Belle Rose.)." "

I have to be in pairs, and I am not allowed to go off on my own and not go in the rooms that I am not allowed to. I have to give the slip form back tomorrow or two days, and I can speak German to the locals. We are having a tour guide for the castle and the surrounding areas. We can't see around the castle as it takes nearly nine hours to get there and back again in one day. We will stay at a nearby hotel, and I will see what the trip has in store if I go as I 1000% want to go. This will be the first trip that I go on because every time a school trip has come up, you two say no and rip the slips forms up in my face. I certainly don't want to go through that again as I don't want to be left out again and don't even think about it."