
A Book Can't Be Judged By The Cover

Sasajima Hajime is considered to be the delinquent of their class, with his below-average grades, absences, and his knack for getting himself into trouble. The class's overall reputation went downhill because of him and to patch things up in a desperate manner, their homeroom teacher assigned Kikuchi Megumi, the top student in their class, to watch over him and try to help him. But little did she know that Sasajima Hajime's front is more than meets the eye. Disclaimer— photo is not mine but all edits are. If anyone knows who owns the photo please feel free to reach out to me, thanks ^-^ Tags: Romcom, School, Tragedy, Slice of Life, Drama WSA 2022 Candidate

DaisukiDayoSenpai · Realistic
Not enough ratings
160 Chs

A 'Date'

"You coming with us?" Kichiro asked the moment the group got back to the Aoi Umi Dormitory. He asked casually, jerking his thumb towards the group already gathering by the entrance of the Dormitory. The last day of the school trip had arrived— time for their leisurely tour around the sights of Tokyo.

"No, I'm going somewhere else." Hajime vaguely replied as he separated from the group. He figured that not specifying his location would lessen their suspicion but such wasn't the case, they immediately assumed that Hajime was going on a date with someone. Even with that assumption though, they responded just like what Hajime expected,

"Sure, take care,"

On the teacher's signal, the separate group of students went about their merry way to tour Tokyo without their supervision. They did have a curfew of seven o clock, just a little bit after dinnertime. It was the usual curfew for the school trip so no one bothered listening to the additional information the teacher relayed.