
A Bookmasters Vengeance

My name is Bang. I'm what most call, a Bookmaster. I use the ideals and powers of magic, and channel them into Books to use to defend and protect. My father was a Supreme Bookmaster, and taught me everything I know. He was the man to took Diastra, the Catastrophic Demon. My father allowed me to survive. He didn't. He sacrificed himself to protect the country, my mother, and me. There's a shining statue of him in the Yellow City honoring his achievement. I may have no recollection of him, but my only goal is to use my powers as well as he did, to save the world from the demons once again.

SurrealWasTaken · Fantasy
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My Father.

Spring. 1xxx. 1 year old.

(# Means Bang cannot understand words said)

I don't remember everything this young, so this is more of a snippet of my infancy.

#"Hey, how are ya, Bang? You're getting older and bigger already!"# says my father.

My father had quite the beard on him. He didn't often shave it off, and usually let it grow long. It was long even during his final fight funnily enough. I didn't have any idea what a Bookmaster was at that point, that wouldn't be until I was 10.

"coo!" says my weird baby self.

#"By the gods I wish I understood baby language like you kid."#

#"How's dinner coming along Yasuko?"#

My mother's name was Yasuko. An amazing woman and mother who has helped raised me long after my father has passed. She had powers too, but nothing as strong as my father. She was a Mage with the royal army at one point, but left due to Injury. At this point she just uses it now to protect me.

#"Coming along great, honey!"# says my mother.

Ah, the basics of names in relationship, "Babe", "Honey", "Darling", and so on. My practice as a Bookmaster was so heavy that I've just never had time for that sort of thing. I find it to just get in the way. I have my own goals outside of that really.

#"Y'know this Bookmaster stuff gets tiring after a while."#

It took me a long time before I truly understood what that meant. Being a Bookmaster takes quite the amount of Mental and Physical strength and it does deteriorate you overtime.

It'll never make you stop doing it, but if you aren't ready for it, it'll bite you. It did so at least in most of my academy years so far.

#"Ha, you should try being a mage! That mana drain can be scary!"#

#"Alright, let's put you down, Bang."#

I really did like being out of the crib. I'd spend a lot of time in my father's magic library touching his books and such. I'd waddle around like a penguin, and be amazed whenever I saw the army marching out of the city. Full of Bookmasters like my father and me, Mages like my mother, Knights like my grandparents, and your usual swordsman.

Wanting to be in that group always stuck in my mind. I always wanted to be at the forefront of it. The General commanding the soldiers to fight, to strategize. Although, there's nothing wrong with working along either.

I did and still do, look up to father a lot, even when I was at this young of an age. He gave me purpose, and taught me everything he could as a father. My only goal is to be like him, and be as good as he was. Maybe at some point. Maybe I'll find a new mentor? Somehow who can teach me things that even my father could have missed on, although...I doubt that. The man was always studying. Book is in the name, after all.

And yes I would not mind trying the relationship thing once okay? Can't let the Bookmaster dynasty of this family die off now.

This is my story. A story of how I, Bang, saved the world, and made a whole lot of friends along the way.