
A bored god's adventure trying not to be op but failing

The adventure of shin, the bored God in a world that's trying to make him op, but he's bored of having power and tries to nerf himself to earn it, let's see how things will go for him

ultimate_charizard · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

*title at the end*

He looked for a quest, although with them being so low rank he could only find some like babysitting, chores, and other mundane things, the most exciting thing he found was searching for lost pets, he wanted to start of with a higher level quest but wondered what the point of these quests where, after all if it was there, there must be some purpose it's suppose to fulfil if the guild put it up on the board

In the end, no matter how much he wanted to find other, more exciting quests, he just lost to his curiosity and picked up a random babysitting quest, which payed him 30 silver coins for every hour, he knew it was a lot considering that wasn't as much as his supplies to get to lien cost, but that wasn't the reason he chose it, he just need something to entertain him, like finding like the reason quests were put up, and why the man spoke in a way that made them sound like amazing things

He took the quest off the and brought it to a self checkout machine, although he didn't see how that name made sense so he just decided to call it the MFSAP (machine for socially awkward people), thinking of how the author would name it, and looked at it

The machine was in an area dedicated to it, although there weren't many people using it allowing Shin to instantly have access to one, it had a screen on it showing different tabs, like information and Quests, and also some slots on it, and a scanner

Looking at the MFSAP, and reading the instructions the screen showed on the menu he went to the quest tab, put in the pin that was shown on the bottom of the sheet, and scanned his card on the scanner, allowing the quest to be allocated to him, he then looked at the information tab and after put the quest sheet in his inventory, as proof of him accepting the quest to the one who published it

He left the guild despite people wanting to thank him, he ignored them, they had no importance to him after all, just side characters

Focusing on the address of the house he's supposed to babysit in, he looked at the map and followed what that showed him if he was confident in anything to follow, it was that

He passed many houses, each of them belonging to  lower nobles, each of the houses looked more like mansions, he decided to just look at the map then, ignoring the houses, while also sensing the faint magic waves around him to avoid other people, he slowly got closer to the address, but for some reason he couldn't see the name on the map, almost as if the author just didn't care, although he knew the reason, was because the map was sensing magic waves and finding what they were labelled through the will of the world, but the location he was going to must've released magic waves that were overwhelmed by the others around it

He didn't care of course, but was wondering why the quest didn't say it "maybe they didn't expect someone who isn't from the town to pick up the quest and for them to already know, but if that's it why didn't they just put the name instead of the address, wouldn't that be easier, I'm sensing a plot hole here" he thought, but just decided to keep walking while ignoring it, it wasn't important, for him anyways, he just needs to find the place

He looked at the his dot, seeing he was close to the location he was close to, he closed the map and looked ahead, slightly surprised seeing he was near an orphanage, and knocked on the door

Faint footsteps were heard on the other side of the door, Shin knew that that wasn't likely to happen, normally footsteps are more silent, and even if he was omnipotent before he wasn't anymore, but his thoughts went to his body, he wasn't human, and he had two blessings, of course stats and skills wouldn't be the only thing that affected him, and his already dragonic body probably boosted whatever effect the dragon god's blessing had, so later he would test them, but right now he was going to do a quest so he put it to the back of his mind

A few seconds after he finished his 5 second thoughts, a woman opened the door, and looked at him, but even if Shin was the MC she didn't blush, but said "excuse me sir, what can we help you with?" she said normally

Shin took the quest paper out of his inventory, slightly surprising the woman, from the quest paper appearing from no where, but seeing the quest she got excited and immediately forgot about it "so you're an adventurer" she said to him "welcome to our humble orphanage sir, we're happy to have you"

Shin simply nodded, and the woman just said, not knowing how to continue the conversation "come in, so we can explain the quest better" and walked aside to let Shin walk in

Shin walked in and the woman also entered, then walked ahead of him, and kept walking, Shin followed behind her, and an awkward silence filled the air, the woman tried to speak with Shin, but Shin only nodded or said nothing, so she gave up and just walked in silence, because his responses will just make things more awkward

They reached the end of the short hallway and there were a few doors on the side, and a bigger door in the front, she opened one of the smaller doors and they entered a lounge, where there where others relaxing or getting ready, they didn't react to the door open as they were used to it, but when they heard what the woman said next they turned their heads to look

"Please sit down so we can discuss the quest in more detail Mr adventurer" she said, sitting down on one side of the couch, and Shin sat next to her, waiting to listen to what she would say next, and feeling slightly uncomfortable with the stares he was receiving

title: the orphanage


Name: God Of Light

Nickname: G.O.L, Light incarnate, Overprotective God

Powers: light manipulation, blessing granting, others unknown

History: he is the God of light, existing since light has but only awakening as a God since a mortal being recognised him as an element, he has been gaining believers ever since, and although the God normally acts serious, around other God's he knows he is slightly overprotective with younger God's or those he has personally spend some time he enjoyed with

Looks: he has long, blond, fluffy hair, a sharp face with golden eyes, he has a slender, pale figure, and is very tall compared to most people, he wears a white suit with a blue tie and white gloves