
A Brighter World With You

Athena and Izuku came form different worlds with different views of those with Quirks. An incident caused the two to meet in Izuku's world and from their story begins. Athena a person prone to misfortune and difficult situations meets the one person who can save her, her true mate in a world where Sub gender or second genders are paramount to the continuation of society, where she soon realised that being the sub gender she is can comes at a cost to the person she loves. This is a re-written version of my other work called A Brighter world for us. I felt that my writing styled changed so much that I needed to re write the story. An Unusual Omegaverse that is rated mature. Undergoing editing at present also.

Frecklescat13 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 3.

Athena felt the black van come to a stop and the doors being opened and closed. It was so dark in the back that when the end of the van opened she had to blink and shy away from the bright light of the outside world. A man in black entered the back of the van and pulled out a piece of cloth, and placing it over her eyes before tying it up under her ponytail. He undid her cuffs and pulled her out of the back of the van, she tripped and landed face first on the ground, only to be shouted at to get back up. She pulled her hands from underneath her body and could feel all the gravel that was stuck and sticking in to her skin. She didn't move fast enough for the men and as she was nearly on her knees she felt a jolt as the electric weapon hit her in the side of the neck, causing a small whimper to be released from her mouth before she blacked out. The men picked up her limp and unconscious body and carried it into the building and down towards one of the holding cells. The corridors were long and vast leading to various rooms and cells. The men placed her in the cell before getting to work. Once they were done they left her to wake on her own and it wasn't long before she began to stir.

Athena had woken up from feeling cold and noticed that she was in a dark room, there were no lights, no windows and she found it hard to see. She was lying on what felt to be concrete and she suddenly realised she was naked. She went to sit up only to feel pain in her entire body, a headache like she had never felt before and fear. She tried to think back to what had happened and a flash of her brother disowning her, her friends shunning her and being taken away by the authorities all came back. She must be in a holding pen but why was she naked, what had they done to her already she didn't know and her mind ran to all the dark places that she had never knew existed inside her mind.

She heard footsteps outside and the lock on the door being opened. The door opened to a bright light and once again she could not see anything, it took a few minutes before her eyes grew accustom to the light and once again was meet with the men who had taken her away from the school and her life that she had known. She tried to cover herself with her hands but winced from the pain they were in. The men grabbed her arms and just pulled her up to a standing position, not caring to be gentle with her sore and bruised body. Chuffs were placed on her wrists and around her neck before they started to drag her down to hallway. She must of past 8 or 9 other rooms that had massive, solid doors like the room she was being kept in. They only stopped once they reached a room with observation windows and bars. They threw her into the vast, cold, grey room and the cuff around her neck caught almost choking her. She was now coughing but she could see that this made them happy, sick smile were etched across their faces, pain was their pleasure and dread fell over her instantly. They removed the cuffs and walked out of the room and locked the door behind them, this time she was under a bright spot light, windows and bars all around her and what looked like more men but with guns and other weapons lined the windows and observation area.

A high pitch noise came over a speaker system followed by a man's deep and monotone voice.

"Tell me your name, age and where you live? Cooperate and you will not get hurt, don't and the men with guns and weapons will help" the voice said.

She did nothing more and told them what they wanted. She didn't want to feel pain. She just wanted to get out of here and fast.

"My name is Athena Kowari, I turned 13 today and I live in a village called Dean's" she said in a shaky voice to the captures.

"Good Athena. Now do you understand why you are here?" he asked again.

"No...I don't" she replied in a shaky voice, now starting to cry.

Suddenly she felt pain across her whole body, a scream left her throat and she fell to the floor, hitting it hard and feeling the coldness underneath her.

"Stand up!" the man's voice said over the speaker. She tried to but the pain was unbearable and she could see blood coming from her shoulder from where she had been shot for not following orders. She felt another dose of pain for not standing up quickly enough. She pushed herself to stand through the pain and the dizziness so they couldn't do it again.

"Do you know why you are here?" The man's voice said again.

"I don't! All I know was that I was having lunch then I was small and then naked. My brother disowned me" she said with pain ripping through her body.

A video came on in the room, it was from the school rooftop and her sitting having lunch with Emma and Jack. It showed how she had transformed into a bird then back into a human. She couldn't believe what she had just watched, was that really her, did she really do that?, theses thoughts running through her head at what she had watched.

Pain shot through the back of her knee and she fell once again, but stood up right away so as to not be shot once more. She was starting to feel drowsy from the pain and from the blood loss from her shoulder and knee wound they had given her.

"This is you, is it not?" The man asked.

"That is me but, I don't know how it happened" she said to the man who was also now smirking, she could just see his lower half of his face and the smirk was clearly there.

"Don't worry, you will" he said. The moment he finished talking she was stabbed in each arm and leg and pinned in place against the back wall, long cables lead from the spikes in her body to what looked like a machine, she soon felt the low level electricity flow through each limb and her body shock and trembled from the initial charge, but it didn't stop there, they keep upping the voltage until she could no longer scream, no longer move and passed out. When she passed out she was carried back to her holding cell and again thrown in, the wounds were still bleeding and she felt the coldness seep into her naked body before losing consciousness again.

This treatment of her went on for days. She was healed by a small man, he had black hair and deep black eyes, when you looked into them you could only see yourself in the reflection. He enjoyed healing her especially when it hurt, he got a sick pleasure out of it and several time was caught masturbating in the corner after having his hands on the young teen. He had to touch her to heal her, that was how his quirk worked and because he could heal the Authority gave him a job. She was tortures, healed, tortured in a new way, healed and tortured different again. They had tried so many things to get her to activate her quirk but not matter what it was the pain or fear in her body was stopping her from using it. They had tried drowning her by tying her up before filling a tank and leaving her until she gasped her last breath, electrocution by using the spikes and machine to up the voltage to above normal human body could take, burning by pinning her to the wall and setting flamethrowers over her body, freezing by sticking her in a freezer and leaving her in there until hyperthermia was about the take her appendages, slicing, stabbing, shooting and beating were some of the ones they got the most fun from as they could touch and hurt her body as much as they wanted and they used a variety of tools to help them, the last forms were to dehydration and starve her until she had been so thin that her ribs would stick out of her pale skin and her eyes were dull and sunken in her head.

Two weeks after they had first taken her she gave in, she was mentally, physically and emotionally broken. Scars, wounds and bruises of various colours now litter her once pale and untouched skin. She heard the familiar sound of the lock on her door being undone and knew that it was time to go back once again for more. As she was dragged towards into the observation room she had decided to named it the 'power room' to try and take some of the mental anguish she was having away. The familiar spikes once again went through her limbs and she wondered what they had planned. The spikes being used every day were now becoming the normal for her and she felt some form of comfort from the steel pikes peering through her skin and shattered bones. Today was the day that she had given up and wished for the end to come, she had been suffering through this for weeks and she just wanted it to end, but it was also a day that she wished she had passed sooner as the voice of the man passed over the speakers.

"My men are bored and we don't get pretty little things like you often. Today I will let them play with a rare beauty "

With this the men in the room advance towards her, the fear sinking in. Throughout all of the torture sessions they had never tried to violate her, she was still a 13 year old girl and one of the men closest reached out his hand to grab her chin, forcing it into a hold. She tried to shake her head free but could feel another man beside her, his hands now holding the back of her head using her hair that was matted and unwashed. They had only ensured she was alive they did not care about her hygiene and never allowed her to bath of clean herself, the only time she got a wash was when they tried to drown her in freezing cold water.

The man at the front was now forcing a kiss on her lips and was trying to get his tongue in her mouth. He bit her lower lip so she would open her mouth and pushed his tongue in when she opened it to let out a small whimper, it was going around her mouth like it was searching for something. His other hand was running down her neck and towards her breasts, even though she was 13 she had developed early and had the body of a much older teen, he grabbed one and squeezed hard, so hard a scream came out of her mouth but it was muffled by his mouth on hers. Tears were falling down her face but this only seemed to make them enjoy it more. She could hear rustling and zips being undone and could only assume that they were removing their clothes, she wanted to look but couldn't as the man at the front was still searching her mouth with his . The man to the side of her had his hands tracing over her body and she felt a hard, warm, throbbing rod between my her legs, pressing gently on her entrance. Her mind was brought back to the moment and she wanted to escape but knew she couldn't, she was pinned to the walk and the guy in front was becoming more and more aggressive with his tongue and hands, She felt him slip a hand down her body and to her entrance, he wanted to put his hot member in and break the teen in front of him, he wanted to fill her and hear her soft moans of pleasure filled with disgust. She wanted anything the help her, she wanted and needed to be saved but knew it wasn't coming.

A surge of power flowed through her body, a tingling sensation and when she looked at the men they were gone. Both the men were lying on the floor, covered in scratched and bite marks. She looked at her hands and saw only paws covered in blood. She had finally been able to change, she had been finally able to activate the quirk that resided inside her, she had done it to protect herself from the men defiling her. She felt no pain in her arms or other parts of her body, the wounds that were there were now healed and scars marked the areas. She felt the power inside her grow and she could feel the quirk inside her releasing its restraints she had placed on it.

"Well done Athena, you looked magnificent in that form" the man said over the speaker and played back the video of her change. She had changed into a ferocious tiger, snarling, biting, tearing and scratching at the flesh of the men that tried to rape her. She was naked and staring at the screen and at her hands that were covered in blood. She felt glad she was able to defend herself but felt sick to her stomach and weak from the lack of food and the use of her quirk. It had taken a lot out of her weaken body to change and it used what was left of her energy and strength, she soon collapsed to the floor and lay on the cold ground, the coldness seeped into her tired and aching muscles causing them to tremble slightly. The voice of the man on the speaker spoke and soon she was being pinned back against the wall. He wanted to see if she could do it again and how far he could push the tired teen. He demanded her to try again but her head was swimming in dizziness of being stood up suddenly and she knew she was going to black out. The new men however did not want her to and continued to pressure her to change. He body was screaming at her and spasms were sent trough her body and limbs. She bit her lower lip to try and remain conscious but even with blood pooling from it she still went unconscious, much the man behind the speakers frustration. He told then to return her to her cell and they would pick it up after she had eaten and rested.

The man pressured her to change and had been for the past week since she had original changed in a tiger. She was managing to do it more but the fatigue and stress it put on her body was causing her tremendous headaches, dizziness and at times she was unable to change back part of her limbs from that of a tiger . The man decided it was time to push her to see if she could shape shift into other animals so after she had rested once again she was pressured by torture once again to change into other animals. She strained her mind to change to other animals and sometimes it would work and others she was brought to her knees with pain ripping through her head and a nosebleed that didn't stop unless healed by their own healer, who several times licked the running blood off her face and smiled at the sweet taste.

She had no idea how long the torture or since she had been taken away had been, had it been days, weeks or months. Her brain never knew as she wasn't allowed outside to see daylight, she was either in the observation room under bright spotlights or in the darkness of her cell. She wasn't allowed to speak to anyone and if she tried she would get double to punishment for the day. She had once tried talking the person in the next cell and was caught, they ended up slashing her back again and again until they could only see blood running down her legs and into a pool on the floor beneath her. She hoped it would end soon and thought back to the day of her birthday and how she wanted to never leave the comfort of her bed, how she wished it never happened to her. What were they planning to do to her, they hadn't given any clues to what they were going to do with her.

They dragged her to the observation room and today she saw a new set of tools in the room. The familiar spikes impaled her limbs and pulled her to the wall, locking her in place. A man had a fire pit in the room and a variety of tools lined up on a metal table. He reached and placed one into the fire and she watched as the fire began to heat the metal and turning the once cool, dull metal to a bright red, glowing, hot shape. He walked over to her and turned her left shoulder so he could get the access he needed, he didn't care that the spike was stopping it from moving the way he wanted and just ripped and tore her flesh until he had what he wanted. The metal touched her shoulder and a scream left her lips, the metal was searing into her skin, melting it and burning it at the same time. She felt bile rise and was sick down the front of herself, the pain was unbearable and the man wasn't done. He needed to make sure it would stay so went back to the pit again to re heat the mark he was putting on her. He did this again and again more then she could count and several times she had passed out only to have ice cold water thrown over her to wake her up. She had been branded, a mark to show the world that she had a quirk, that she was dangerous and to be feared. The brand was that of a tiger face, seared into her skin to never be removed even when she transformed. It had been done so many time she thought her bone also bore the mark and after a few day they had stopped. The man over the speaker announced that he knew some people that could use a beautiful shape shifter that she was and she had a feeling she wouldn't be holding on to her virginity for very long, the way the man had said it caused a chill to run over her body and her hairs to stand on end. His voice was full of a sadistic pleasure, wrapped in venom.

She was left to hang as the men got to work and scrubbing her skin, washing her hair and making her presentable for the so called men to come and view her. She was a bit grateful that she was being washed but the ice cold water and the touch of the men who had tried to defile her left her body void of touch and sensation, her mind had gone to its own place to protect her from the trauma she was facing and only left when she was told to put on her school uniform. She compiled and quickly put on her uniform over her still wet body, her clothes hugged her skin as they became wet and the men smirked at the sight before them.

Two men entered the observation room where she had been told to wait, she was given a chair to sit on , a table was placed in the room and she wondered why they were there. One had red hair, sharp turquoise eyes and a muscular body, he was tall and had a voice that boomed when he laughed. The other man had blond hair that was swept back, with two tuffs sticking up at the front, piercing blue eyes and an even more impressive muscular physique then the other man. His voice also carried across the room as he spoke but it had a softer tone then that of the other man. Both the men walked over to where she was sitting and slowly eyed her, she could feel then undressing her with their eyes and the chill returned once again. The red haired man introduced himself as Enji Todoroki and pointed to the other man saying his was called Toshinori Yagi.

Toshinori was the first to reach out and he picked her up by her wrists like she weighed nothing. He pulled her out of her seat and pushed her against the wall, using her wrists to move her around like a ragdoll. He pinned her wrists above her head and she was dangling, her feet not meeting the floor and waving from the forces he had pinned her to the wall. He moved so that his muscular body was now flushed up against her front and with his free hand he moved it across her waist and around, he grabbed and spun her so that her face was now on the wall and his front was flushed with her back. He towered above the young teen and he could feel that she was trembling, it brought a sick pleasure and she could feel the man's member beginning to stir. He grabbed her and moved so that his back was against the wall and she was spread down the front of his body, his breath was on her neck as he moved her around, she could feel the heat from his body against her back. She tried to move but it only caused friction burns in her wrists and made her grimace, her arms were becoming tired of being above her head but she had no choice and just hung like a piece of meat that needed to be viewed in its glory before being cooked and tasted. Enji walked over to her with the sick grin she was becoming accustom to, but what caught her attention was the needle he held in his hands, with a greenish liquid inside.

The needle pierced through the skin on her neck and she could feel herself going numb all over but at the same time she felt a heat starting to build up, stirring her insides, pleasure starting was taking over her body and by this point Enji had undone her ribbon and started to undo her buttons. His big hands cupped her breasts, his hands felt cold against the heat of her body and a moan left her lips. He smirked at her response.

"Not bad for a 13 year old" he said as he backing away from her to take a picture of her semi naked body.

"You have some beautiful scars, I know a few guys that get really off on that" he continued to say. He walked back over to her before doing her shirt back up and redoing her ribbon. This whole time Toshinori was holding her and admiring her body, his member throbbing inside his trousers, the pants that left her lips only seemed to full the blond hair guy more, he began to grind against her to feel any type of friction for his wanting member, his lips were tracing across her bare neck and every touch left a cold chill behind it. He soon stopped grinding when he noticed that Enji had finished with a product check and had began to walk out of the room. He let go of her wrists and she fell to the floor, landing with a thud. She laid on the cold floor, reeling in the painful pleasure, covered in a chilly sweat and a moistness growing in her groin.

"She's going to be amazing when she fills out more" Toshinori said to Enji." Let's take her to make a video for now" he continued.

One they had spoken and passed payment to the guy that always spoke over the speaker they came back and picked her up, throwing her over Enji's shoulder like she was some prey that had caught out whilst hunting. They carried her out of the observation room, down the long corridors of the building and towards a car they had waiting for them, she was thrown in the back of the car and Enji entered to car to sit next to his new toy. Toshinori sat in the front with a driver and commanded to be taken to the club. The car began to move and Enji hand rested on my bare knee, whilst stroking it under his big hand, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine.

In Izuku's world his mother Inko, had been pacing around their apartment, waiting for her son to come home. She had been worried about him all day as she knew it was the day he would be tested for his sub gender, she had never really talked to him about the genders and never knew what he thought about it all. As she walked around she could remember that day she got her results and how her family had been supportive of her despite being a Beta. Her parents were an Alpha and Omega pair of opposite sexes so she never knew what to expect, her father and mother would always put her into care of his brother when her mother had a heat or her father's rut happened, so she never knew what to expect from the other sub genders, she only knew how to live as a Beta and the thought of her son being anything else would be a shock to her.

She heard footsteps outside their front door and rushed to greet her son, she opened the door and hugged the teen that stood before her, she pulled them close and hugged then until she felt that this teen was taller, muscular and didn't have the same feel as her son. She pulled herself away and saw the crimson eyes and blond hair of Katsuki before her and she blushed at the display she had just given him. The blond teen had not been over to visit for years and she was surprised to see him standing at their front door.

"Hi Katsuki, it's been a long time since I saw you last. How are you doing? Would you like to come in?" she said to the teen whilst trying to hide the closeness she had given him, she knew he wasn't a person who liked being hugged especially but someone outside his own family.

"Hi Inko. Thank you for letting me come in. It's the nerds birthday after all" he said as he walked inside and started to kick his shoes off. He was always polite to Inko and he used to enjoy the time he would spend over at their home when he was younger. He had stopped coming when Izuku wouldn't give up about being a hero and he hoped that him distancing himself from his once best friend would cause him to change his mind but it hadn't. He walked into their living room and took a seat on the sofa while Inko followed in and started to make tea for her unexpected guest. She took the tea to the blond teen and sat on the sofa next to him. She didn't say anything and knew that Katsuki wasn't one for talking unless it was important, he never did anything that he deemed was a waste of his time and energy. She knew he must of had something on his mind and waited for him to speak.

"I've been a real dick to your son and today for the first time he tried to bite back" he said whilst drinking his tea.

"I've been mean and bullied him to stop the notion of him becoming a hero, he could be killed but he is determined like nothing I have ever seen before" he continued and what Inko didn't know was that Katsuki and Izuku were involved in an incident that lead to Izuku being the one to save Katsuki. The green haired teen had moved before he had planned what to do, his feet carried him into the scene and saved both Katsuki and a civilian in the process. Katsuki had been released and told to go whilst they were still scolding Izuku for what he had done. Katsuki felt do weak for being caught and needed help in the first place but when that help came from his once childhood friend he knew he needed to put things right between them. He didn't want to hate his once friend but he needed to try and make amends. The blond had seen All Might talking to Izuku as he left and knew he was never going to get the chance to meet the hero he admired also.

"I'm sorry Inko" he said as tears pricked his eyes and threatened to fall. She did nothing more but scooted closer to him and placed an arm around the teens shoulder. The contact make the blonds' tears fall and he quietly sobbed into the arms of his once friends mother. She held the teen until he was done and when she heard the front door open she gave him a quick squeeze and moved away to go and greet her son. She walked out of the living room and bounded over to her son and gave him the hug she had accidentally given to Katsuki. Izuku hugged her back but could smell cinnamon on her, he knew that scent and before he could ask her who was here, he saw Kacchan peer around the corner of the living room.

"Kacchan!" he said in a surprised, squeaky voice and quickly let go of the hug he was giving his mother. He walked over to the other teen and went to ask him a question but was shocked when the blond flung his arms out and hugged the green haired teen. The look of surprise on Izuku's face was priceless and Inko took a picture to show to her friend Mitsuki, who was Katsuki's mother.

"I'm sorry nerd!" he whispered to Izuku before letting him go and heading to get his shoes. He had said what he needed to say and done something he needed to escape from before the redness on his face got worse. Izuku stood there in shock from the exchange he just had with the explosive teen and turned around too late, the front door had closed and Katsuki was gone. Izuku was going to follow him but his mother put out her arms and stopped him from going after the blond. She had other things on her mind and wanted to know what his results were.

"How was school Izuku?" She asked her son and waited for him to respond. She knew her son didn't talk much about school and he just handed her the envelope with the results in. He knew exactly what she wanted to know and didn't want to make small talk. He just wanted to get it over with so he could go and relax in his room and read the latest issue of the hero magazine, he had a lot to think about after all.

"You're an Alpha" His mother said, her tone was more shock then anything and he knew she had wanted him to be a Beta like her, that is what he wanted but now he had to learn a new side of himself and some parts scared him more than others.

He had been given a slip for his mother to sign to say that she had read the results and agreed to send him to special Alpha classes that they all had to attended. The classes were going to start in the next few weeks and only ran 6 times a year so he was probably going to be in the same class as Kacchan. The classes were run so that Alpha's could learn what was expected of them, how to care for themselves, how to stop from becoming in a feral state and how to deal with a rut. There were other things to learn but he didn't want to think about the possibility of him finding his Omega mate. For some reason he had a longing but it wasn't strong, it didn't pull him like he thought it would but just sat at the back of his mind, a feeling that he could push back if other things presented themselves to be more important and at the moment something very important was at the for front of his mind. He wanted to think about it hard and there had been a lot going on in his day for his mind to give to the attention it deserved. He went to his room whilst his mother was still in shock about her son's results. He walked into his dark room and fell, face first into the bed, he laid on his front and just kept his eyes closed whilst he thought of all the events that had happened. Being an Alpha he could learn more about and hopeful he would get used to, he had to get used to it, it was part of his physique and he needed to learn how to control the ragging beast that he now had under his skin. His mind want back to the conversation he had with the pro and he wanted to take him up on his offer of becoming the one thing he wanted to the most in the world. If he was going to accept the gift the pro had offered then he needed to train, he had to get his body ready for the gift he would receive or he could lose the use of his body all together, he didn't know if he was ready to take on such a mantle from the number one hero in the world or if he had what it took but the more he thought about it the more he realised that he would never get another chance like this one and he couldn't turn it down. He had made his decision and was going to meet the pro to begin his training. This was how it was for the next few months for the teen, he meet All Might on the weekends after his Alpha classes and trained by cleaning the local beach of all the items that had been washed ashore. The training was hard and several times Izuku was throwing up from the stain he was placing on his body but All Might had predicted it would happen. The pro had set out a strict training program and diet, that over 10 months would get the teen to a state to be able to handle the power he was offering.

During the first few weeks the blond Alpha had started to reconcile with his childhood friend and when Izuku got his first rut at school it was him who helped him out, he could see his friend going through the early stages of a rut. He knew the signs and symptoms as he had been through his first full rut and it had shocked him at how much his body craved wanting to impregnate an Omega, how much he wanted to bite into the hot, swollen flesh of their nape and how no matter how many times he came it wasn't enough.

Izuku first rut didn't last long as was with the case for most Alphas who experienced it, it lasted for five or six hours and in that time the blond Alpha was there to help him. He didn't even notice the signs as his mind was too focused on the training plan that All Might had given him, it was only when Kacchan came over to him and spoke that he realised and had to excuse himself from class, with Kacchan following him behind.

Izuku walked out of the school and headed to his home with the blond in tow. It was standard for the person to be escorted home and as they lived close they had agreed that they would walk each other when the time came. Izuku could feel the small heat building inside him, it was starting at his stomach and radiating out, he was panting and sweat rolled down his face and body leaving cool lines wherever it touched. By the time they had reached Izuku's apartment he was suppressing his urges to mate, to dominate and pull into submission before he made his claim.

He walked into his room and immediately started to undress to get the aching, throbbing member free of its confines, he didn't care that Kacchan was there with him, he needed to cum and free the burn that felt. He laid on the bed and began to stroke his member, small groans leaving his lips as his hands slid up and down his shaft. He looked into the crimson eyes of his friend and a small smirk fell over his face, he had become so confident during his rut that he released his pheromones into the air to entice the blond in front of him, he didn't care the he was an Alpha, he wanted the touch of another on his body and when he saw Kacchan becoming hot and flustered he knew he had succeeded. The blond walked over to Izuku, slowly removing his clothes so he only was only in his boxers, he straddled the green haired teen on the bed and Izuku pulled his free hand up and along Kacchan's face, sliding a finger along his plump and pink lips, Kacchan opened his mouth and Izuku stuck in a finger for him to suck, he did nothing more and sucked the finger of the teen and coated it in his saliva before Izuku pulled it out and placed his hands down the blond boxers, reaching for the throbbing member that he had hidden behind the cloth. He never stopped pumping his own shaft and when he had freed the blonds he sat up so they were close enough to feel each other's heat and breath across their skin. Izuku grabbed Kacchan shaft and started to pump it against his own and when the blond let out a fucked moan he knew he was getting close, he was also and just before he released the blond lent forwards and placed his lips onto the teen in front of him. His tongue ran over the soft lips and he nibbled to ask for entrance, Izuku opened his mouth and let the blond in and soon they were both exploring each other's mouths with their tongues. A grunt left their lips as they both felt their knots form at the base of their shafts, as Izuku pumped he felt it pass up through his hands and saw the tip of his member become large and swollen, it was red and pulsing before it shot it's white seed filled liquid onto his hand and over the blond shaft. Kacchan had also formed a knot and he too had just started to pump out his seed over to two of them. The knots keep pumping their seed for a while before Kacchan's was the first to go down but Izuku's was still going strong and after a pleasure inducing forty-five minutes his knot finally deflated. He was a panting mess on his bed but it wasn't over yet and he was glad that Kacchan was there with him, he felt the heat in his stomach form again and the urges flowed once more, he had no control on the beast inside him and he desperately wanted to control it to no avail. Him and Katsuki continued with pleasure fuelled desires of Izuku's rut until it was over. Many time's they had touched and kissed each other, left bite marks but neither one tried to enter to the other, it was programmed into them that they could only enter an Omega and even if they tried their body would reject violently, tremors would start in their limbs until the other pulled away.

When his rut was over they both went to shower to get the seed they had been painted with off and to rinse away all the sweat that went with the rut. Kacchan waited for Izuku to finish his shower before the teen walked in to his room. He saw Kacchan sitting on his bed and sat down next to him waiting for him to talk about what they had just done.

"Do you regret it?" Izuku said to the blond whilst looking down and twirling his thumbs in his hands.

"No, but for a first rut that was crazy. I never formed a knot during mine" the blond said whilst becoming red in the face.

"I'm not sure but your pheromones pulled at me to submit to them and my body listened. I've no idea why but your first full rut will be intense as fucking hell"

"Sorry, I don't know what came over me" the green teen said.

"Well you need to look out for the sign and symptoms, if an Alpha like me was willing to submit then I fell fucking sorry for any Omega that get hit by them" the blond said and sighed knowing all too well that his beast was nowhere near as formidable as the teens next to him.

"Look your fucking nerd. You become really confident, portray a sexy aura when you start to go into rut, your pheromones are dripping in lust, your eyes pull anyone who looks at them. Know your own fucking body" he had started to come back to being himself after all the pleasure had left his body.

"Do you want to share my ruts with me?" Izuku asked with a blush on his face, he knew he was asking for a explosion to the face but he had to ask.

Kacchan opened and closed his mouth several times before he spoke a while later.

" Whatever nerd! it's not like I didn't enjoy it"

Hearing those words brought a small smile to the younger teens face and he nodded at the blond who was now getting ready to leave for home. Izuku quickly got dressed and saw his friend out before heading back to his room to relax after a several exhausting few hours and he was soon asleep, dreaming of a girl with long purple hair, cat like ears and the brightest violet eyes he had ever seen. A dream he would have for many years to come.