
A Brother's Conflict A Claude And Granger Story...

It was in the year 20XX when a man born with the great skill of thievery went on a stealing spree across the land of dawn...

Claude was quite an expert at thievery... he went to different places across the land of dawn stealing different treasured to make him rich... Sometimes his missions end up without a sign of him even being there meaning he already stole it without no one else knowing. Often times he ends up in a fight... forcing him to use his blaster. One time he was pinned down by the owner of a golden ring...

*Ya think you can steal my precious little boy? DON'T BE SUCH A LITTLE BRAT!*

Before the bat-wielding boss took a toll on Claude... a familiar screech echoes within the room... Claude's eyes widened as he activated his teleportation device to switch places with his buddy Dexter, the monkey who has similar capabilities with that of Claude himself. Dexter then apprehended the boss with his tiny, but terrible, gun and started to dance around it's body... ending up with a knocked out boss with a golden ring in its hands.

*You did it again Dexter... you impress me quite abit with your skills.... now be a good boy and get that golden ring for me!*

Dexter took the golden ring from the boss' hands and they went off the place before anyone even knew they were there...

Months passed and Claude started to get bored... He already stole almost everything across the land of dawn without the thrill of a wild goose chase... Dexter was just beside Claude, playing with the pile of gold coins they stole within their missions... Claude started to lose hope of ever feeling the thrill of being chased again until a wounded man shows up in his office...

*Oh dear sir... please help me... My friend have been slaughtered by this mad man thinking that he is a vigilante of some sort... I want you to stop him before he kills more people...*

*Hmm... and what will the cost be my petty little customer? You see not everything here is free... you should know that by now...*

*Ah yes... did I forget to mention about his violin? This violin was used to seal the church that was being invaded by evil doers... The violin was made out of the most deluxe silver you could ever find... it is almost priceless! I think the mad man left in in the church he was in yesterday... That will be your reward in this mission*

*A priceless violin you say? Deal!*

Claude packed his stuff while Dexter cleaned his tiny gun's barrel to ensure a clean shot to this suspect's neck...

Claude and Dexter went to the place that the wounded man told him to go to... After a while they saw pieces of colored glass lying around the grass in front of them... They scoped out the area and saw a broken down church... probably destroyed by the "evil doers" this man said....

They went inside the church and as soon as Claude stepped in... Dexter jolted through the

the wooden benches within the church and approached this shining object on top of the church altar...

*Hey Dexter! You should wait for me!*

As soon as Dexter reached the altar... Claude switched places with Dexter to get him closer to the shining object... Dexter started screech loudly but Claude ignored it...

In front of Claude was the silver violin that the man told them... It really was beautiful with engravings of roses and trees... But there was something written near the body of the violin...


Claude suddenly backed out in shock that... his brother... was the mad man that the wounded man told them about... It was a long time ago when Granger and Claude got separated... both of them had a different style of fighting... Claude preferred to be sneaky while Granger preferred to be up close in personal to see the blood splattering in front of him... It was left unknown on why they were separated in the first place... but one thing is for sure...

They were brothers...

*Granger... its been a long time since we have talked to each other... I missed you brother...*

Claude started to cry... it was his first time crying within years... He thought about the happy moments him and Granger spent together. The first time they chose their weapon of choice... until their last duel together as brothers. Claude remembered these things as he clenched his fist and started to pound on the altar in front of him.

*You were a good guy last time... so why did you change?!? WHY!?!*

At that moment Dexter screeched in panic as a bullet flew pass his head... Claude hearing Dexter's screech instantly swapped places with him... Since Dexter was small, the bullet hit the wall on top Dexter and richocheted to the violin...

A deep and low voice surrounded the church...

*Don't you dare... touch my guitar case...*

Claude looked up to the churches' balcony and saw a man in a black coat... holding a gun pointing at him. Claude started to tear up again as he identified the man as no other than his brother... Granger.

Granger was a vigilante across the land of dawn. His reason behind his killings is that people will always have a wicked side inside of them and will always throw down the church he was raised in... This church gave him a violin to ease the boredom he is experiencing while doing services... When the evil doers have overthrown the church... Granger went psycho and used the gun he got together with his brother to kill the evil doers... But it was too late since the church was nothing more than a debris in the middle of a field. Granger then promised his passed away friends that he will kill every people with wicked hearts to avenge them. He modified his violin into a long range sniper rifle that can shoot people from far away... but he still prefers to finish his targets up close... so he can experience the beauty of suffering...

*You.... I don't know you but if you are in this church to salvage what is remaining... you should take a step back and walk away...*

Granger dashed lightning fast towards the altar and took his signature violin... He then activated it to transform into a long range sniper rifle... He didn't hesitate to shoot the first bullet towards Claude... but Claude simply dodged it.

*Don't you remember me brother? ITS ME CLAUDE! We spent time together when we were kids!*

*I don't remember this Claude you speak of... and if you are here for a reason like that... then you should leave now...*

Without a warning... Granger fired his second bullet towards Claude again... it hit his cloak leaving it torn apart since the bullet was different from the first. Claude retaliated with his blaster giving Dexter the signal to fire as well... Both of them managed to hit Granger and it made him scream in pain... It was at this time he remembered when Claude also shot him in the chest accidentally when they were kids. This sparked Granger's memory abit and it made him move into another spot in the church.

*That blaster of yours... That's the only weapon that I will never forget... but i won't lose to that petty gun yours*

Granger's violin started to emit a blood red light at the tip of the barrel. The smell of blood suddenly surrounded the whole church making Claude and Dexter almost pass out... but they managed to stick to their wits and faced Granger head on...

*If you remembered my blaster... then you should also remember me then... brother!*

Granger didn't say anything to Claude's statement and instead shot him with the 3rd bullet... Claude managed to dodge the bullet with the switch... since the bullets don't seem to hit due to height difference... but the bullet suddenly exploded on impact and it sent Dexter flying in the air... landing on Claude's arms. Dexter slowly touched Claude's face and let out a sad whimper... and then Dexter passes out... not dead though... just tired.

*Dexter buddy... you will be fine. Don't worry cause by the end of this mission. Evil guy will lose.*

Claude puts down Dexter on a safe spot... while this is happening... Granger drops out of his position and went near Claude by dashing. He then points his silver gun on Claude's head and says....

*Do you really think you can kill me? You gave me no choice Claude... you should have left here a while ago.*

Claude, in anger, grabs Granger's gun and forcefully points it back to Granger's face. He then kicks Granger on the side making him fall down and drop his gun...

*We don't have to fight... there is no meaning here brother... I know there's a soft side on you... i know there is...*

Grange dashes to his gun and points it at Claude and shoots all of his bullets in a single line... but it all missed due to his position.

*Look brother... I don't know whatever problem you are experiencing right now... but i can help you... you don't have to be a vigilante.*

*NONSENSE! You don't know what they did to me... and you will never know the pain i experienced!*

Granger throws some gunpowder to Claude's eyes making him lose sight of Granger. As soon as Claude removes all the powder on his face... he sees Granger at one of the balconies of the church.

*Im sorry Claude... no not Claude... Brother... I remember clearly the things we have done since we were children... but you and I are different... You can't change my heart in any way shape or form... but thank you for your time... Goodbye...*

Granger dashes away until Claude can't see him anymore... He looks at Dexter and checks his gun... it was broken as hell but there is a silver bullet stuck in it. He takes the bullet and puts it in his pocket... A constant reminder that his brother is still alive...

*One day brother... one day we will meet again... I promise that*

He carries Dexter back to their office and treats his wounds... Then after that Claude made a pendant with the silver bullet that came from the gun his brother uses. It slowly turns red every night and turn back to silver every day time. Granger also has a piece of Claude's torn coat and keeps it in a pendant...

And at that moment... the brothers have remembered each other once again...
