
A Boxer in Avatar

Cuckolding a mafia boss is not something you can do without expecting revenge. I, Lorenzo Bonaventura, after messing with the fiancée of a mobster from my own homeland, was killed and reincarnated in this strange world where there is something similar to magic or superpowers called bending. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Clarification! The story will take place in Korra's time and the MC knows nothing about the story, nor about Aang or Korra. Everyday chapters except Sundays!

Parstro · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Death and an unexpected new life

The sirens of an ambulance echoed in my ears in a strange way, as if I was surrounded by four concrete walls and not as I really was, out in the open air and lying like a rag on a New York sidewalk.


My eyelids were opening and closing like the flashing lights of a car, slowly and steadily, as my pupils were fading.

Then, I will die.

Despite the harsh and blunt words that went through my mind, I experienced no discomfort. There were no regrets. The only thing I would regret in my dying breath would be not having had the opportunity to have children with Katherine. However, I was satisfied.

For that very reason, I would not change anything that led me to lie on the floor like a dog.

Also, to be honest, the delight was immense to see the look of fear on that damned midget's face when I broke his nose. And even more satisfying was watching him hide among his armed bodyguards. A subtle smile tugged at my faded lips.

"You... You pair of slow fucks, where the fuck have you been?! I-I called you 15 minutes ago and...!"

"Katherine, listen to me."

Mustering all the strength I had left, I managed to get the attention of Kathe, who was trying to stem my impending bleeding with her delicate hands.

As soon as she heard me, she looked at me. Despite my blurred vision, I elucidated her red-tinted face without much trouble. How cute.

"Lori...? No, don't worry, y-yes? Don't talk, just hang in there, please..."

Her soothing tone and her attempt to appear strong only served to increase my certainty about what she was about to say.

"Lovely Katherine, the girl with the impassive face, heart of steel and foul mouth, listen to me."

I felt men in blue approach and grab me, Katherine did not take her eyes off me and I did not take them off her.

"Even in my last breath you want to appear strong? I don't think you want it to be like that, I know you. Come on, let your emotions out," trembling, I brought my right hand to one of her pretty cheeks. "You know, that was why from the very first moment I was interested in you, I wanted to see more of your expressions other than your usual poker face," I affectionately caressed her icy cheek. "Fortunately I managed to do that and I know that you, despite always denying it, enjoyed me seeing those new faces of yours. So, now, let me see that last expression that even to this day I never got to contemplate."

Kathe nodded vigorously as tears began to fall down her cheeks like a pair of waterfalls.

Along with a final "I love you", those were my last words before I died and surprisingly appeared in the arms of a woman who was not my girl.


"Out of the lower ring! Wanting to help his family financially, but acquiring an insatiable hunger for victory in the process! Ba Sing Se's greatest champion! Behold, as he likes to be called, Lorenzo Bonaventura!"

Shouts and cheers in my honor marked the beginning of my performance. The excitement of the audience resounded until it shook the stadium and, in turn, lit the fire in my eyes.

"Lorenzo, Lorenzo, Lorenzo!"

I nimbly hopped forward as my fists lashed at the air.

"Lorenzo, Lorenzo, Lorenzo!"

The light of the stage and the darkness of the tunnel drew a border that I crossed without hesitation.

"Come on, boys! If you shout that low, I won't be able to hear you! No fear! Make the walls rumble even more!"

Waving my hands high in the air, I further encouraged that adoring audience.

"Lorenzo, Lorenzo, Lorenzo, Lorenzo!!!"

I nodded with a smile of approval as I saw them standing in the stands, screaming at the top of their lungs.

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about, folks!"

As the crowd continued the screaming, I naturally climbed the steps leading up to the large fighting ring. This was nothing more than a square platform of large dimensions.

"Last but not least...!"

The announcer, stationed outside the ring, announced my opponent's entrance with a gesture. This one came out of the tunnel with a scowl, pounding his fists and immediately pinning his gaze on me.


"My dear beloved audience, before I sweep the floor with my opponent, I want to give you a very important announcement! A nationwide announcement!"

That voice came not from the announcer, but from me. I ignored the imposing opponent who had positioned himself a few feet away and turned to the audience. I heard their frustration and anger at my words, which only widened my smile.

"I have to announce that this will be my last fight in Ba Sing Se!"

Despite my words, the audience's cheers and shouts did not wane; it was not the first time I had expressed something similar.

"However, unfortunately, I have to tell you that this time it will not be a tour throughout our beloved Kingdom!"

A general confusion gripped the stands; the shouting ceased and loud murmuring began among the crowd. My opponent looked at me with a vein marked on his forehead, as if he wanted to attack me at that moment for making him wait.

"Just as you heard, my people!"

I looked down and covered my eyes feigning sadness and embarrassment. The audience suddenly fell silent, imagining the worst.

"Lorenzo, boy...? If it's not a tour, what do you mean?"

The presenter himself was confused and approached me. However, before the guy put his hand on my shoulder, I stopped covering my eyes with my left hand and instead raised it skyward in a fist.

"I'm traveling to the United Republic of Nations, more precisely speaking, to Republic City! Oh! You may wonder why, well, isn't the reason obvious, guys? Come on, I had you guys smarter. Clearly to show those skinny-armed guys the superiority of an Earth Kingdom fighter!"

Everyone's eyes and mouths opened, then the stadium rumbled like never before.


"Lorenzo, boy, is that true?!"

I just nodded matter-of-factly.

"Ho! You, Lorenzo, you always surprise me with your ideas! Hahaha, then I trust you'll make it!"

The presenter regained his composure and exited the ring. For a moment he seemed to have lost all his energy, but then his face filled with color. In fact, the entire audience seemed to have experienced the same feeling.

These guys were overly fond of me. Well, that makes sense.

"So, what better time, with the whole audience and myself excited, to start the fight!

Finally, drawing air into my lungs and focusing my gaze, I adopted my fighting stance as I waited for the signal from the presenter.

My body slightly bent, my non-dominant foot in front and the dominant one behind to keep my balance, my left fist in front and my right fist behind, both protecting my chin and thorax. In addition, I resumed the jumps I had done before to warm up; this time they were more noticeable and longer and their intention was different.

Xiong Wang, my opponent tonight, simply crouched down and rested his giant hands on the ground like a bull about to lunge.

"Let the fight begin!!!"

As soon as the signal sounded, the dust around me stirred and rose into the air. However, at the same time, from the area where Xiong had his hands resting, he unleashed a rampant string of rocks.

I realized his intention to expel me from the ring in order to accomplish the impossible feat of beating me; it was a strategy that had become fashionable because of the way I fought.

With nimble steps and without much effort, I moved to the side to dodge the rocky stripe.

"Ah! Again with that useless-as-shit strategy? Even if you're nothing but fat, Xiong, you're a giant, you must have some strength! Aren't you ashamed to use such a ruse?"

Laughter from the audience was not long in coming at my usual taunts. Xiong's eyebrows furrowed and, gritting his teeth wildly, he raised his hands, lifting five pieces off the ground.

"You still don't convince me!"

I then began to move nimbly all over the field, jumping steadily as the dust around me was getting closer to my fists.

"Come on, show what you've got!"

"Shut the fuck up!"

Xiong pushed into the void and his rocks shot out towards me. To his disgrace, one by one, I evaded the projectiles by leaning over and moving my body sideways.


I guffawed as the audience applauded as if they had witnessed a bullfighter dodging bull charges.

"What did you think, dear audience?! You love it, right?!"

With utter brazenness, I turned my back to Xiong and executed a bullfighter-style bow. The spectators in the stands applauded and chanted my name.

Just as I turned and dodged another earthen projectile thrown by the enraged Xiong, a pair of stone gloves now adorned my fists. I had fashioned boxing gloves from the dust I had accumulated thanks to my jumping.

"Let's get this over with!"

I roared as I stomped heavily on the ground; stone columns rose up forming a staircase, which I ascended the instant of its creation.

On the last step, I jumped into the air and charged a right hook. Seeing Xiong red as a tomato and unable to respond as gravity did its work, I delivered the blow without meeting any resistance.


In that way, I sent my opponent backwards, out of the ring. I landed on the ground as a gymnast would and, to keep the role, I saluted the audience imitating the gestures of a gymnast.

"Lorenzo, Lorenzo, Lorenzo!"