
A bored god's adventure trying not to be op but failing

The adventure of shin, the bored God in a world that's trying to make him op, but he's bored of having power and tries to nerf himself to earn it, let's see how things will go for him

ultimate_charizard · Fantasy
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31 Chs

why did I make an 800 word fight scene?

Ember rushed forward and tried to stab Sol, but knowing what she was going to do, Sol blocked the stab, with his sword, and pushed it to the side so it didn't slide from his wooden blade and hit it, while also allowing him to thrust his big long hard sword into her

He thrust his sword forward attempting to stab her, however Ember was able to stop herself from moving forward from the slash and jump back, barely getting stabbed, however, the damage penetrated her armour, as if it wasn't there, and stabbed her directly, however she wasn't worried, as she knew this was an effect both swords have and that they won't do any damage after her HP reaches a certain point

She looked at Sol, trying to find and opening, she thought of attacking his blind spot but knew that if he didn't see it serve the attack, he would know it was his blind spot, after all, he wasn't a hero for nothing, so she threw that idea away, but whole she was thinking, Sol took the opportunity to run up to her

He got right in front of her and lifted his sword, pointing it up, then quickly slashed down, seeing the attack Ember blocked it, making her sword sideways, and said one thing "REPEL" as if by a magical force Sol was pushed back

Sol said "so you're using magic,two can play at that game" he lifted his hand up, as if gathering power, then pointed ahead, as if giving direction, a ball of light appeared and rushed forward, trying to hit her, but she said "FIREBALL" and a bigger ball of fire appeared, however it only countered the light ball, and while she did that Sol sent a slash at her, creating a wind blade

Whole controlling the fireball, Embers instincts kicked in, making her body automatically move her sword to block the air slash, she used her might and was able to destroy it, since she focused on power more than stamina, she knew she would be able to block strikes, but she wasn't confident she would last long enough to win the fight, she knew him well enough to fight him on higher grounds but her honour wouldn't allow her to use those tactics, she needed to think fast if she wanted to win

Sol on the other hand was worried about being able do enough damage, after all, Ember, being part dragon, had very high defense, and was fast due to her Goddess half, he knew that the only way to beat her was to have her run out of energy, but that takes away any excitement, and meeting Shin, who he could tell disliked boredom, he wanted to show him a good fight that could get his blood pumping, so despite it being a bad idea, he wasn't going to let his new friend be disappointed, so doing the foolish move, he ran up to her to fight close range, surprising everyone, but putting a smoke on Shins face as he knew this would be exciting for him

Sol sent a barrage of slices at Ember, forcing her to block them, however they were too fast to let her think of a way to defeat him, only letting her block, since she couldn't put any of her focus anywhere else or she would get hit, this high speed attack went on for a while, and as time went by Ember became tired, she knew that if she didn't attack, she would lose, so she decided to go all out

Embers sword glew red, as she poured her magic into it, seeing what she was doing, Sol did the same thing, making his sword radiate with a yellow glow unlike any other, shining brightly in the dark cold night, as if a beacon, even the God of light smiled upon the one he's chosen as a hero, the human who has surpassed all of his predecessors

The orange light shined brightly, matching the radiance of the yellow Sol and Ember both let out a battle cry, screaming to the heavens as their blades clashed, creating a shockwave, and cracking the arena underneath, the force of the attacks went through the blades, quickly dropping each others health points, but neither stopped, they have decided that this will decide it all, so they pushed forward, not giving up, until the very end, where Embers attack was starting to get weaker, because of how much energy she used and could no longer supply, but that was all that was needed, with a final shout Sol slashed the blade down and pushed Ember back, then, he stopped, as he noticed that the hilt of his sword turned green, and the hilt of her sword turned red

"I win, after all, your HP has gone down to 10% and won't go any lower" Sol said, smiling at his victory "that said, you were definitely a tough opponent, gave me more of a challenge than most, and I gotta give credit where credit is due" he also admitted

"It was a fine battle, which you should have won, but decided to give me a chance, and I respect that" Ember told him

"What do you think of the fight" Sol asked, turning to Shin, and then just looked at him surprised, seeing his expression

"that was awesome!" Shin shouted, so loud that even the heavens could hear it, which surprised many God's who were in there making them decide to investigate later

But onto Shin, he was looking at Sol with shining eyes, looking like they had stars in them, his blood was pumping from watching the fight, excitement filled him, as he looked at Sol feeling reverence towards him "teach me how to fight like that" he asked, wanting to learn how to fight a high speed great action battle

"It's not really something you learn, more like something you pick up on the battlefield" Sol told him

"Then fight me" Shin told him, and in the end, Sol couldn't decline, and they fought all night, Sol unsurprisingly beating Shin every time with all his fighting experience he earned, then the sun Rose after the 100th battle

1043 words

ultimate_charizardcreators' thoughts