
A Cannon Fodder Became Overlord

In the vast and enigmatic realms of the Galactica within the Starlight Galaxy, a tale of epic proportions unfolds in "A Cannon Fodder Became Overlord." This immersive narrative traverses the boundaries of isekai, urban-fantasy, magic, and action, weaving a captivating saga of trials, triumphs, and the resilience of the human spirit. As our protagonist, once a mere cannon fodder, is reborn into a world governed by the enigmatic Starlight System, a cascade of challenges awaits. From navigating the treacherous waters of school bullying to uncovering the latent power of summoning creation, our hero's journey takes an unforeseen turn with the revelation of their noble lineage as the legitimate son of a City Lord. The narrative unfolds as Catastrophic Natural Disasters, the Evolution of Formidable Beasts, and the outbreak of an Unknown Plague herald the onset of Chaos in the Pre-Trial arc. As reality fractures and cities fall before the impending Trial of Gods, our protagonist must stand against Monster Evolution, Zombie Apocalypse Raids, and the ominous Boss Level Evolution to secure a cure and confront the colossal forces of Colossus and Gigantua. Amidst the relentless trials and waves of destruction, the discovery of refuge in the Floating Sanctuary, Elysium Haven, offers a temporary respite before the climactic battles against the Titans in Titania's Rage and the Emperor-Level Destruction that looms on the horizon. As the Trial of Gods unfolds and Ancient Entities awaken, the unveiling of Primordial Powers and the revelation of ancient mysteries set the stage for a final reckoning that will test the very fabric of existence itself. Embark on this gripping odyssey through realms of magic, danger, and the enduring quest for redemption as "A Cannon Fodder Became Overlord" promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of adversity and triumph.

Fading_Echos · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Reincarnated as a Cannon Fodder

In the late night, my room was filled with the persistent ringing of the phone as I rose from the bed and answered the call. Seeing my cousin's name on the screen, I already anticipated her reason for calling and let out a sigh.

"Lea, what do you want?" I inquired as I picked up the phone.

In a gentle and soft voice, she asked, "Nyx, have you finished reading 'The Omnipotent Hero'?"

It's a BL novel that my sister introduced to me last month, an urban-fantasy centered around survival and the mission to save not just the world, but the entire galaxy.

"I've already completed it, and it's quite good, deserving a 4-star rating in popularity," I responded in a reassuring tone.

She fell silent for a moment before abruptly asking, "Nyx, tomorrow is your birthday and also your...mom's death anniversary."

The mood shifted, and I casually replied, "I'm aware, and I'll be there tomorrow."

"See you," she replied before ending the call.

I reclined on the bed and whispered to myself, "Well, I know you despise me, but I won't let that stop me from visiting my mom's grave, Father."

The morning arrived with dismal weather, but it didn't deter me from visiting my mother's grave and the "House of Father," a place I couldn't even call home.

Amid heavy rain, strong winds, and relentless thunder, I navigated the cemetery in a black suit, shielding myself with a black umbrella and placing a bouquet of white roses on my mother's grave.

After paying my respects at my mother's grave, I wandered the city before heading to Father's House.


I pressed the doorbell until Lea's voice signaled her approach, and she opened the door.

"What happened to you? You look so disheveled. Where did you go?" she inquired.

"I just visited my mother's grave, and my umbrella was swept away by the wind, so I ran here since it's nearby," I explained, shivering as I entered the house.

"Mom, Uncle Carlo, Nyx is here," Lea announced. However, they seemed indifferent to my arrival. I clenched my hands tightly as I made my way to the bathroom.

"I'll take a shower first," I informed Auntie and Lea.

As I roamed the house, I noticed an open room. Curious, I peeked inside to find my father drinking alone, gazing at a picture I hadn't seen before. The image depicted a beautiful lady with porcelain skin, silvery-gray hair, deep gold eyes, and small pink lips. I inched closer for a better look but overheard my father's murmurs. Startled, I turned and left the house, tears blending with the rain as I walked away.

Reflecting on my father's words, I recalled his intoxicated mumbles, "Honey, I told you to give up the child so you could be with me. Why did you choose the child's life over your own? Why didn't you say anything to me? Why did you leave me alone? He killed you, right? He should be the one dead, not you." Memories flooded back from my childhood when you refused to acknowledge me, no matter how hard I tried to gain your attention through academics, sports, work, anything to meet your expectations and be treated like a son. I misunderstood your actions and believed my tireless efforts would change your perception, only to realize you harbored deep hatred towards me, even desiring my demise.

Lost in these thoughts, I found myself unconsciously ascending to the rooftop of the nearest tall building.

"If that's what you truly desire, Father, then as my birthday gift, I'll fulfill your wish. If you wish for my death, why not plainly ask for it? You could have instructed me to hang or jump off a rooftop. Here I am, granting your long-awaited desire on my birthday. I will end my life," I murmured before leaping from the top to the ground below.

If there is a next life, I will conjure someone to love me, never abandon or ignore me.

"Nyx! Nyx! Nyx Nightshade, wake up!" a fierce and elderly man's voice shouted, jolting me awake as I felt a sharp sting from a piece of chalk.

"Do you take this school for a bed?" he bellowed as I looked around, confused, while others in the room chuckled and giggled.

'Wait, school? But I've already graduated from college, so why am I here? Didn't I just die? I'm certain I jumped,' I thought to myself.

'Have I... been reincarnated?' I pondered in shock, giving myself a light slap to check if this was a dream, only to feel the pain affirming its reality.

"Are you insane? Sleeping in my class and then slapping yourself? Get out of my class, NOW!" he yelled, prompting me to swiftly comply and escape the awkward situation.

"Are these students from Arcadia National University? Don't let that troublemaker influence you," the teacher added before I left the classroom.

'Wait, did he mention Arcadia National University? Have I reincarnated into the novel?' I questioned deeply while strolling down the hallway, only to be rudely shoved against the wall by someone.

"Yo, isn't that Nyx?" a cocky voice rang out from a tall guy in a black uniform, red-haired with captivating eyes.

"W-who are you?" I asked, struggling to stand as he pushed me back down.

"Oh, can't even remember your friend?" he taunted.

'A friend wouldn't push someone to the ground like this... Wait, his features... Could it be'... "Alexander?" I realized.

He smirked, "Ah, now you remember. Maybe hitting you will jog your memory," as he dragged me to the restroom and proceeded to strike me repeatedly in the abdomen before callously leaving me there.

'If he's truly Alexander, then according to the novel, he bullies and assaults a specific student... me, Nyx Nightshade, the cannon fodder,' I pondered as I forced myself to rise and faced my reflection in the mirror.

"Black hair, dazzling golden eyes, fair complexion, and a smaller stature than my previous life..."

"If I'm correct, this is from the omnibus novel, 'The Omnipotent Hero,' and I'm the cannon fodder."

"Let me see, if this is the novel world..." I fished out my phone from my pocket and checked the date.

"Thank goodness, it's the end of April, which means I have five months before it all begins..."

"Let me attempt to summon that..."

"System Panel."



