
`¬Chapter 1¬`

{Ranboo POV}

I woke up to the sound of yelling in the dining room. I was starting to get tired of this, my mother yelling at the maids and my father fighting with my mother due to her yelling at them. I sighed and tried to fall asleep again whenever the noise died down but nope it just started up again. I screamed as loud as I could. ``STOP FIGHTING!!`` then there was silence. I got up and walked over to my closet and got dressed quickly hoping that I could get away before they decided to make breakfast. Luckily I had gotten away. And I headed over to my good friend tubbo's house. As i walked in i heard giggling as i knocked on the door i heard two people running one going down the hallway and the other coming up to the door. And i saw tubbo waving at me as i backed away a bit.



``Why are you here?``

``My parents were fighting again….``

``Ohh… Well come on in!``

He cheerfully opened the door all the way, slightly hopping around. I followed him down the hallway and I saw a little girl.

``Y/N!!! Come meet a friend of mine ranboo!``


She turned her head slightly and smiled.

``Hello ranboo it's nice to meet chu im y/n as tubbo said but you can call me n/n!``

A/N: hello! I won't be updating my ghostbur x reader anytime soon soooo….. Sorry about that plus that story was kinda cringe ngl. But I might rewrite the book :) also i'm writing this in class rn on my chrome book idk why :/ but yea i might make chapter once a day but if i don't just know i'm going to try and post the chapter the next day also btw i'm writing this on google docs bc it's easy on there lol. But anyways just so i'm not wasting any of your time i hoped you enjoyed this chapter remember to drink and sleep and go outside bye i love you guys!

first chapter yay :D i'll be working on more lol but i might be a bit ocqupied for a while to maybe a post every three days? yea and baiiiii!

Aki1Hirucreators' thoughts