
A Boy in the great game(dropped)

A unique presprective on the game of thrones from an extremely powerful eternal child with ice powers to be exact good luck reading

greatcheesemaster · TV
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82 Chs

The Media World

The group of four social media celebrities descended into the depths of the underground, their arrival heralded by the soft glow of their enchanted devices and the self-assured swagger in their steps. Among them were Marissa, with her cascading blonde locks and piercing blue eyes that seemed to pierce through the darkness, and Jackson, with his chiseled features and cocky grin that spoke of arrogance and entitlement.

As they strolled through the shadowed alleyways, they encountered a group of denizens huddled together, their faces drawn and weary from a life of hardship. Marissa's lip curled in disdain as she surveyed the scene, her voice dripping with scorn as she addressed the trembling figures before her.

"Pathetic," she sneered, her tone laced with contempt. "Do you even know who we are? We're the rulers of this domain, and you're nothing but vermin beneath our feet."

Jackson chuckled at her words, his laughter echoing through the narrow streets as he surveyed the denizens with disdain. "Look at them, cowering like frightened animals," he remarked, his voice tinged with amusement. "It's almost too easy to crush them."

Their companions, Lily and Marcus, joined in with cruel laughter, their voices blending together in a chorus of malice. "Let's show them what happens when they dare to cross us," Lily suggested, her eyes glinting with sadistic pleasure.

With a flick of their wrists, they unleashed their magic upon the hapless denizens, their spells striking with deadly accuracy and ruthless efficiency. The denizens cried out in agony as they were engulfed in flames and struck down by bolts of lightning, their pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears.

But the group's cruelty knew no bounds, and they reveled in the suffering they inflicted, their laughter mingling with the anguished cries of their victims. As they continued their rampage through the underground, their hearts filled with a twisted sense of satisfaction at the power they wielded over those they deemed inferior.

And when they finally tired of their cruel game, they left behind a trail of devastation in their wake, their laughter echoing through the darkened alleyways as they made their way back to the surface. As they returned to their opulent hotel rooms, their minds filled with thoughts of their next conquest, they remained blissfully unaware of the pain and suffering they had caused in their wake.

The next day dawned with the promise of another excursion into the depths of the underground, but this time, the group of social media influencers approached their task with a different agenda. As they emerged from their luxurious hotel rooms, they donned the guise of benevolent saviors, their faces etched with expressions of false sympathy and compassion.

Marissa led the way, her voice filled with honeyed words of charity and goodwill as she addressed the camera that trailed behind them. "Today, we embark on a mission of mercy," she declared, her words carrying the weight of sincerity as she gazed into the lens with feigned empathy. "We've seen the suffering of the denizens of the underground, and it's time to lend a helping hand."

Jackson nodded in agreement, his features arranged into a mask of solemnity as he surveyed the bustling streets before them. "Indeed," he concurred, his voice tinged with a hint of self-righteousness. "It's our duty as influencers to use our platform for good, and what better way to do so than by helping those in need?"

Their companions, Lily and Marcus, echoed their sentiments with nods of approval, their expressions carefully schooled into expressions of concern and compassion. "Let's make a difference today," Lily chimed in, her voice filled with earnestness as she reached out to grasp the hands of the denizens who surrounded them. "Together, we can change lives."

With their cameras rolling and their followers eagerly watching, the group set about their task with a sense of purpose, their every action carefully choreographed for maximum impact. They distributed food and clothing to the needy, their gestures of generosity captured in high definition for the world to see.

But behind their facade of altruism lurked a darker truth, as they exploited the suffering of the denizens for their own gain. With each carefully orchestrated moment of charity, they subtly promoted their own brands and products, using the plight of the poor as props in their quest for fame and fortune.

And as they basked in the adulation of their followers and the praise of the media, they remained blissfully ignorant of the hypocrisy of their actions, their hearts untouched by the true spirit of compassion and empathy. For in their world of likes and shares, image was everything, and the suffering of others was merely a means to an end.

In the aftermath of their staged act of charity, the group of social media influencers retreated to the comfort of their opulent hotel suites, their minds consumed with thoughts of their next move. As they lounged amidst plush furnishings and sipped on glasses of expensive wine, the conversation turned to their plans for the remainder of their stay in the underground.

Marissa, the ringleader of the group, reclined on a chaise longue, her gaze fixed on the panoramic view of the city below. "Well, that certainly went well," she remarked, her tone laced with satisfaction. "Our followers are eating it up – the perfect blend of philanthropy and self-promotion."

Jackson nodded in agreement, his features illuminated by the soft glow of his smartphone as he scrolled through the countless notifications flooding his social media feeds. "Absolutely," he replied, his voice tinged with excitement. "We're trending worldwide, and the engagement levels are through the roof. This could be our biggest campaign yet."

Lily, ever the pragmatist, interjected with a note of caution. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves," she cautioned, her brow furrowed in thought. "We still have a long way to go before we achieve our goals. We need to maintain momentum if we want to keep our audience engaged."

Marcus, the quietest member of the group, spoke up for the first time, his voice barely above a whisper. "What about tomorrow?" he asked, his gaze drifting towards the window where the distant lights of the underground twinkled in the night. "Do we continue with our 'mission of mercy,' or do we shift gears and focus on something else?"

Marissa considered his question for a moment before flashing a confident smile. "I say we double down," she declared, her eyes sparkling with determination. "Let's show the world that we're not just influencers – we're heroes. Tomorrow, we'll unveil our grandest gesture yet, and the denizens of the underground will be forever in our debt."

And with that, the group toasted to their continued success, their glasses clinking together in a symphony of celebration. For in the world of social media, where perception was reality and image was everything, the true cost of their actions remained hidden beneath the surface, waiting to be revealed in the harsh light of truth.