
A Boy in the great game(dropped)

A unique presprective on the game of thrones from an extremely powerful eternal child with ice powers to be exact good luck reading

greatcheesemaster · TV
Not enough ratings
82 Chs

The Corporate Machine

As the denizens of the underground were pushed back and confined to the lowest floor, a disturbing trend emerged among the corporate entities of the citadel. Sensing an opportunity to capitalize on the misery of the oppressed, Winterborne companies began marketing the lowest levels of the underground as a morbid tourist attraction for the wealthy and influential.

Brochures adorned with glossy images of poverty and despair circulated among the elite, promising an "authentic" experience of the underbelly of Winterborne society. Advertisements touted the thrill of exploring the depths of destitution, inviting the rich and famous to immerse themselves in the suffering of those less fortunate.

Luxury travel packages were hastily arranged, offering guided tours of the underground complete with curated experiences designed to shock and awe. Visitors were promised encounters with the downtrodden denizens, their misery presented as entertainment for the amusement of the privileged few.

But as the corporate machine churned out its marketing campaigns, a sense of unease pervaded the citadel. Many questioned the ethics of exploiting poverty for profit, while others reveled in the opportunity to indulge their morbid curiosity under the guise of philanthropy.

Meanwhile, in the depths below, the denizens of the underground languished in despair, their suffering commodified and packaged for the amusement of those who could afford to look down upon them from their lofty perch.

As the government of Sinclair Snow deliberated on how to address the actions of the corporate companies in the underground, the Godking himself remained aloof, focused solely on his grand plan for the underground. With a dismissive wave of his hand, he washed his hands of the affair, leaving his advisors to handle the matter as they saw fit.

Eager to fill the coffers of the kingdom and bolster their own influence, the advisors wasted no time in throwing their support behind the corporate companies. Seeing an opportunity to capitalize on the newfound interest in the underground, they began to actively participate in and even endorse the corporate ventures.

Lord Brahma, the master of laws, saw no issue with the exploitation of the denizens of the underground for profit. "It is the nature of business to seek out new opportunities," he declared, his voice carrying an air of authority. "And if the companies can turn a profit while providing entertainment for the elite, then so be it."

Lady Elara, a rising star in the court of Sinclair Snow, saw the corporate ventures as a means of solidifying her own power. "We must not stand in the way of progress," she argued, her eyes gleaming with ambition. "If the companies can bring prosperity to the kingdom, then we must support them wholeheartedly."

And so, with the blessing of the government, the corporate companies continued to thrive in the underground, their actions unchecked and their profits soaring. As the denizens of the underground languished in poverty and despair, the elite of Winterborne society reveled in their newfound entertainment, their pockets lined with the spoils of exploitation.


Lady Seraphine Frost, known for her chilling performances on screen, sneered as she passed by a group of ragged children, their eyes pleading for mercy. "Disgusting," she muttered under her breath, flicking her cigarette butt in their direction. "Why bother with these vermin when we could be enjoying the finer things in life?"

Lord Asher Darkthorne, his dark eyes glinting with malice, reveled in the despair that surrounded him. "Look at them, pathetic creatures," he remarked, his voice dripping with disdain. "They're nothing but fodder for our entertainment."

The heirs, born into a legacy of privilege and power, moved through the underground with a sense of entitlement that bordered on arrogance. "These wretches should count themselves lucky to be in our presence," declared Lady Marigold Frostbane, her tone laced with contempt. "They exist only to serve us."

Meanwhile, Lord Damon Nightshade, a cruel smirk playing on his lips, took pleasure in tormenting those unfortunate enough to cross his path. "Why waste our time on these lowlifes?" he sneered, his voice echoing through the cavernous tunnels. "They're nothing but pawns in our game."

As the group made their way back to their hotel, built in the heart of the underground, their laughter echoed off the walls, a cruel mockery of the suffering that surrounded them. Already, plans were forming in their minds for the next day's excursion, eager to acquire new servants to cater to their every whim.

With glasses raised in a toast to their own depravity, they reveled in the knowledge that they were the masters of this dark domain, where cruelty reigned supreme and compassion was a foreign concept. And as the night wore on, the echoes of their laughter mingled with the cries of the forgotten, a chilling reminder of the gaping divide between the Winterborne elite and those condemned to dwell in the shadows.

As the group of Winterborne elites reveled in their exploration of the underground, they encountered two identical twin brothers who had come with noble intentions. Lord Alistair and Lord Cedric Snowbrook, newcomers to the underground, greeted the group with genuine warmth and eagerness to make a positive impact.

"Welcome, lords and ladies," Alistair exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. "We are honored to join you on this journey to better understand the plight of the denizens of the underground."

Cedric nodded in agreement, his eyes shining with idealism. "Indeed, it is our hope that we may find ways to alleviate their suffering and bring about positive change."

However, as they ventured deeper into the depths of the underground, the twins' initial enthusiasm began to wane. The sights of poverty and suffering weighed heavily on their hearts, and they found themselves increasingly disillusioned by the reality of life for the denizens below.

Lady Seraphine Frost, always eager to assert her dominance, wasted no time in leading the group on a tour of the most downtrodden areas of the underground. "Behold," she declared with a disdainful smirk, "the true face of poverty and despair."

Lord Asher Darkthorne attempted to maintain an air of sophistication as he engaged the twins in conversation. "It is indeed a dire situation," he remarked, his voice tinged with unease. "One wonders what measures could be taken to improve the lives of these unfortunate souls."

As the night wore on, the group's initial enthusiasm gave way to a sense of unease and guilt. The twins, once eager to make a difference, now found themselves complicit in the exploitation of the denizens for their own entertainment.

"And what of their futures?" Cedric asked, his voice laced with concern. "Surely, we cannot simply turn a blind eye to their suffering."

But Lady Seraphine merely shrugged, her gaze cold and indifferent. "Their fate is of little consequence to us," she replied callously. "We are here to enjoy ourselves, nothing more."

And as they returned to the surface, the weight of their actions hung heavy on their hearts, their noble intentions tarnished by the harsh realities of life in the underground. Yet, instead of rejecting the allure of power and privilege, the twins succumbed to the same temptation as the rest of the group, purchasing servants with a sense of entitlement that belied their initial intentions.