
the day when I died

it was such a lovely day.I went out to buy some snacks for myself when I suddenly came across a little kitten. It was very hungry. it looked at me with it's cute little eyes looking direct into mine. I don't know why but I felt a sudden urge to help the kitty. I took some snacks and gave it to the kitten.

"hey! where are from little kitty"

there was utter silence.

"seems like you don't have a home but it's okay you can come with me"

the kitten looked at me and meowed as if it wanted to come with me.

I took the kitten and walked across the street but I hadn't noticed the signal. the next thing I saw was a car coming at my direction. neither did I move nor did I scream. I stood there still holding tight onto the kitten.

I felt a big force hitting on me and fell to the ground. I could only see the little kitten in front of me.

I could hear the ambulance and police siren but I couldn't move it was as if I was paralyzed. l closed my eyes the sounds stoped and it was utter peace. l didn't know what had happened.

by the time I woke up I was transformed into a baby.

l couldn't understand anything.......