

Lightningpelt sat beside Thornfall her pelt prickling with anxiety. "Thornfall are you sure StarClan will answer us?" the tabby fretted shuffling from paw to paw. Thornfall laid a reassuring tail on Lightningpelt's shoulder "StarClan will not deprive a Clan from a new leader." she mewed. Thornfall moved her tail off Lightningpelt and tucked it around her paws "StarClan will be waiting for us." she mewed. Lightningpelt sighed "You're probably right." The former deputy sighed. "Well, StarClan is ready for us now. Have a look." Thornfall said, indicating the Startree, which had lights glittering inside it. Lightningpelt settled at the roots of the tree and fell asleep. Lightningpelt sat up, surrounded by StarClan. Kestreltalon came padding forward "With this life is give you selflessness. Your Clan comes first not you." he mewed. Silverwater came padding forward and stopped next to Kestreltalon "With this life, I give you happiness. Be happy with what you got. Don't expect more when you have enough." she mewed. Tawnyheart came padding forward "Hello old friend. With this life, I give you loyalty to the warrior code. The warrior code binds us together, make sure you remain loyal to it." she mewed. Flickerstar came padding forward her forest green eyes bright "With this life, I give you sympathy. Be sympathetic towards your Clanmates when life troubles them." she said. Daisyrunner came padding forward her eyes brightened as she spotted Thornfall – her old apprentice – "With this life, I give you a life for appreciation of a medicicene cat's companionship. Medicine cats will keep your Clan strong by healing wounds and fighting sickness. Honour them." she said. Thistlewish came padding forward his stormy eyes shining "With this life, I give you determination. Even when all else fails keep going." he rumbled. Skystorm came trotting towards her, tail raised high in a greeting, "With this life, I give you the understanding that size isn't everything. Even the smallest apprentices can take a fully grown warrior down in a group." she said. Nectarcreek came padding forward reluctantly – she clearly still hadn't forgiven Lightningpelt – "With this life, I give you confidence. Confidence for everything that you find unnerving." she said quietly. Lionlight came padding forward his plumed tail swishing behind him "With this life, I give you friendship. Friendship lies in other Clans. Allies can be useful, even in other Clans." he rumbled. "I hail you by your new name, Lightningstar. Your old life is no more. You have received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of BrokenClan!" Flickerstar announced padding to take Lionlight's place. "Lightningstar! Lightningstar!" StarClan yowled out their support.