
A Betrothed Of Frost

Cam finds herself in a prearranged marriage with someone she believes to be a psychopath and that the marriage was decided over twenty two years ago. When she wakes up one day in a strange realm, she finds that her name was a part of a prophecy. Cam must find her way home but her heart says otherwise.

BlackIvy · Fantasy
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5 Chs

In The Beginning

"We've met before." Alejandro said, gripping Mendes hands in his firmly.

"Yes, four years ago." Mendes agreed, wincing. "Why are you here again?"

"Don't act like you don't know why we're here." Alejandro replied, looking like he didn't have all the time in the world. "The girl's asleep in her room. Mendes, I've only managed to cast a spell that would protect her until she's twenty two. You must tell her about the prophecy before then."

Mendes fidgeted under the intensity of his gaze and felt stupid for it. But there was something about the man's eyes he couldn't fathom. The depth of it sent chills down his spine and Mendes wanted to be anywhere but there.

"I'm not comfortable with this plan at-" Mendes managed to say before he was interrupted rudely.

"Twenty two. Mendes, Twenty two." Alejandro spoke and vanished almost immediately.

Mendes sighed, running a hand through his hair. Then he remembered his daughter.

Mendes ran up the stairs almost immediately, his heart drumming wildly in his ears. The drumming only stopped when he found his most precious gift, sleeping like she had no care in the world.

Pride rose in his chest and the tears gathered in his eyes. Wrapped around his baby girls' wrist was a crystal bracelet, holding charms.

Mendes gasped, taking a closer look at the bracelet sitting prettily on his daughters' wrist. The charms were camouflage for what the bracelet really was, he observed..

When looked at closely, the bracelet was indeed a dancing snowflake, each spelling out the words FROST.

Mendes read out the words carefully, arching a brow. Just then, a bell sounded in the distance and it began to snow.

In her sleep, Camilla smiled, giggling in earnest.

"I'm so sorry, daughter." Mendes whispered, weeping.