
Chapter 2

Acornpaw felt teeth dig into her tail as Thistlewish dragged her backwards. "You have to use my weight to make me let go." he growled releasing Acornpaw's tail. Acornpaw nodded and darted forward. She felt Thistlewish grab her tail but she scraped at the ground with her back paws and rolled. Thistlewish let go as he jerked forward with dust in his eyes. He let go of Acornpaw's tail and Acornpaw turned around ears flattened; claws unsheathed ready to attack. Thistlewish nodded in approvement his eyes glowing "You performed that move perfectly." he said. "So, this is the new apprentice everyone is talking about?" an apprentice sneered padding into the clearing with his mentor following behind. "I'm sorry Thistlewish." a flame-coloured tom said padding to stand next to his apprentice. "For what Starlinglight?" Thistlewish asked, blinking at Starlinglight. "For Vinepaw rudely interrupting." Starlinglight growled flicking Vinepaw's ear with his tail. Vinepaw growled at Starlinglight "Well everyone is talking about her. Saying that she's a really good fighter." he snarled. "Because she is." Thistlewish snapped his tail lashing to one side. "Want to prove that?" Vinepaw said his eyes glinting in the half light. "I will." Acornpaw growled stalking forward until she was face to face with Vinepaw. "If I win, you have to admit that I'm the better fighter. If you win, you can say you're the better fighter." Acornpaw snarled. "Deal." Vinepaw said leaping at Acornpaw claws unsheathed. Acornpaw dodged to one side and raked her claws along Vinepaw's flank. Vinepaw turned around and grabbed Acornpaw's tail. Acornpaw scraped at the ground and rolled forward forcing Vinepaw to let go. Acornpaw leapt to her feet and jumped at Vinepaw grabbing his shoulders and dragging him to the ground. She scraped at Vinepaw's back and held him down. "Stop! Acornpaw is the winner." Starlinglight says. Acornpaw let Vinepaw up, blood dripping from his wounds. "I'm disappointed Vinepaw. Well, done Acornpaw. Clearly Thistlewish has taught you well." Starlinglight said and he padded away with Vinepaw. Thistlewish turned to look at Acornpaw "You fought well. Go home." he said simply. Acornpaw closed her eyes and went back to BrokenClan. She woke in the apprentice den her littermates sleeping beside her. She saw Vinepaw curled up in his nest and she saw with a glimmer of satisfaction claw marks in his pelt. "Get up Vinepaw!" Brackenfur hissed from the den entrance. Vinepaw sat up and his eyes rested on Acornpaw "I'm retaking my warrior assessment today." he said stiffly padding past her and joining Brackenfur "No you won't be today." Brackenfur said, eyeing the scratches. "What?! Brackenfur, you promised." Vinepaw growled. "I didn't expect you to be injured. It was probably a thorn. Go to Thornfall and Sparrowheart and get your wounds dressed." Brackenfur snapped, clearly annoyed. Acornpaw got out of her nest and did a quick grooming before going to meet Rabbitface in the clearing. "Mistfern, I want you to lead a hunting patrol today. I want to see how you lead. Take Lightningleap, Runningleaf and Sparrowheart with Tulippaw, they can find some herbs while you hunt." Rabbitface said. Mistfern nodded and called to the cats. Tulippaw came running from the apprentice den, with Vinepaw following him fuming. "Alright Acornpaw, today we'll be fighting." Rabbitface said turning to face her apprentice. "Alright!" Acornpaw said her claws flexing in excitement. Rabbitface lead Acornpaw out of camp and to the training clearing. "I'll show you the rearing swipe first." Rabbitface said as she reared onto her hind paws and lashed out with a sharp blow from her front paw. Acornpaw reared up and copied her mentor making sure to use her tail for balance "Excellent!" Rabbitface said as she swiped again, this time at Acornpaw. Acornpaw ducked and kicked at Rabbitface's hind legs. The deputy promptly lost her balance and fell into the grass "Very good idea to knock my legs out from underneath me. You have a natural fighting talent." Rabbitface said getting to her paws and shaking off bits of dust from her fur. "Now jump onto my back and I'll show you how to get another cat off. But it requires speed and precision." Rabbitface said. Acornpaw sprang onto her mentor's back and hung onto it lightly. "When I roll, I want you to jump and attack me before I get to my feet." Rabbitface said as she dropped to her paws and began to roll. Acornpaw sprang off her back and softly pawed at Rabbitface's side. "Wonderful!" Rabbitface praised "Now, why don't we do a mock fight with those two moves I just taught you and then you can go on instinct." Rabbitface said. Acornpaw nodded and Rabbitface reared onto her hind legs aiming a swipe at Acornpaw's ears. Acornpaw dropped to the ground and kicked at Rabbitface's legs as the deputy toppled over Acornpaw leapt onto Rabbitface's back and clung there using her weight to the tabby she-cat stumble around. Rabbitface dropped to her paws and began to roll, Acornpaw leapt of and thumped into her mentor's flank. The she-cat flopped to the ground winded. "Excellent job. We'll make a fighter out of you yet." Rabbitface wheezed struggling to her paws. Acornpaw helped her mentor to her feet and they walked back to camp "We'll go out hunting later. First I need to talk to Lightningstar." Rabbitface said. Rabbitface slid into Lightningstar's den and Acornpaw grabbed a plover from the prey pile and gulped it down hurriedly, she began to groom her dusty fur, keeping an eye on Lightningstar's den. The ferns to the den rustled and Rabbitface slid out with Lightningstar behind her, the both seemed to be in a deep conversation. Acornpaw got to her paws and ran over to her mentor "There you are Acornpaw!" Rabbitface said pivoting to face her apprentice. "Rabbitface says you're a natural fighter young one." Lightningstar rumbled. "I'm not really, just a quick learner with some instinct." Acornpaw said in embarrassment. "Well, you certainly seem to have the build of a hunter and a fighter." Lightningstar said.