
A Blazing Fist becomes The God of Lightning

Follow the great Lightning God Wang Shen on his rise to power, from mortal man born with the blood of the ancient and revered dragon, to the unrivaled lord of lightning in a thousand worlds! I am entirely unsatisfied with this synopsis, so I will probably take some time at some point when I feel like it, to make a better one or to refine this a bit, But for now, make due with this one that I just wrote off the top of my head at nearly 10pm after a pretty exhausting day, inspired by a random thought to put something here while in a moment of boredom. So this is a sort of rewrite of ‘A Blazing Fist (Gamer Insert-Starting In Avatar The Last Airbender)’ By 0_Jordinio_0 Great short story, really liked it, he has a lot of them on Webnovel, I don’t actually know much about copyright stuff or anything like that, I will try asking him if he is okay with me writing this, if he asks, I will take this down. I am new to writing, but I have been working on a larger novel for a while, hoping to get it to around 100-200 chapters even though it will technically be the first novel I have written, but while I am a little stuck with that, I decided to try honing my skills a bit with some fanfics and short stories. Like I said, it is a great story, it just ends a bit abruptly, and from what little I know about the author, it doesn’t seem like he intends to add any more, so I felt like trying to write a more complete, slightly altered version of Jordinio’s short story. To be clear, my goal is to give basically the same story, but with a slightly different main character, and with a bit of an ending. But I can’t really promise an amazing level of quality after a certain point( the point where I stop ‘rewriting’ Jordinio’s work with my character.) I can at least promise strong English grammar however. Support original author or something on his Patreon I guess: https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 It will probably be pretty much the same as his story with only some minor alterations to fit my own personal... preferences( For someone who was once a star student, with almost perfect grades in every subject, I had to think for an embarrassingly long time before I could remember that word that starts with ‘pre’) The story will be mostly the same and even worded the same in a lot of the chapters, but I will make some slight yet important changes throughout the book. In some chapters the changes won’t really matter, in others, I might need to branch far off from the original story. Also the MC is a different person to Jordinio’s Zan, only his actions in some cases are heavily inspired by Zan so I guess I should give partial credit to Jordinio. Obviously, since this is a fanfic of a fanfic, I don’t own any of the characters or stuff.

Daelius_Drake13 · Book&Literature
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7 Chs

Update on writing schedule

I have managed to catch up on a lot of the work I was behind on in the last few weeks, so if everything goes well, I'll be able to catch up completely and maybe even get ahead a bit by the end of next week, still have a massive load of stuff to do, but I have just about cut it in half with last night's overtime. I plan to spend most of the weekend to release chapter 3 and I'll probably start work on that later today if I can, and if I get chapter 3 out by tomorrow at about 8pm or 9pm, I'll probably also start work on chapter 4, it all depends on whether I am able to get the weekend without too much extra work, if possible I would also like to get chapter 4 out on Sunday, but that might just be wishful thinking. So I am looking forward to being able to show a lot of readers why op characters can still have very engaging and entertaining fights, I feel like most who feel otherwise expect an op character fight scene to be 'They looked at him, and they all died!' Which yes, some of them can be when it fits, but their are much better ways to write it, 'He gazed into the army that surrounded him, each of those soldiers felt a cold chill run down their spine as his gaze passed by them, they soon felt a strange tingling sensation in their hearts, and then their vision went dark, along with the rest of their senses. They died, every soldier his gaze landed on almost immediately fell to the ground dead.'

Same scene.

Okay it's now been all day since I wrote this and to update, I am most likely going to be able to release at best 1 chapter tomorrow or the day after, but the way things are looking, I should still be all caught up with my work by the end of next week, by that time it will be significantly easier to make and keep promises of chapters and work on chapters in bulk throughout the week, but for now, I do have a bit of work that I will need to finish up over the weekend, but I will try to work on the chapter between work sessions, and if I am able, I hope to release that chapter by Sunday at the latest.

New plans, because I have been pushing myself nonstop for the last three weeks, and I finally had enough work done to take a real break, I ended up spending all of today pretty much just lazing about relaxing and thinking on a couple of things here and there, Ill have to get at least some work done tomorrow to relieve a bit of my anxiety, but I'll still want to get chapter 3 out this weekend, and maybe another chapter every weekend or once I finally catch completely, I might release a couple of times a week( note this is a clear over exaggeration of the amount of time I will be willing to spend actually writing rather than collecting ideas and playing Skyrim or reading.)

So future release rate will hopefully be at least 1 chapter per week usually around the weekend.

I am now working on chapter 3, probably not going to release it for a little while, I want to focus on quality over quantity or release rate, so I plan to finish organizing my notes, then go back over anything I have already written, and fix things up and note anything important down, because currently I have things scattered through a few different places and I haven't finished looking into everything that I know I need to research right now,

On a less positive note(hopefully), I have not been feeling very well today, and although I have a pretty strong immune system, and I have been taking all the appropriate safety measures, I might have covid, I will probably go get tested sometime later in the week, If I do, then although I have little to no chance of getting a more severe case, I will have more time to write, for a while, and then I will have to do a bunch to catch up again.