
Chapter 5

Acornspring opened her eyes and sat up in her nest. "Wake up Owlfeather, we're needed on the dawn patrol." she hissed nudging her sister. "I'm coming, I'm coming." Owlfeather grumbled sitting up in her nest and stretching. "Finally, they're up." Bloomfur purred and nodded to where Vinetooth was stalking about the camp entrance "Vinetooth was getting antsy." she continued. "Well, we're here now." Acornspring said apologetically "Good." Vinetooth snorted "Let's get going." Bloomfur said and slid past Vinetooth. Acornspring followed Bloomfur, falling in beside Owlfeather as the trekked to the border in silence. Bloomfur halted the patrol "Anyone else smell that?" she asked, her nose twitching. Acornspring scented the air and growled "I smell RavenClan," she hissed. Owlfeather pricked her ears as the bushes around them rustled. "BrokenClan, just the clan I wanted to see," an icy voice as a RavenClan patrol emerged from the bushes. Bloomfur growled, her hackles raising "Here to cause trouble again Morningstar?" Vinetooth challenged, his claws unsheathing. "Quite the opposite, I just want to talk to Lightningstar," the leader purred silkily, approaching Bloomfur. Acornspring eyed the patrol and spotted Pigeonpaw standing among two RavenClan warriors. Pigeonpaw dipped her head subtly to Acornspring who returned the gesture. Bloomfur glanced back at Vinetooth who nodded and she turned back to Morningstar "Very well, follow us," she said icily and lead the group back to BrokenClan camp. "Oakeyes! Fetch Lightningstar!" Bloomfur yowled out and the tom went scrambling over to Lightningstar's den. The leader then emerged from her den and padded over to the RavenClan cats. "Greetings Morningstar, what brings you to BrokenClan camp?" Lightningstar said curtly, glaring at the RavenClan leader. "Pigeonpaw, show her," Morningstar growled. Pigeonpaw stepped forward and revealed an injury and the fur around it smelled of BrokenClan. "You really expect me to believe that one of my warriors snuck into your camp at night an injured on of your apprentices?" Lightningstar spat. Vinetooth shared a look of horror with Acornspring and she shook her head. Morningstar growled and stalked closer towards Lightningstar "Then how do you explain Pigeonpaw having a scratch on her that reek of BrokenClan?" she spat, tail lashing to one side. Lightningstar stalked closer to Morningstar until she almost touched noses with the RavenClan leader. "Don't ask me," she growled and turned away from the RavenClan cats. "Bloomfur, Vinetooth, please escort Morningstar and the other RavenClan warriors off our territory," she said and padded back to her den with Rabbitface behind her. Bloomfur and Vinetooth swarmed the RavenClan cats and padded out of the camp with them. Acornspring glanced back at Owlfeather who looked just as shocked as Acornspring felt. Tulippaw came running out of the medicine den "What happened? I smell RavenClan," he asked, glancing at Acornspring and Owlfeather. Acornspring sighed "A RavenClan apprentice, Pigeonpaw I think that was her name got injured and Morningstar blames BrokenClan," she explained glancing at her brother. Tulippaw let out a gasp of shock "Why did she blame us?" he said glancing back at Owlfeather. The she-cat looked up at her brother "Apparently, the cut smelled of BrokenClan cats," she said and Tulippaw looked horrified glancing between Acornspring and Owlfeather. Acornspring sighed and turned away from her family, waiting for Vinetooth to get back so they could talk. A few more heartbeats passed and then Vinetooth and Bloomfur entered the camp. Acornspring lead Vinetooth over to a secluded part of the camp where no one could see them. "Did you have something to do with that scratch?" Vinetooth demanded, glaring at Acornspring. Acornspring growled at Vinetooth "She's, my apprentice. Thistlefur scratched me when we were training," she snapped. Vinetooth sighed, his tail tip twitching in annoyance. "Starlinglight scratches me," he admitted and turned away. Acornspring glared at him "Just be careful, we don't want an excuse for a fight," he added and then padded away. Acornspring stared after him as he left "Pigeonpaw is your apprentice?" Podflight asked emerging from his hiding spot and making Acornspring jump. "How do you know Pigeonpaw?" Acornspring demanded spinning around to face her father. Podflight sighed and stalked closer to his daughter. "I'm a Dark Forest warrior, just like you," he said, his breath warm in Acornspring's ear. "Then clearly you've been hiding from me," Acornspring growled and then stalked away. Podflight watched her go before stalking away into the shadows. Acornspring passed Morningwhisker, who was guarding the camp entrance and gave him a nod of greeting before sliding into the warrior den. She curled up in her nest and went to join Pigeonpaw and the rest of the Dark Forest warriors in the Dark Forest. "Pigeonpaw," Acornspring greeted her apprentice, approaching her. Pigeonpaw jumped slightly and then faced her mentor "Acornspring," she said respectfully, dipping her head. Acornspring returned the gesture and lead Pigeonpaw away "Today we'll be training with Vinetooth and Aspenpaw," Acornspring explained as she and Pigeonpaw entered the training hollow where Vinetooth was waiting with his new apprentice, Aspenpaw. "Good, you finally showed up," Vinetooth grumbled as they entered the training hollow. Acornspring glared at him "Watch who you're speaking to. You may be older but I've been a warrior longer than you so show some respect," she hissed. Vinetooth held her glare but then dipped his head, mumbling something under his breath. Acornspring nodded approvingly and then faced the apprentices "Today will be a mock fight to monitor your progress, whoever wins doesn't have to train tomorrow," she explained with a sidewards glance to Vinetooth. Pigeonpaw nodded, her tail lashing eagerly to one side while Aspenpaw looked rather nervous as he glanced at Pigeonpaw. Acornspring and Vinetooth leapt onto the fallen tree and the apprenticed faced each other. "Claws up, teeth ready, fight!" Vinetooth yowled out and Pigeonpaw leapt at Aspenpaw on his call. Acornspring watched the apprentices carefully, noting where they made a mistake or where they could've have used a different move and finally the fight ended with both apprentices gasping for air and Aspenpaw lying on the floor. "Pigeonpaw wins," Vinetooth declared.