
A businessman in the Naruto world

In the Naruto world dominated by formidable ninjas, this story unfolds the extraordinary journey of Hiroshi, an ordinary man thriving in the shadows with his keen mind. As he endeavors to build a business empire, Hiroshi navigates a realm saturated with chakra and bloodline abilities, facing challenges unique to a civilian amidst the powerful ninja society. The story delves into the complexities of intellect and resilience as Hiroshi strives to carve his path in a world where brains can be as potent as jutsu. In short, this is the story about a normal guy making money in Naruto world. There will be a single heroine, Mc will do some normal stuff, The Naruto world in this story is set in an alternate universe (AU) for the convenience of the narrative. (for the convenience that if I remember something wrong, then it's AU parts.)

yourtypicalyouth · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 13: To the Fire Capital

"Deciding to go by horse-cart instead of running was the biggest mistake I've ever made."

The bustling streets of the village were momentarily disrupted as a sleek carriage pulled up, its ornate design catching the eye of passersby. With a frustrated sigh, a figure stepped down from the carriage, his demeanor betraying a hint of annoyance at the mode of transportation.

"Damn those horse-cart, I have to the car out soon, ugh."

Onlookers paused to watch as the figure adjusted his clothing, a subtle gesture that hinted at their status and importance within the village or maybe just simply a wealthy individual. They watched in envy as he slowly walked towards the registration gate, accompanied by his Konoha ninja protectors.


As Hiroshi strolled through the vibrant streets of the Fire Capital, his earlier frustration began to fade away, replaced by a sense of exhilaration at the sights and sounds around him. The city seemed to pulse with life, its energy infectious as it swept him along in its currents.

Street vendors called out to passersby, their voices blending with the chatter of shoppers and the laughter of children playing nearby. The air was alive with the aroma of street food, tantalizing his senses with its rich and savory scents.

The Fire Capital and Konoha, while both bustling hubs of activity within the ninja world, possess distinct characteristics that set them apart from each other.

Konoha is nestled amidst the dense forests of the Land of Fire. Its architecture reflects a harmonious blend of tradition and nature, with wooden structures seamlessly integrated into the natural landscape. The village exudes a sense of tranquility and serenity, with lush greenery and cascading waterfalls lending it a picturesque charm.

In contrast, the Fire Capital is a sprawling metropolis that serves as the political and economic heart of the Land of Fire. Its skyline is dominated by towering buildings and bustling markets, a testament to its status as a center of commerce and trade. The streets are alive with the hustle and bustle of daily life, with merchants hawking their wares and commuters rushing to and fro. The Fire Capital is a city of contrasts, where ancient traditions coexist with modern innovations, and where the pursuit of power and wealth drives much of its activity.

As Hiroshi and the team made their way through the city streets, he couldn't help but notice the signs of seasonal change that lingered in the air. The vibrant hues of autumn leaves adorned the trees, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets below. In the distance, he could hear the faint strains of music, a sure sign that a festival or celebration was underway somewhere in the city.

Despite the discomfort of his journey, Hiroshi couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as he navigated the streets of the Fire Capital. With its rich history, vibrant culture, and bustling energy, the city held the promise of new opportunities and interesting places waiting to be discovered.

He had listed an escort mission as an S-level task with a 1 million taels fee. Setting the escort mission as an S-level task with a hefty fee of 1 million taels may indeed seem high to some, but for Hiroshi, it's a strategic move rooted in caution and prudence.

Firstly, Hiroshi understands the value of his own safety, especially given his newfound wealth and influence. As he didn't want any unforeseen ninjas, who were confident they could overcome the caged-bird seal, to jump out suddenly and target his eyes. By setting the mission at an S-level and offering a substantial fee, Hiroshi aims to attract only the most skilled and reliable ninja to ensure his protection.

The mission team is quite the force to be reckoned with, accidentally, with none other than the renowned Hatake Kakashi, the youngest jounin ever at 12 years old, among them. Alongside him, there's another skilled Inuzuka jounin and two capable civilian chuunin.

While walking, Kakashi suddenly approached him, his masked expression inscrutable as ever. 

He wears a Konoha forehead protector covering his left eye, leaving the other visible. His silver hair is swept back, falling over his headband, and his visible eye is dark in color, with a calm and observant expression. Kakashi often wears a standard Konoha Jonin uniform, consisting of a dark blue outfit with a flak jacket, complemented by fingerless gloves and sandals. He carries a pouch on his leg for ninja tools and is accompanied by his trusty ninja tool pouch strapped to his back. Despite his simple attire, Kakashi's demeanor exudes a sense of competence and authority.

"We've arrived safely," he stated matter-of-factly, his gaze scanning the surroundings for any signs of trouble. "What's our next move?"

Hiroshi pondered for a moment. "I'll need your assistance for a bit longer, I need to register my patents.", he informed Kakashi, "But we should have some free time around noon."

Kakashi nodded in acknowledgment, his eyes darting to the two chuunin who flanked him. "We'll remain vigilant," he assured Hiroshi, a sense of duty evident in his voice.

"Hey, I'm the captain here, don't steal my words," the other Inuzuka jounin interjected with a playful tone. Despite his protest, he approached Kakashi and wrapped his arms around him. "Don't be tense all the time. Our client is just for safety precautions, he doesn't have any enemies. And if something happens, my partner can notify us in advance, right, Kuromaru?"

"woof woof," Kuromaru affirmed.

"Good boy. See, Kakashi, just relax."

With a laugh, the group walks towards the government agencies near the Daimyo castle.


Entering the bustling halls of the administrative building, Hiroshi was met with a flurry of activity. Bureaucrats bustled about, papers in hand, their voices murmuring in conversation as they went about their duties. The architecture bore the distinct style of the hidden villages, with traditional elements blended seamlessly into the functional design of the administrative hub. Tall structures adorned with intricate carvings and symbols stood proudly, reflecting the cultural identity of the Fire Capital.

Within the administrative building, bureaucrats hurriedly moved about, navigating the corridors with purpose. Clad in traditional attire, they carried stacks of papers and scrolls, their voices forming a constant murmur as they discussed matters of governance. The air inside was thick with the scent of ink and parchment, a familiar fragrance that permeated the atmosphere.

Approaching the front desk, Hiroshi was greeted by a harried-looking clerk, his expression weary from hours spent poring over documents. "How can I help you?" the clerk inquired, his tone brusque yet professional.

Hiroshi explained the purpose of their visit, detailing the patent issues he needed assistance with. The clerk listened attentively, nodding along as Hiroshi spoke, his hands dancing across the pages as he wrote down the necessary information on the parchment.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting, the process was finally completed, a hint of relief evident in his eyes. "I've processed the paperwork for your patents," he announced a note of satisfaction in his voice. "Everything else should be done in a month. I'll deliver the results to you, uhm, where's your address? Please fill in this area."

Hiroshi took the paper and wrote down his address on it, which is 

[123 Sakura Street,

Hyuga Compound,


"ok, I'll notify you if something is wrong. It's all done."

Hiroshi breathed a sigh of relief, as doing these works is always tiresome. With the patent issues resolved, he could finally get some rest for himself before the meeting with the Daimyo tomorrow.

As they made their way out of the administrative building, the midday sun cast its warm glow over the bustling streets of the Fire Capital, notifying their stomach that a meal was necessary. 

Hiroshi relieved that the day's tasks were finally behind him, turned to Kakashi and his team with a grateful smile. "Thanks for your help today, guys. I think we're done for now."

Kakashi nodded, his masked face giving away nothing. "No problem," he replied simply, his tone betraying no hint of excitement. "We're here to ensure your safety, after all."

"How about grabbing some lunch?" Hiroshi suggested, his stomach rumbling in agreement. "There's a great ramen stand just down the street that we've walked by just now, it looks pretty good. My treat."

Kakashi glanced around the bustling thoroughfare, his visible eye scanning the crowd with practiced precision. "Sounds good to me," he agreed, his tone casual yet attentive. "But I'll need to stay on guard duty. Just in case."

"Oh come on Kakashi."


"Well, thanks for the free meal first." 

The others appeared very enthusiastic with his invitation.

With a final word of thanks to the rest of the team, they set off towards the ramen stand, the tantalizing aroma of noodles and broth guiding their way.


As the meal wound down, Hiroshi proposed that they disband to enjoy some free time. However, Kakashi, ever the dedicated ninja, insisted on sticking to his duty. Offering to stay by Hiroshi's side, Kakashi's unwavering commitment to their safety was palpable.

With a nod of understanding, Hiroshi bid farewell to the rest of the team as they dispersed into the city's lively streets. As he and Kakashi remained behind, Hiroshi suggested a leisurely stroll through the bustling streets of the Fire Capital. 

As they walked, Hiroshi couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over him as he passed by the bookstores, he couldn't help but notice the posters plastered on the storefronts, proudly displaying his two books.

The bookstore, once a quaint establishment nestled amidst the bustling streets of the Fire Capital, had undergone a remarkable transformation since Hiroshi's debut as an author. Before his books gained widespread acclaim, the store had been just another quiet corner of the city, its shelves filled with a modest selection of novels and literary classics.

However, after the release of Hiroshi's two bestselling works, the atmosphere within the bookstore had shifted dramatically. Posters featuring vibrant cover art adorned the windows, drawing the attention of passersby with their eye-catching designs. Inside, the shelves that once held a modest selection of books now prominently displayed copies of Hiroshi's works, their spines gleaming under the warm glow of overhead lights.

Seeing his books on display filled Hiroshi with a sense of pride, but it also stirred a mixture of emotions within him. It had been more than two months since he had published anything new. Despite having lower revenue than his other business, being a writer could also bring him fame and recognition, which might prove invaluable in the future, and he knows that, but he needs to take it slow.

'There is nothing I can do about it, even Fuji didn't recommend me to publish a third one in a short time.'

As they made their way toward their accommodations for the night, Hiroshi seized the opportunity to strike up a conversation. With a casual air, he broached the topic, intrigued by the enigmatic figure beside him.

"I heard you're regarded as the youngest and most talented ninja of our generation," Hiroshi began, his tone carefully neutral. "To be honest, I expected you to be... well, more arrogant."

Kakashi's response was unexpected, his voice tinged with bitterness as he dismissed the notion of his talent. "Don't trust those words. I'm no genius, just a bitter failure of a ninja who can't do anything," he muttered, his gaze fixed on the ground.

Hiroshi observed Kakashi silently for a moment, sensing the weight of his words. With a thoughtful expression, he kicked at a nearby stone, sending it skittering across the road. "Seems like you have some stories there," he remarked, his voice quiet. "Want to share?"

But Kakashi remained silent, his demeanor unchanged as he continued to stare ahead.

Actually, Hiroshi didn't need to ask, as he knew Kakashi's story even better than Kakashi himself. The loss of his respected father, and his friend Obito, and the killing of Rin himself haunted Kakashi deeply, despite his success in protecting the village. Hiroshi understood all of Kakashi's experiences, but he still felt the need to ask, just for the act. Building a connection with Kakashi took effort, as Hiroshi recognized Kakashi's pivotal role as the potential future 6th Hokage. Therefore, he knew he would have to engage in some emotional actions fitting for the anime world.

"Let me guess," Hiroshi began, adopting the most sage-like expression he could muster, locking eyes with Kakashi as if he were a fortune teller divining the future. "You must have made some mistakes. No? Then someone important to you died? It seems like this. But that's not enough. Everyone has experienced loss in Konoha, so you must have failed something really significant. But as far as I know, you're the hero of the village, so..."

Hiroshi meticulously analyzed Kakashi's expression, or at least pretended to, searching for any subtle cues that might reveal the truth.

"Is it a personal matter? Like a personal promise? Hmm..." He observed Kakashi's widening eyes, deviating from their usual dead-fish expression, and offered a knowing smile. "It seems to be true."

With a shift in focus, Hiroshi returned his attention to the road ahead. "So you failed a promise from someone who's passed away? Wow, that's tough."

"...How?" For the first time since meeting him, Hiroshi finally witnessed a look of surprise on Kakashi's face.

"Guess? That's written all over your face," Hiroshi replied confidently, but his thoughts were entirely different. 'Of course, it's a spoiler, mtfk.'

"But," Hiroshi suddenly grew serious, adjusting an imaginary pair of glasses on his face, "since you didn't commit suicide, or your reputation has yet to be ruined..."

Kakashi's expression darkened immediately upon hearing this, just as he was about to interject.

"...and I presume that you're not the type of person to hide a mistake for your own sake. My impression of you is pretty good, which means that in this case, the 'mistake' you mentioned was likely just your own perception, and others don't see it as a mistake. So, maybe, you must have been forced into that situation."

Kakashi staggered in place, his eyes locked on Hiroshi's retreating form, his expression fraught with complexity. After a moment, he managed to find his voice. "No, it's my fault..."

"Nah, it shouldn't be. Your face tells me otherwise," Hiroshi interrupted, stopping in his tracks and turning back to face Kakashi.

"But don't misunderstand," Hiroshi's tone shifted, a mix of condescension and frustration evident. "Even so, I still dislike your idea of constantly blaming yourself like this."

"What do you think blaming yourself will change? Fucking Nothing," Hiroshi continued, his voice rising with intensity. "If my guess is true, then you must have been forced into that situation either by someone or... by the world itself. And what do you need to do now? It's simple. If you can't solve the problems, then solve the person who created the problems. If the world forces you to be this way, then go and change the world. You have power and talents, and you're the disciple of the fucking Yellow Flash, who has a very high chance of becoming the 4th Hokage. You have enough background to do that. Do you understand?"

Kakashi was visibly stunned upon hearing Hiroshi's words. As if a realization had dawned on him, he looked down at his trembling hands, then clenched them tightly, steeling himself. When he looked back up at Hiroshi, there was a newfound resolve in his gaze.

"I understand, thank you very much," Kakashi said with a smile, his voice steady.

With that, Hiroshi turned and continued to walk forward, adding a quote from someone he had long forgotten: "The past may shape us, but it's our choices that define us. Choose wisely, for the path ahead is yours to forge."

He thought with a sense of satisfaction, 'Mission accomplished,' a small smile playing on his lips.

'So, taking reference from Naruto's talk no jutsu isn't a bad idea after all.'


The next morning, sunlight filtered through the window, casting a warm glow across the room where Hiroshi stood before a large mirror. He adjusted his attire, straightening the collar of his shirt and smoothing out any wrinkles in his pants with meticulous care.

As he gazed at his reflection, Hiroshi's thoughts drifted to the day ahead. Despite the excitement of being in the Fire Capital, he reminded himself of his original intention: to keep a low profile and avoid drawing unnecessary attention to himself.

Taking one last look in the mirror, Hiroshi nodded to himself, steeling his resolve. 'Keep calm. It's easy.'

In the opulent chambers of the Fire Capital's palace, Hiroshi found himself face to face with the esteemed Daimyo. The Daimyo sat on a throne behind the curtain, his form engulfed by the plush cushions beneath him. His robes, though lavishly embroidered with symbols of power and wealth, strained against his ample frame, hinting at a life of indulgence and excess.

The Daimyo's countenance was marked by a rosy hue, evidence of his penchant for fine wines and extravagant feasts. His jowls jiggled slightly as he greeted Hiroshi with a genial smile, his small eyes twinkling with a hint of mirth. Despite his outward appearance of affability, there was an air of incompetence about him, a sense that he was more accustomed to the comforts of his palace than the rigors of governance.

As Hiroshi bowed respectfully, he couldn't help but suppress a twinge of disappointment at the sight of the Daimyo, 'Hope this finishes quickly'.

"I've heard much about your talents, young man," the Daimyo remarked, his voice carrying a tone of genuine admiration. "Your books have captivated the hearts and minds of many, myself included. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person."

Hiroshi nodded graciously, expressing his gratitude for the Daimyo's kind words. He was keenly aware of the importance of etiquette in such formal settings and made sure to conduct himself with the utmost respect.

As their conversation continued, Hiroshi couldn't shake the feeling of boredom creeping in. It seemed like little more than a display of the Daimyo's power and authority, with little substance to the discussion.

Before long, the Daimyo motioned towards a figure standing nearby, a young woman whose regal bearing marked her as royalty. "Allow me to introduce my daughter, Princess Akari," he said, a hint of pride evident in his voice.

'This should be the person who invited me here,' Hiroshi thought as he observed the princess.

The princess, around 15 years old, exuded an air of elegance and grace that befitted her royal status. Her long, flowing black hair cascaded down her back, adding to her ethereal beauty. With delicate features and a serene expression, she resembled the epitome of the traditional "Yamato Nadeshiko" type of princess in Japanese culture.

Hiroshi bowed deeply to the princess, acknowledging her with the same level of respect he had shown her father. "It's an honor to meet you, Akari hime-sama," he said, his tone sincere.

The princess smiled graciously in return, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and something else. "I've heard much about your literary talents, Hiroshi-sensei," she said, her voice soft yet filled with intrigue. "I would be delighted to have the opportunity to speak with you further about your work."

Hiroshi's head swelled with a mixture of doubt and humility at the princess's interest. It was a rare privilege to be invited into the inner circles of royalty, and he knew he must tread carefully in such esteemed company. Nevertheless, he replied with a natural smile.

"As you wish, hime-sama."


He followed the princess towards another guest room in the palace area reserved for the princess herself in an extremely roundabout way, as Hiroshi stepped inside, he found himself enveloped in a tranquil atmosphere, where every element spoke of harmony and balance.

The tatami mat flooring, woven from natural rush grass, provided a soft yet firm foundation underfoot, offering a tactile connection to the earth. The sliding shoji doors, made of translucent paper panels framed by delicate wooden latticework, allowed soft, diffused light to filter into the room, casting a gentle glow over the space.

Minimalist furnishings adorned the room, each piece meticulously crafted from rich, dark woods such as cherry or cedar. A low, lacquered table sat at the center of the room, flanked by zabuton cushions for seating, inviting guests to recline in comfort.

In one corner, a tokonoma alcove displayed a simple arrangement of seasonal flowers or a prized piece of art, serving as a focal point for contemplation and appreciation. Above it, a scroll bearing calligraphic characters imparted a message of wisdom or inspiration, adding a touch of elegance to the space.

Subtle touches of nature adorned the room, such as a bonsai tree or a vase of freshly cut flowers, infusing the air with the delicate fragrance of the outdoors. 

'What a rich woman.'

They settled into the guest room, the atmosphere was relaxed and pleasant, and they just engaged in some simple conversation and pleasantries.

"My pleasure to finally meet you, Hiroshi-sensei."

"The pleasure is all mine, Your Highness. Thank you for granting me this audience."

The reason behind Akari-hime's invitation to Hiroshi was more than just a mere appreciation for his bookish works. It was a strategic move rooted in the same principles Hiroshi himself often practiced, building connections. Before news of the Kanbi store's consecutive branches opening across Konoha village was widely known, whispers of his brilliant idea had already reached the attentive ears of Princess Akari. Courtiers spoke of Hiroshi's innovative ideas, particularly his concept of the 'brand'. Furthermore, the fact that he was also the author of the two most beloved books in the Land of Fire and he was just 12 nearly 13, made the princess see Hiroshi as a valuable ally whose potential could significantly benefit her aspirations.

Why would she need to do that? 

The answer was straightforward: the daimyo seat. Akari-hime harbored ambitions to ascend to the position of daimyo, understanding that aligning herself with potential influential figures like Hiroshi was a strategic step toward achieving that goal.

And why not contact with some powerful ninjas? Simple, she pursues the source that could buy the weapon, not just the weapon itself.

After talking for a while, Akari-hime leaned forward, her eyes keenly studying Hiroshi as she posed her first question. "Hiroshi-sensei, your works have garnered much attention, and your thoughts appeared to be very imaginative, and I've learned a lot from that. What are your thoughts on the current state of our kingdom?"

Hiroshi, maintaining a polite smile, replied, "Your Highness, I'm but a humble writer, and my views are colored by the stories I tell. As for the kingdom's future, I believe it lies in the hands of its people and their collective will to strive for prosperity."

The princess, undeterred, continued her probing. "Then, what do you envision for our kingdom, and what do you think about the current system?"

'Shit, I don't like how this is going.'

Hiroshi, choosing his words carefully, responded, "Your Highness, this question is way over my understanding as I'm only 12 years old. But if you give me a chance to embarrass myself, then I think there is a delicate balance of power and negotiation between Konoha's leaders and the Daimyo. Finding common ground would be essential to ensuring the stability and prosperity of both the village and the Land of Fire. Perhaps through dialogue, compromise, and mutual respect, they can address their differences and forge a stronger, more collaborative relationship for the benefit of all."

The princess listened intently, her expression softening as Hiroshi spoke. She was impressed by his thoughtful response, and previously skeptical about Hiroshi due to his age, she now realized that seeing him in action was better than merely hearing about him.

"Hiroshi-sensei, your insight is remarkable," Princess Akari said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "You may be young, but your understanding of diplomacy and governance is truly admirable."

"It is my honor, Your Highness," Hiroshi replied, his tone respectful. "I may still have much to learn, but I am eager to contribute in any way I can to the prosperity of our kingdom."

Princess Akari leaned forward slightly, her gaze steady as she dropped the bombshell question Hiroshi had been dreading.

"So, Hiroshi-sensei. Do you think Prince Taruhito can accomplish that?"

Hiroshi's heart skipped a beat, his mind racing to find the right words.

Rumors about Prince Taruhito described him as selfish, cruel, and lacking in intelligence. 'But what's wrong with his sister?' Hiroshi screamed inwardly. 'They share the same genes, yet here she is, attempting to draw me to her side.'

With a nervous laugh, he deflected, "I'm just your average 12-year-old boy, Your Highness. I can't guess the future at all. And to be honest, I've never even had the honor of meeting Prince Taruhito personally."

Princess Akari smiled at his innocence, her eyes betraying a hint of amusement. "Of course, Hiroshi-sensei. You're right, these matters are quite sensitive. My apologies for putting you on the spot. Let's shift our conversation to something more light-hearted, shall we?"

Afterward, they had a normal conversation for about half an hour, then just when Hiroshi excused himself to end it here, the princess suddenly spoke.

"You should have quite a few plans outside Konoha village, right?"

Hiroshi, sensing the underlying implication in her words, raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "Your Highness?" he prompted, curious to hear her proposal.

With a sip of black tea and a knowing smile, Princess Akari continued, "Things can get a lot more complicated if you involve parties outside of Konoha village. Of course, as a member of the Hyuga clan, your clan would undoubtedly come to your aid. However, with the right connections and support, those obstacles can be overcome easily, don't you think so?"

Hiroshi silently acknowledged the weight of her words. 'She's offering a tempting deal,' he thought.

A part of him recognized the potential benefits of aligning himself with someone of Princess Akari's stature, yet another part hesitated at the thought of entangling himself in the intricate web of palace politics.

Remaining composed, Hiroshi replied, "Your Highness, I am honored by your offer of assistance. However, I must confess that I only own 50% shares of my company, so any decision must go through another person."

Before Princess Akari could respond, Hiroshi added, "And, I'll give the answer letter later, of course, it also involves my next book. So, it would be nice if you wait until then."

The princess hearing this, offered a reassuring smile. "Of course, Mr. Hiroshi. I understand."

With that, the conversation ended, and Hiroshi bid farewell to the princess, making his exit from the royal chambers, without even knowing the thoughtful look in Akari-hime's eyes looking at his back. As he left, a swirl of conflicting emotions filled his mind. 'I knew it,' he thought. 'Now things are complicated as fuck.'

As Hiroshi walked a few steps, a sudden realization sent a chill down his spine. 'Shit,' he thought, 'When she led me to her guest area, she purposely took a roundabout route, and so many people have already seen me going with her. Fuck.' He frowned, his hand instinctively reaching for his head as he contemplated the potential consequences. 'She doesn't need my agreement. All she has to do now is leak the news that she provided convenience for me in business. Then I'll only have two choices: either give up the market outside Konoha, or continue doing business outside, and people will automatically assume I'm already on her side, unless I lose money.'


Leaving the Daimyo palace, Hiroshi summoned his ninja protectors and began to leave the Fire capital. Originally, Hiroshi had intended to stay for a few days, building connections with various important people in the capital. But now, with the highest connection forcefully thrust upon him, albeit with some annoying prices attached, he felt compelled to leave.

The next day, upon his return to Konoha village, Hiroshi's first destination was the Hyuga compound, specifically Itami's home. What he said to the princess was not false, Itami held 50% shares, so she needed to know about this. Normally, as she was still in the learning process, all the decisions were left to him. 

As Hiroshi entered the familiar courtyard of the Hyuga compound, he was greeted by a scene that made him forget all about the politics and intrigue that had been weighing on his mind. There, before him, was Itami, standing on two hexagonal blue glass-like water shields, stayed in the air. Meanwhile, Mia was launching a bunch of kunais and shurikens in Itami's direction. As the weapons neared her, the same-but-not-really-hexagonal shields materialized around her, stopped them with a 'clink', and then disappeared. One by one, the kunai and shurikens were neutralized, falling harmlessly to the ground.

"Fuck, is she Fern?"