
A Billionaire's Love Quandry

Emma, a bright and determined young woman, finds herself at a critical juncture in her life. Emma yearns for a breakthrough that could support her creative journey, little does she know that fate is about to offer her a chance that will change the course of her life forever. Emma's life took a turn when she encounters Ethan Grey, a lone billionaire ridden with a strong zeal to revenge a past betrayal. He blindly presents a tempting offer to her, fueled by his will to exert revenge. As Emma's world reaches a boiling point, she becomes acutely aware of the intricate web of deception and manipulation surrounding her. Would the feelings she harboured for Ethan waver on the discovery of his plans, or would Ethan eventually reciprocate her love? What happens when the forces surrounding her succeeds in tainting her image in the world of art?

Future_Girl · Urban
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Chapter 1

The Beginning of the End.

Emma Jelks wiped her sticky fingers with a paper towel and stared up at her art work, hands on her waist. She sighed and plopped into her favorite chair.

'Why does life have to be so hard?' She muttered incorrehently.

Emma thought back on how she had to work overtime to generate resources for her multiple paintwork. The cost of art supplies alone, is taking a toll on her.

She reminisced on when she was a little child, she never cared about what to eat, wear or how to provide essential things for herself. They presented themselves. She grew in love and affection, had the best parents and pets, watched TV shows with them, did paper boats for them, made rough drawings of her parents that made them laugh.

Emma smiled slightly. Aladdin, She and her mother had seen the movie together. He got lucky when he was gifted with a magic lamp that houses a genie who grants wishes. If only she had a lamp like that, she would wish for the biggest art studio and the best art supplies that would last for a lifetime and probably, some money.

She fluttered her lashes and sighed again.

It was evening and the street of the lower streets of Wales was quiet, with a few wheezes now and then from passing cars.

Emma looked through her window, at the sun that was already crimson red with evening. It was beautiful and bold.

It had quite the resemblance with what she painted while exhibiting during her college days. She had won the prized gift and that had pushed her to do more.

The Sudden buzz of her phone made her turn abruptly, it was Lora Brandson, her best friend.

Emma contemplated picking up or just ignoring the incoming call. Her best friend is quite a mouthful and she has no strength for banters. She however, picked the former.

"Hi Emma!" Lora squealed over the phone. Emma grinned, typical Lora.

"Hey Lora,"

"Gracious goodness! I finally get to hear your voice. It's been hard connecting to you."

"Oh, Um... I'm sorry about that. Just been really busy here,"

"Busy with what? Don't tell me you've been sitting indoors and staring at the sky this time!" Lora wailed, familiarly.

Her outburst elicited laughter from Emma, "That's not it, Lora. I've been painting."

"Oh well, How is it going? You've been distant for a couple of days now. Want me to come over or something?"

"Yeah, if you want. Maybe I need company."

"You do need company, love. I'll be with you in a bit." Lora hung up with that.

In a few over thirty minutes, Lora's car cruised into Emma's front yard, She stepped down and dramatically inhaled the air with a wide smile plastered on her face.

Emma was seated in her balcony with a book in hand, she looked up with delight. She had missed her best friend who traveled to a distant country for business with her father.

"Smells the same, no change. Your place always have this peculiar smell, Emma. The flowers and birds and everything," Lora smiled wistfully, receiving a hug from Emma.

"I've missed you." Emma mumbled, inhaling Lora's cologne.

"I know you have, my darling. That's why I'm here," Lora giggled, hooked a skinny hand in Emma's, and they walked in while talking about other things.


"You will do no such thing, Ethan." Isabella Grey spurted 'Ethan' with disgust for she could not imagine having family ties with such a selfish beast.

"Watch me, Sister!" Damon blurted with equal disgust.

He wondered why his sister turned mannerless and crazy, She always understood that everything he did was for the good of their family. Now, it just seemed like she wanted the wealth in one place, with none of them laying hands on it, making effort in growing it or putting it in good use.

"You seem to forget, my dear brother, that Dad and Mom left the whole heirloom for us, not just you. I demand that you stop being such a controlling freak and let me have ultimate access to it," Isabella's nostrils flared even when she tried to keep her anger in check, knowing the kind of man her younger brother is.

He could order for her to be put behind bars without batting an eyelid, that is the last thing she wanted at the moment.

"You also seem to forget that I have thousands of properties and companies in my name. I made my wealth. There's little or nothing to do with our parents properties. I'm only in control of them because I can't afford to leave the family heirloom in the hand of someone as thoughtless as you are." He paused and stared coldly into the eyes of his raging sister to drive home his point.

"One more word from you and you will regret stepping your feet into my territory to cause a fuss. Now, Get out." He calmly said in a tone of finality.

Isabelle glared at him and opened her mouth to say something, then clamped it shut after a second thought. She straightened her skirt and stormed out of his Grande vestibule into her latest car.

At the sound of tyres screeching, he turned to stare at the disappearing image of Isabella's car, through his blinds. She had been the only one who stood solidly behind him through the years, or at least, made a constant appearance in his life. He knew that she had a goal to achieve herself - acquiring the family heirloom. She would probably be gone after that, like the others. He would not allow that, his father made him promise to keep his sister close.

Sebastian, his Butler walked in and bowed slightly with a small tray that held a glass and wine.

"Leave it on the table, Sebastian." Ethan said without turning back.

"There is also a letter for you, sire," Sebastian stretched his hands forward.