
A businessman in the Naruto world

In the Naruto world dominated by formidable ninjas, this story unfolds the extraordinary journey of Hiroshi, an ordinary man thriving in the shadows with his keen mind. As he endeavors to build a business empire, Hiroshi navigates a realm saturated with chakra and bloodline abilities, facing challenges unique to a civilian amidst the powerful ninja society. The story delves into the complexities of intellect and resilience as Hiroshi strives to carve his path in a world where brains can be as potent as jutsu. In short, this is the story about a normal guy making money in Naruto world. There will be a single heroine, Mc will do some normal stuff, The Naruto world in this story is set in an alternate universe (AU) for the convenience of the narrative. (for the convenience that if I remember something wrong, then it's AU parts.)

yourtypicalyouth · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 5 : 'No'?

Chiba, the dedicated Jounin with a penchant for hard work in the Anbu, finally found himself on a rare day off after completing an extensive mission for the Hokage. In search of some relaxation, he inadvertently wandered through the streets and stumbled upon a bookstore. On this particular day, the store bore a different vibe, adorned with numerous advertisements for a fresh release titled "Your Name." The vibrant displays, filled with colorful pictures and posters boasting, "The beautiful romance story by Hiroshi-sensei", caught Chiba's attention.

Intrigued, he decided to give the book a shot. Opening the store's door, he headed to the reception and inquired the staff there, "Hello, miss. Can you recommend some books for me?"

"Of course! Please check out this romance novel, 'Your Name.' Our editorial team gave it high praise, so I'm confident it'll be a satisfying read for you, sir."

Chiba examined the cover of "Your Name," appreciating the simplicity and depth captured in the artwork. The cover depicted a boy and a girl gazing at each other, their fingers connected by a red line, creating a subtle connection. Above them, a lone star sparkled in the night sky, adding a touch of magic to the scene.

The artwork showed a deep understanding of storytelling, capturing the romance within the pages. Chiba, with his experienced eyes from decoding mission briefings, recognized the effort in the design. Every stroke contributed deliberately, enhancing the overall allure of the cover.

Deciding to buy "Your Name," Chiba felt a subtle excitement bubbling within him. After paying, he mumbled to himself, "I might enjoy this book." The idea of finding pleasure in something beyond his usual interests felt surprisingly liberating.

After that, he headed back home. Sitting on his familiar couch in his home, Chiba opened the first page. The book's opening line, "I am searching for you, whom I have never met", resonated with an evocative charm that captured Chiba's attention. The mysterious and poetic nature of the words drew him into the narrative, sparking an immediate sense of intrigue and curiosity.

The story starts with Taki Tachibana, an ordinary schoolboy living in a bustling fire capital, waking up to a peculiar sensation. His mind was clouded by a dream so vivid that it felt like a distant memory. In this dream, he found himself navigating the narrow streets of a quaint rural town named Itomori in the land of Fire. The scenery was unfamiliar, and the air felt different from the city environment he was accustomed to. Perplexed, he began to piece together the details of the dream, realizing that he was not himself but somehow inhabiting the body of a young girl.

"What is this, the same as Yamanaka clan's secret technique? Interesting idea! Why have I never thought of that? So the Yamanaka clan members can experience the opposite gender's life?" As Chiba continued flipping through the pages, the entire idea blew his mind.

"Poor those guys, girls would distance themselves from Yamanaka ninjas after reading this book. Nobody wants someone invading their body and doing some crazy stuff, after all," he thought with a chuckle. Just as he was about to continue reading, he suddenly thought of something, and his expression turned weird. 'Or not, ... some would be enjoying that.' 

"Damn, who's the author?" 

Turning to the front of the book cover, he saw the name 'Hyuga Hiroshi.' "This guy might have potentially created a new genre. And he didn't use a pen name? Confident lad."

The humor in Taki and Mitsuha's antics brought a smile to Chiba's face. However, in one specific scene, he remarked, "That guy was touching the girl's boobs,... Alright, let's make sure Megumi stays away from those Yamanaka clan techniques." It's not like he's discriminating against them or anything, but for precaution. "People don't say it, but being able to read people's minds is disgusting enough."

As he delved deeper into the story, Chiba found himself increasingly hooked. The tranquil narrative, coupled with funny scenes, was seamlessly blended. "So, he's working part-time at some restaurant in the Fire Capital. Hmm, the food sounds delicious. Is it a real place?"

The initial part of "Your Name" took Chiba on a rollercoaster of emotions and surprises. The humor injected into Taki and Mitsuha's attempts to navigate each other's lives not only charmed him but also cleverly lightened the surreal situation. Witnessing them grapple with the daily nuances of different circumstances made the entire body-swapping experience oddly relatable.

Chuckling at the character's choices, Chiba found himself drawn even deeper into the unfolding plot. "That beautiful senior sister is the wrong choice, man. It's Mitsuha. Why don't you understand?"

Continuing to read, Chiba found himself hooked on the story unintentionally. The laid-back atmosphere, vivid descriptions of beautiful places, and the heartwarming love story all combined, offering a sense of relaxation. It made him temporarily forget about the usual ninja drama and hard work, striking a chord and giving his soul a much-needed break from all the craziness.

Reaching the intriguing part of the story—the different time lapses, the impending meteorite threatening to wipe out Itomori—Chiba became fully immersed in the plot's twists.

As Chiba pondered the plot development of "Your Name," the concept of two distinct individuals, hailing from different places and times, encountering each other in such a unique setting struck a profound chord with him. His usually sharp eyes, accustomed to scanning mission details and assessing situations with precision, now reflected a captivating mix of fascination and contemplation.

"What is happening right now? Will they finally meet?" As Chiba read, he was on the edge of his seat, caught up in the anticipation of whether the characters would finally cross paths. The suspense in the story had him genuinely wondering about the fate of Taki and Mitsuha.

"Yes, that's it, they finally meet." A sigh of relief escaped him as the narrative took the characters to that long-awaited moment. But just when he let his guard down, the plot took an unexpected turn.

"No, no, no. Why would you write that? Now she can't remember your name. Oh, shit." Suddenly, worry crept in. Chiba's heart raced, unknowingly invested in Taki and Mitsuha's situations.

As the story unfolded, Mitsuha's determination prevailed, and she successfully persuaded her father, the village chief, to evacuate the people. Chiba, still engrossed in the narrative, could almost feel the weight lifted off his shoulders. 

"No, god damn it." Those words hit Chiba hard as he read the part where Mitsuha and Taki forgot each other. The author's pen had skillfully woven a heart-wrenching scene that left Chiba genuinely feeling the characters' loss. The author really had a way of stirring up emotions.

But even though the characters forgot, there was this kind of beautiful vibe. You know, like their intense connection was still there, even if it was just lingering in the background, not in their memories.

The story had him thinking, not just about the swapping bodies and shared moments, but about this deeper connection that didn't fade with forgetfulness. "I wonder if they'll ever remember," Chiba mumbled to himself. 

The real ending of "Your Name" struck like an emotional tidal wave. After a span of 5 years in Taki's timeline and 8 years in Mitsuha's, the characters, haunted by the remnants of a special connection, finally reunited. The narrative unfolded like a colossal emotional rollercoaster, delivering a poignant impact that resonated deeply.

After dealing with the whole "forgetting each other" ordeal, Chiba was just rooting for Mitsuha and Taki to reconnect. When it finally happened, a mix of relief and happiness overwhelmed him. Unable to contain his excitement, Chiba kicked the table and cheered for them, "Yes! Finally!"

In those moments, he wasn't just a reader, he became a fan, emotionally invested in the characters' journey. For Chiba, every second immersed in the story felt like an invaluable investment, a journey shared intimately with characters who had become more than just ink on paper. The time spent in the world of the book was not merely a passing experience, it was time well spent.

Closing the book with a satisfied expression, Chiba let out a contented sigh."Good guy. This is a masterpiece. I sure am gonna buy his next books." 

He placed the book on the table, contemplating the impact of the story he had just devoured. Amid his post-read reflections, a sudden realization hit him, his childhood sweetheart and fellow ANBU teammate, Megumi, might really enjoy this story. 

"I should recommend this book to her, she would love it." as if remembering something, Chiba added, "Wait, I can use this opportunity to ask her out for a date. The worst she could say is what? 'No'? Hahaha, I'm such a genius."

Despite having a high intelligence quotient that allowed him to become a Jounin in ANBU as a commoner ninja, his emotional intelligence appeared to be worrying. 

I'm writing this book because my essay got feedback about "lacking structure." So, I'm using this as a practice to improve. I'll give it my best shot, but don't expect too much. Thanks!

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