
A Cannon Fodder Became Overlord

In the vast and enigmatic realms of the Galactica within the Starlight Galaxy, a tale of epic proportions unfolds in "A Cannon Fodder Became Overlord." This immersive narrative traverses the boundaries of isekai, urban-fantasy, magic, and action, weaving a captivating saga of trials, triumphs, and the resilience of the human spirit. As our protagonist, once a mere cannon fodder, is reborn into a world governed by the enigmatic Starlight System, a cascade of challenges awaits. From navigating the treacherous waters of school bullying to uncovering the latent power of summoning creation, our hero's journey takes an unforeseen turn with the revelation of their noble lineage as the legitimate son of a City Lord. The narrative unfolds as Catastrophic Natural Disasters, the Evolution of Formidable Beasts, and the outbreak of an Unknown Plague herald the onset of Chaos in the Pre-Trial arc. As reality fractures and cities fall before the impending Trial of Gods, our protagonist must stand against Monster Evolution, Zombie Apocalypse Raids, and the ominous Boss Level Evolution to secure a cure and confront the colossal forces of Colossus and Gigantua. Amidst the relentless trials and waves of destruction, the discovery of refuge in the Floating Sanctuary, Elysium Haven, offers a temporary respite before the climactic battles against the Titans in Titania's Rage and the Emperor-Level Destruction that looms on the horizon. As the Trial of Gods unfolds and Ancient Entities awaken, the unveiling of Primordial Powers and the revelation of ancient mysteries set the stage for a final reckoning that will test the very fabric of existence itself. Embark on this gripping odyssey through realms of magic, danger, and the enduring quest for redemption as "A Cannon Fodder Became Overlord" promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of adversity and triumph.

Fading_Echos · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Mission #1: Level 5 Sweet Rewards

I'm all good, just navigating through the day. Hmm, what's going on? Are you lost?" Michael interjected, approaching me.

"Y-Yes, I seem to have lost my way to the library. Could you lend a hand?" I requested, not entirely deceptive as this body lacked knowledge of the library or laboratory, solely familiar with the classroom and the direct route home.


You garnered 10 points from Michael (Confusion).

Michael raised an eyebrow, "Hold on, you're a fourth-year student based on your uniform. Why wouldn't you know the route to the library?"

"Well, truth be told, I've never ventured into the school library before. I urgently require a specific book," I replied, maintaining partial honesty as the necessity to locate that book arose.

"What book exactly?" he interrogated me, an edge of suspicion in his gaze.


You earned 10 points from Michael (Suspicion).

I couldn't disclose the actual book's significance, but hesitated, "It's the school's history book."

"Enough, Michael," Richard interjected, glancing at me with a smirk. "Can't you see you're making him uncomfortable?"

Perplexed by the reference to peeing my pants, I refrained from retorting and simply observed their towering presence. Were they akin to tall trees or some other colossal entity?

They exchanged glances and chuckled at the exchange.

"I'll cease the inquiries, my apologies for that," Michael apologized.

"T-then could you please direct me?" I implored.

Sighing, Michael relented, "Alright, the library is located on the first floor to the left, then turn right, and you'll find it."

"Thank you," I expressed gratitude, relieved that they didn't resort to violence.


You gained 20 points from Richard, Michael (Amusement).


You have completed Mission #1; please claim your rewards.

With the rewards in hand, I excused myself, heading to the restroom first before accessing the rewards.


Here are your rewards:

Golden Key

Unique skill: Guardian Summon (evolvable)

Job: Summoner (evolvable)

Guardian Summon: This skill summons two tank-type guardians to protect you, capable of deflecting various attributes and skills.

Cooldown: 3 days

Summoner: You have the ability to summon any creature you've defeated; however, their skills are limited, and their ranks are reduced by one.

That should help me on my journey.

Golden Key: Enables access to an A-EX rank realm.

Usage: Twice


Your Level 2 mission: Acquire 0/1,000 experience points from the realm. Your rewards will be contingent on your cumulative experience points gained.

Although I contemplated attempting it now, my academic responsibilities must take precedence. Additionally, I need to retrieve that book.


Notification: The Golden Key will randomize doors within D-S ranked realms. The key's validity extends for one month.

However, time is of the essence. I must swiftly progress to level 100 to confront the impending trials effectively.

"System, activate the key," I decided, notifying my teacher of my absence.


The designated realm: [Arachnae Cave], featuring an A-ranked classification.

Cursing under my breath, I brace myself for the task ahead.


Linked mission: Raid and Defeat the Spider Empress. Reward: 2 Legendary skills tailored to your job, 10,000 experience points, Skill Enhancement (allows for randomizing enhancements, alteration, and enhancements to a chosen skill), and unlocks missions 3-5. Fixed bonus rewards will be tied to your progress.

The stakes are high with a potential penalty of death.

"System, open the status window."


|Name: Nyx |Rank: EX |HP:250/250


|Level: 1 |Title: Pioneer |MP: 250/250

|Job: Summoner |Occupation: All-Rounder

|Skill tree (locked) |Karma Market

|Achievements |System Store (locked)

"Access Karma Market."


Karma Market: Just state an item to search for.

"Locate a fire mage staff priced between 50-70 points."



Kestis Flame Staff: 50 points

Margrave Staff: 50 points

Blackwood Staff: 50 points

"Find antidote potions next."



Small Antidote Potions (1 set): 20 points

Medium Antidote Potions (1 set): 30 points

Large Antidote Potions (1 set): 60 points

"It's pricey, costing 4 pieces in 1 set...Nevertheless, I have no choice. System, I'll purchase the Blackwood Staff and one set of Large Antidote Potions. Also, provide me with a map of the cave."

-Blackwood Staff

Deals 150% magic damage. Contains 3 advanced fire magic types and basic spells.

-Advanced Magic

Fire Wall: Generates a fire barrier around you, lasting for 3 minutes, with 10 mana consumption.

Chain Explosion: Releases a fireball that explodes multiple times upon impact with an enemy, lasting for 3 explosions, and 20 mana consumption.

Fire Spirit: Summons the low fire spirit Ingrid to assist you for 5 minutes, with 70 mana consumption.

Large Antidote Potions

-Neutralizes poison effects for 30 minutes.

Entering the cave, I examined the map of [Arachnae Cave], revealing three underground floors. The initial level concealed a toxic fog, along with Arachnae guards and warriors. In most games, Arachnae beings resemble spiders, complete with venomous threats. Their webs are similarly poisonous, inflicting ongoing damage upon entrapment. They attack in groups, releasing wave after wave. However, their vulnerability is to fire.

I'll consume the potion first and confront the waves while advancing towards the center of the first floor.

After nearly two hours of relentless combat, with one potion set already consumed, and my mana reserves depleting, I pause to rest, only to be confronted by the final wave.

Time to conclude this. Initiating the incantation,

"Fire Wall," A towering barrier of flames envelops me, its heat enough to induce profuse sweating, but it serves as a defensive shield against the oncoming threat.

"Chain Explosion," A small fireball aimed at the heart of the wave detonates thrice, obliterating the final assault.

The sub-boss of the first level emerges, the Arachnae General, larger than the previous foes, boasting triple my HP. Thanks to the prior Chain Explosion, its health is now equal to mine. I cast the spell once more, draining my remaining mana, but the outcome justifies the sacrifice.


I vanquish the first-floor boss, the Arachnae General.

Rewards: 3000 EXP, Rare Skill, Random Items, 3 uncommon skills. A new system function is unlocked.

I've reached level 5 without relying on the Level up Missions, resulting in special and bonus rewards.

Special Rewards:

3 random special skills

Bonus Rewards:

5000 Exp

10,000 Karma points

In my curiosity, I inquire, "System, what distinguishes Unique from Special skills?"


Unique Ranks: Exclusive to a select few individuals

Special Ranks: Tailored for only one individual

"Oh, please reveal the Special Skills to me," I request.


Random Special Skills:

Abyss Magic

Nether Magic

Sacred Magic

These special skills have opened new avenues within my skill tree.

"Skill Tree," I command, summoning a constellation of stars to surround me.


|Skill Tree

-|Gaia [Earth, Air, Fire, Water]

-|Nether [Dark Elements]

-|Abyss [Death and Soul Elements]

-|Sacred [Holy Scriptures]

-|Void [Locked]

-|Mystic [Locked]