
A Beverly Hills love

"What are you doing here?" Marcella asked Ambrose, her voice laced with a mix of surprise and curiosity. Ambrose's eyes, brimming with tears, locked onto hers as he replied, "I have searched for you everywhere, my love. Why have you decided to leave? I want you, Marcella, I need you." His whispered words were laced with desperation, his voice cracking with emotion. As he drew closer, his hands grasped hers, placing them on his chest. "My heart beats solely for you, Marcella. I'm a shell of myself without you. Sleep eludes me, and my every waking moment is consumed by thoughts of you." The silence was palpable, the only sound being Marcella's rapid heartbeat. Ambrose's fingers traced the strands of her dark, curly hair, his touch sending shivers down her spine. He leaned in, his face inches from hers, their breaths intertwining. The tension was palpable, the air thick with anticipation, as if time itself had stood still. Marcella's heart raced faster, her senses heightened, as she felt the warmth of Ambrose's breath on her skin, her very existence hanging in the balance.

JenniferBradford · Fantasy
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8 Chs

chapter 3

When Beatrice returned home, Marcella eagerly shared every detail of her meeting with Mr. James, including the requirement to work full-time and the promise of a comfortable room to stay in. Beatrice was overjoyed for her friend's new opportunity, but a tinge of sadness lingered, knowing she would miss Marcella's presence for the entire week. Marcella reassured her friend, promising to visit every Sunday.

The next day arrived swiftly, and Marcella began preparing to leave. Beatrice's eyes welled up with tears as she hugged her dear friend tightly, already feeling the pangs of separation. Marcella picked up her bags, smiled brightly, and bid farewell, embarking on a new chapter in her life.

As she arrived at the grand Ambrose mansion, Marcella's heart raced with anticipation. She had never lived in such an opulent setting before and wondered what her boss would be like.

Mr. James, the butler, welcomed her warmly and introduced her to Rosella, who would provide her uniform and show her to her quarters.

Marcella met Rosella, who greeted her with a friendly smile. She received her uniform, which fit a bit too snugly, accentuating her curves. Rosella led her to her room, and Marcella's eyes widened in amazement at the spacious and comfortable quarters. "Is this room really mine alone?" she asked, her voice filled with excitement. Rosella nodded, smiling, and left Marcella to settle in.

Donning her uniform, Marcella felt a sense of pride and excitement for her first day. She was ready to embrace this new chapter and make the most of her opportunity.

As the mid-afternoon sun cast its warm rays, Marcella had completed her cleaning tasks and was taking a well-deserved rest in her room. Suddenly, the sound of a luxurious Mercedes Benz C 350 echoed through the compound, signaling the arrival of Ambrose. James, the butler, swiftly attended to his duties, retrieving Ambrose's bag from the car's trunk.

Ambrose ascended the stairs to his room, his presence commanding attention. He instructed James to arrange for something to eat, and James promptly replied, "I will attend to that immediately, sir." James hastened to inform Rosella, who was already immersed in her duties, managing the household with precision.

Rosella, acknowledging the request, quickly rang the bell in Marcella's room, summoning her assistance. Marcella, eager to oblige, responded with alacrity, her enthusiasm evident. She was, after all, committed to her new role and dedicated to delivering exceptional service. Rosella briefed her on the task at hand, informing her that Mr. Ambrose had just arrived and required his lunch to be prepared and served without delay.

As Marcella approached Ambrose's room, her hands trembled with anticipation, but she took a deep breath and steadied herself. She knocked softly on the door, and Ambrose's voice, low and commanding, bid her enter. She pushed open the door and announced, "Sir, your lunch is served," her Spanish accent filling the room with a musical cadence. Ambrose, still in the bathroom, replied curtly, "Leave it on the table and go," his tone hinting at a subtle harshness that made Marcella's heart skip a beat. She prayed that he didn't dislike her, her eyes cast downward as she carefully placed the tray on the table.

For days, Marcella and Ambrose had been like two ships passing in the night, their paths crossing without ever truly meeting. Marcella's curiosity about her enigmatic employer had grown, her imagination running wild with visions of what he might be like beyond the portrait that graced the mansion's halls. One afternoon, as she carried a tray laden with ice tea to the garden, she finally got her chance to behold him in person. Ambrose sat on a bench, his eyes fixed intently on her as she approached, his gaze like a warm embrace that enveloped her entire being.

Ambrose was taken aback by her beauty, his eyes drinking in the sight of her long, dark curly hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall, her curvy figure accentuated by the uniform that hugged her curves in all the right places, and her bright brown eyes that sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight.

He noticed the gentle curve of her lips, the soft tan of her skin, and the nervous smile that played on her lips. He was captivated by her loveliness, his voice barely above a whisper as he asked, "You are the new maid?" Marcella replied, "Yes, sir," her voice trembling slightly, her eyes cast downward in a demure gesture. Ambrose dismissed her with a nod, but his eyes lingered on her as she turned to leave, his admiration for her beauty evident in his gaze.

When James arrived to inform Marcella that Ambrose required tea, she felt a surge of nervousness coursing through her veins. She carefully prepared the tea, her hands trembling slightly as she poured the steaming liquid into the delicate cup. With the tray in hand, she made her way to the garden, her heart racing with anticipation.

As she approached the table, she caught sight of the real Ambrose, not just the portrait she had admired. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of his dark hair, which fell to his shoulders in soft waves, his piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through her, and the chiseled features of his face, perfectly complemented by his neatly groomed beard.

Marcella's nervousness reached new heights as she drew closer to the table, her voice barely above a whisper as she announced, "Sir, your tea." The words seemed to hang in the air for an eternity before Ambrose responded, his deep voice sending shivers down her spine. "You are the new maid," he stated, his eyes narrowing slightly as he scrutinized her. Marcella's reply was barely audible, her voice trembling as she confirmed, "Yes, sir." The exchange was brief, lasting mere seconds, but the impact of their encounter lingered, leaving Marcella feeling both awed and intimidated by the enigmatic Ambrose.

Ambrose found himself perpetually preoccupied with thoughts of Marcella's captivating curves and the endearing innocence in her brown eyes, which seemed to sparkle with a subtle hint of warmth. Despite his concerted efforts to dismiss these unexpected feelings, they lingered, leaving him both perplexed and intrigued, as if his mind was stubbornly refusing to relinquish the allure of her presence.

In a futile attempt to divert his attention, he decided to host a grand gathering at his opulent residence, inviting a coterie of friends and acquaintances, as well as Trisha, his usual romantic interest, whose presence he hoped would dispel the strange fascination he felt for the new maid.

As the evening unfolded with the soft glow of candlelight and the sweet melody of music, James requested Marcella's assistance, and she reluctantly agreed, aware that she couldn't decline, her eyes casting a faint shadow of disappointment. This marked a departure from her usual routine, as she had never missed a Sunday at home since starting her employment, and the thought of not seeing her friend for another week filled her with a tinge of sadness.

She notified Beatrice of her inability to come home,Beatrice promised to visit her during the week, a prospect that brought a faint smile to her lips. As the party commenced, Rosella tasked Marcella with serving Ambrose's intimate friends, a group of elegantly dressed individuals who eyed her with a mixture of curiosity and admiration, while the other maids attended to the larger gathering with practiced efficiency.

With a warm and inviting smile, Marcella ensured their needs were met, inquiring if they required additional refreshments with a graceful tilt of her head, her dark hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of night. Ambrose's friends were taken by her charm, their admiration evident in the subtle nods and furtive glances that followed her as she gracefully departed, leaving behind a faint presence

Marcella was overjoyed as she made her way to bed, exhausted but content after a thorough cleaning of the mansion throughout the night. Just as she was about to drift off to sleep, James, the butler, surprised her with a generous offer - a day off! She was taken aback, but her gratitude was palpable as she thanked him profusely.

The next morning, at 7 am, Marcella hastened to inform Rosella about her unexpected day off. Rosella's warm smile and kind words - "You deserved it, Marcella, you've been working so hard" - only added to her delight.

As she arrived home, she was overjoyed to find her dear friend Beatrice still lounging around, also enjoying a well-deserved day off! The two friends exchanged enthusiastic greetings, their faces lighting up with excitement, and Marcella eagerly anticipated sharing every detail of her eventful week with her confidante. She couldn't wait to divulge all that had transpired, from the mundane to the extraordinary, and most notably, the tumultuous feelings she had been experiencing towards her enigmatic boss, Ambrose. The words were bubbling up inside her, eager to be set free, and she knew that Beatrice's empathetic ear and sage advice would be the perfect catalyst for a cathartic conversation.