
A bored god's adventure trying not to be op but failing

The adventure of shin, the bored God in a world that's trying to make him op, but he's bored of having power and tries to nerf himself to earn it, let's see how things will go for him

ultimate_charizard · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

new kid, new threat

When he entered the room, he saw an unconscious kid with blood red hair, no, it wasn't that, blood was seen on his body, covered in bruises, his purple hair couldn't be seen, and Shin didn't know any healing spells or arrays, so he couldn't do anything about it

"But you can narrator, your words are the word of God one could say" Shin told me, breaking the fourth wall once again, but I stopped caring anyways after talking with the author

And then a miracle happened, and Shiro glowed red, alerting Shin and making the red part of his necklace glow too, he felt like he knew what was going on, but in the end, he felt that there was no point in being cautious, and threw it away walking to him

Looking at the kid, he noticed that the glow he released was releasing weak strands of energy, one of them flew towards Shin, who stepped backwards to dodge it

The red strands send cuts on the floor, and also healed Kira, but not waking him up, soon the stands disappeared, leaving him safe for Shin to pick up

Shin walked up to him, picking the kid up and placing him on his shoulder, going back to the room earlier, he created a ball of mana, that would explode, and shot it at the metal wall

He quickly picked the big man up and threw him, making him fly out of the mansion, and jumped out the way he came in, quickly running out

He used his mana to push anyone he thought wasn't deserving of death In front of himself, he wasn't gonna just kill people for no reason, at least he didn't feel like doing that at this moment

Eventually there was a wall of unconscious humans in front of him, he broke any wall in front of them with his magic making them weak and crumble, and he reached the front door, he pushed the almost hundred maids, butler's, or Knights, or anyone else he knocked unconscious earlier

He jumped over there bodies and dropped Kira on top of them, then took his ring off and flew back to his hotel, behind him he heard a giant boom, and thought the mana bomb finally exploded

Other people heard the boom and guards started running towards the mansions destination, checking what happened while being confused, no one should have been able to do that, and if someone tried they should've died first thing before they could start

By the time they arrived, Shin was already at the guild in the city, he looked for a quest were he could gain a lot of money, and found one about gathering a rare herb, he took it and left, going to find it

He took a while, but soon found it, he went to back to the guild and gave a receptionist that takes quest items and gives rewards the herb, collecting his money and going back to his hotel, and also noticing that there is a new investigation quest available, but he ignored it

He soon arrived back to the inn, and woke Shiro up, who rubbed his eyes and looked at Shin

"What are we doing now dad?" Shiro asked, curious since he didn't know what they were going to do next

"We're going to meet my brother" Shin responded to him, picking him up and carrying him "but first" 

"First what?' asked Shiro

"Well, you'll see" Shin answered, walking out, and going back to the mansion

He reached the mansion gates, but a guard blocked him, pointing his spear at Shin's neck, while glaring at him, trying to show dominance towards the one he saw as a short kid

"Kid, what are you doing here? This is a restricted area" the guard said with a strict tone, making sure that Shin knew he wasn't afraid to kill if it was necessary

Shin thought about it for a bit, wondering if he should reveal the fact he's the Duke, after all, he needed to make sure that Kira was I'm the right hands

"I'm Shin, the brother of Char, who is the king of the dragons" Shin answered, pulling the adventurers card which was just the equivalent of an I.D at this point 

The guard thought it was fake but with a glance realized it was real, and so did the other guards near him, he went back to talk with the guards inside to talk with the people inside, then came back to Shin

"Alright sir, I have told the others in about you so they won't attack you, if you need anything, just ask" the guard said respectfully, and minded it of Shins way

Shin nodded and walked in, looking around and seeing that there where multiple people, most of them being on the floor, the only one not there was the woman, who he guessed was sleeping and died

He looked for Kira, and saw the kid, walking towards him and seeing he was awake, and looked at him

"Morning kid, you're adopted from now on" Shin said, surprising everyone that heard


Meanwhile, in another dimension, the same blood red hair, looked angrily at the one with red hair

"W-what's wrong Geno?" The blue haired one asked

"You know Paci, why didn't you tell me?" Geno answered

"D-d-did you find out about Shin?" Paci said sounding nervous

"Yes, although it's interesting, he's probably trying to make sure the failure control can my power" Geno replied

"Y-you shouldn't be mean about the kid" Paci told his counterpart

"Well, I can do whatever I want, oh, and sorry for scaring you earlier" Geno said sincerely apologizing

"It's fine" Paci told him, forgiving him

"However, I still need to take this chance, his Omnipotence always exists, but true Omnipotence is conditional, and he doesn't meet those conditions currently" Geno replied,  making Paci worried on why he said that

"W-why are you saying that?' Paci asked, still worried

"Well, whenever I fought him before, I only won a few times, but now his powers are sealed, and he's not in his own territory, so he doesn't have that benefit, so it will be a fair fight" Geno told, with a smile on his face

"Just don't kill him, or that would cause problems and I'll have to seal you, although it's not like you could kill them anyways, but knowing you, you will try" a third, cold, apathetic voice, familiar, and not different to how Shin sounded in the beginning told the two

"F***, when did you get here Neutral‽" Geno asked in surprise

"While you two were talking, also there's a place you need to destroy, it's too pure and is offsetting the balance of good and evil" the now identified neutral told him

"M-maybe I could absorb some of the good, then the people won't have to die" Paci suggested

But by the time he said that, Geno already left, to send the universe into absolute chaos, then destroying it

"No, that won't work, it needs to be destroyed" Neutral spoke, his voice having a surprising amount of authority


Name: Narrator

description: he's the narrator, his words can do almost anything, and his job is to narrate


• his words are final

• only someone like the author can deny what he says