

Fenrir's POV

"Eat up wife" , Zeev's voice rang through my ears, taken aback by the new name.

I plunged into the food mesmerised by the heavenly taste of the exotic dishes in front of me.

" I must say, Alpha Zeev, you deserve absolute accolades for making this good meal," Jay piqued up from over the food. " I'd die to have you cook another meal for me", he added again.

" You overestimate yourself, I wouldn't even do it at the expense of you dying," Zeev replied with a deadpan face.

" I trust you'll do it," he retorted again to Zeev who gave no replies to his taunts.

I laid back on the chair I sat on relishing the taste of the food, I couldn't help but steal a few gazes at Zeev.

" Don't stare too much my moglie" , he said again taking me in by surprise.

" He knows as much Language as you can imagine, Luna, don't think too much into it, Italian is one of his favourites," Jay said as if reading my thoughts.

" Mangia il tuo cibo con calma o vattene da qui, Jay ( eat your food quietly or get away from here)" Zeev snarled, hissing from the lingering annoyance of Jay.

" Come se non fossi quello prima che arrivasse tua mogile," ( as if I wasn't here before your wife came)" Jay replied putting out of mouth before stealing a streak of meat from Zeev's plate to run out at that instant.

" Are you full wife, " Zeev asked, holding me by the hand, he looked tenderly into my eyes, his dark obsidian gazes made me flush from the Inside.

" I'm, but it'd be bad to let these good foods go to waste," I said back, not really able. to bear throwing the rest of these foods away.

" I can always make another one," he said Standing up to scoop me out of the chair in a princess carry back to the bedroom.

" I could use a walk right now," I said, refuting his idea of going back to the bedroom.

" Do you remember what happened outside last time," he said accompanied by the sudden drop in the air.

" I've you here with me Zeev, I'm sure nothing can happen to me," I said reassuringly.

His earlier pale face came back to life and the uneasiness in the air dropped. The cool air in the meadows of the pack, the fresh screen and the amethyst-looking flower captivated me.

" I've never seen outside as much as I've seen in the crystal moon pack, Kayla and I lived in the outskirts of the town with a few maids and two guards who were better off useless," I spoke softly to Zeev.

" Why did you come back to Asteria," Zeev asked.

" I came because the king had ordered it, I at first refused but I couldn't keep up with it because of Kayla, her life could be taken and I couldn't afford to lose her", I said looking down at my toes.

" And he brought you to be sold off as a bargaining chip immediately after you got back, " Zeev asked In a partial questioning tone.

" Yes he did, and you found me Zeev, as much as I enjoy being your Luna and being brought here with you, a part of me feels like it's all a facade and a dream that I would be jolted out of any time," I barely managed to say before being kissed to mush by Zeev.

" Ti amor Zeev," I mumbled in between his slurpy kisses. His large palms held my face firmly while holding my waist with the other, he delved into my mouth, taking each part in his control.

" It's not a dream wife, it's not a dream Fenrir, I love you and nothing can change that," he said, breaking the kiss that left me breathless.

I looked up at him with my eyes glistening with tears, enjoying the walk.

" I'm surprised you know languages wife" Zeev added again.

" Mmm, yes, I had a lot of time in the outskirts and I used most of it learning different languages with Kayla," I said answering his questions

" And how good is Kayla, " he asked again. " On par with me", I replied.

The soft twilight of the evening glowed beautifully through the meadow. " This place is beautiful," I muttered under my breaths of admiration.

" Let's go back inside now," Zeev said with a smile across his face.

We walked down the path that led to the pack house, step by step into the house.

" Alpha Zeev," the loud voice of a maid called from behind, which brought about a halt in our steps.

" Good day Alpha Zeev, she bowed curtly to me as well, Jay asked that he has something serious to discuss with you and has called for your attention," she said trying to not make any slip up from with her being tensed.

" It better be worth intruding on my private time with my wife," he said, to the maid who didn't dare to look him in the face.

" I'll Carry you back to the bedroom love," he said, carrying me in a princess style to the bedroom.

" You don't have to shy away like that, it's just you and I, " he said huskily, controlling the urge to do whatever he wanted at the moment.

" I'll be back in a while" , he said before dropping me down on the bed and heading out.

" Wait Zeev, I'll go with you," I said, stumbling out of bed into his arms.

I felt a little bit cringey and I knew whatever it was that made Jay call with all seriousness wasn't something so easy.

" Alright," he said, holding my hand as we both walked outside to meet Jay.

" Sei sicuro di volere che ne venga a conoscenza"( do you really want her to hear about this ) Jay asked with an underlying tone of seriousness.

" Zeev non ha problemi a farmi sapere, qualunque, cosa stia succucendo " (Zeev has no problem with me knowing whatever is going on)" I said interrupting the reply Zeev was about to give.

A flash of surprise played across his face as he took another look at Zeev, who nodded at him approvingly.