
A Beauty Surrounded By Hungry Wolves

Hinata Shoyo is the youngest wolf in the Karasuno wolf pack and the heir to Karasuno. He had just turned 16 and found out that he is an omega. But recently he has begun feeling things for other pack members. Certain scents have become stronger to him and meetings with other packs. Well the same thing was happening then as well. What’s worse is that his soulmate results have just come through, and he has… 38 soulmates?! 38 mates?! And he has no idea who they are. Well, his wolf, HiYo knows but he refuses to tell Hinata, wanting him to find out in his own, so he has no idea.

That_Harem_Writer · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

Hinata woke up early the next day and took a deep breath as he opened his eyes and stretched his arms.

Today was the day of his first meeting with another pack and he was slightly nervous. He was the heir to Karasuno and that meant that he would have to have meetings with all of the packs and meet them all and their heirs.

He knew he was nervous. His cinnamon scent was very strong and he knew if the others weren't awake already they would be now.

Hinata stood up and walked to the wardrobe opening the door and taking a deep breath. "Make a good impression Hinata. You're an Omega heir. You must look and act like one." He says to himself as he walks over to his side of the wardrobe.

He then opened a door and a rack of dresses appeared. "HiYo. Which one to make a good impression. And be serious." Hinata said and HiYo sighed.

'We're know as the orange heads. They're the red heads. I'd say go for red and white to make a good impression.' He says with a sigh and Hinata smiles and nods.

He then leans forward and grabs a short red dress covered in white and silver gems with a white undertone.

He then takes out a matching pair of shoes and walks over to a safe, using the code and unlocking it he then takes out his blood ruby crown and HiYo growls.

'Hinata don't you dare! It's not safe if I'm not around!' HiYo says but Hinata shakes his head.

"I'll have my alpha's there HiYo. And I'll have their wolves. So I'm going going to wear the blood diamond crowns. I have to." He says andHiYo continues to growl as Hinata changes into the dress.

"I'm sorry HiYo but I can't loose control. You know papa bought these for us for when we are older. It's time I used them." He says with a deep breath as he slips the blood diamond crown onto his head and HiYo's voice goes away. Forcing the wolf to sleep.

Hinata takes a deep breath and he slips his feet into the heels and smiles walking over to the mirror.

"I'll let you out tonight and you can go for a run." He says with a smile before putting on some cherry coloured lipstick and smiling.

"Papa will be happy with this. I know it." He says before walking back into his room and hearing a knock on the door.

"It's open and I'm dressed so it's okay." Hinata says and the door opens and Suga walks in, his mouth dropping wide open in shock and awe as he looks at Hinata.

He looked stunning. He looked beautiful.

Hinata turned to him and smiled. "Hiya Suga. I'm not too hungry and I know the meeting is quite early so I was just getting ready." He then tilts his head.

"Are you okay?" He asks and Suga closes his mouth and smiles.

"Yeah I'm fine. You look amazing Hinata." Suga says and Hinata smiles as a light blush covers his face.

"Thank you Suga. Papa always said I had to look my best on special occasions." He says with a smile.

Suga then looks closely and his eyes widen at the crown. "Hinata. Are those blood diamonds?" Suga asks and Hinata nods slowly.

"Papa said when I was younger that in the future I'd need my crowns. They are ruby blood diamonds to." Suga cut him off.

"To control HiYo right?" He asks and Hinata nods. Suga then smiles.

"Well I think it's a good idea. And it makes you look stunning." He says with a smile and Hinata smiles back.

Suga then hold out his hand for Hinata to take and he giggles and takes it.

Suga helps him down the stairs and Hinata takes a deep breath before walking into the main room to see the whole pack in suits waiting for Hinata.

He walked in and everyone looked at him, eyes wide in shock and awe. He looked amazing.

Hinata smiled and walked over. "You all look ready for the meeting." Hinata says with a cute giggle and Daichi walks over and bows.

"So do you. Princess of Karasuno." He says and Hinata giggles. "I guess that is what I am." He says and let's go of Suga's arm to take Daichi's since he was the top Alpha of their pack.

Just then Ukai and Takeda walk into the room and Hinata smiles happily. "How do I look papa?" He asks and Ukai walks up to him, looking at the blood diamond crown and smiling.

"Perfect little one. You look all grown up. Are you ready to meet your first pack?" Ukai asks and Hinata nods.

"I am ready papa." He says and Ukai nods.

"Okay then everyone. To the pack limo. We will meet Nekoma at their headquarters." Ukai says and everyone nods heading out.

They all get into the limo and Daichi sits next to Hinata since they would be going in together.

Takeda looked at Ukai and sighed. "He doesn't know that he'll have at least 1 mate from every pack does he?" He asks and Ukai sighs but shakes his head.

"Let's just hope it's the heirs. We need peace between the packs and our Omega having their heirs as their soulmates would make peace in it all." Ukai says before walking to the limo.


The limo pulls up outside a huge red and white building and everyone gets out one by one Daichi helping Hinata out and then Hinata taking his hand gently.

Ukai smiles. "Right then everyone. Let's head inside. Remember we're in someone else's domain. So everyone on your best behaviour. And no growling you got it?" He says and everyone nods.

Hinata smiles towards Ukai who smiles back and mouths 'You got this kiddo.' And Hinata nods at him.

They then all head to the main doors where two women are standing covering the doors, they were in red armour and swords.

One speaks out. "Do you have an appointment with the pack sir?" She says and Ukai nods.

"We do indeed. We are here for the pack to meet our heir. We planned the meeting a few weeks ago." Ukai says and the girl raises her eyebrow.

"Indeed we have been given word of your new heir. Please may be meet them first and not to worry. We are mated to each other." The other girl says and Ukai nods then turns to Hinata and nods.

Daichi walks Hinata up to the doors and Hinata gives the girls a small bow.

"Hello. It's lovely to meet you. I am Hinata Shoyo. The Omegan Heir of the Karasuno wolf pack." He says in a soft voice as all of his mates behind him watched him in awe. He was truly a princess. He was their princess.

The girls just smiled in awe. "Oh my you are just so adorable! Gosh! The pack is gonna love you!" They say in unison and Hinata let's put a sweet giggle.

The two girls then step aside and the doors to the building open.

Hinata bows again and Daichi takes his arm and they all head inside to the elevator.

They all step inside and Ukai pressed the button to the 12th floor.


The elevator stops and Ukai steps out first, everyone else following as they are met at a door with a man standing outside.

He turns to Ukai and flashes him a devilish grin. "Well well. Kenshin. Nice of you to show. The pack is ready but unfortunately the meeting is only for the heir and their pack. So you, Takeda and the girls may not enter. But please come with me to the 9th floor for some tea." He says and Ukai nods before turning to Hinata.

"Listen little one. Everything happens for a reason. So if something happens when you step in there, do not be afraid. And don't forget your quest okay?" Ukai asks and Hinata nods but tilts his head.

'His quest? Quest for what? His soulmate one?' He was rather confused but it's nodded and smiled.

They then walked away leaving just Hinata, his mates and the door to be opened.

"Are you okay Hinata?" Daichi asks and Hinata nods with a smile.

"Let's head inside." He says and Daichi nods, opening the door but pulling Hinata back.

"We enter in last." He says and Hinata nods.

Each member of the pack then filed inside and Hinata could hear some chatter.

"Ah so you have all arrived? Where's your alpha and your heir?" The heir of Nekoma asks Suga.

"They're coming in now. But I swear no funny business." Suga says and the heir holds up his hands.

"None I promise." He says and Suga nods then turns to the door and smiles.

Daichi smiles at Suga and nods to Hinata and the two enter the room.

Hinata steps inside and bows. "Hello. It's nice to meet you all. I'm Hinata Shoyo. The Omegan Heir of the Karasuno pack." He says softly and then looks up. The whole of the other pack was watching him in awe and then the door shut. And Hinata was over flown with scents and fell into Daichi.

This caused everyone to worry and a few of Karasuno to growl.

Daichi looked to Hinata. "Hinata. Are you okay?" He asks and Hinata takes a deep breath and nods.

"C-can you just help me sit down please." He asks and said nods. Helping Hinata to sit opposite the heir of Nekoma.

He takes a deep breath and then smiles. "I'm very sorry about that. I don't know what happened." He says as he squashes his legs together.

Nekoma look at him and all nod.

"It's quite alright Hinata. We were expecting something of the sort to happen. We just weren't expecting all of the growls." The person opposite said as the then looked around.

"Ah I must apologise for that. I wasn't expecting that to happen and my mates were only being protective." Hinata says and the heir raises his eyebrow.

"So you have more than one?" He asks and Hinata nods.

"I have many. It's just hard to find them all." He says and the heir nods.

"I see. Well I think I understand. Anyway Hinata it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Kuroo Tetsurou. The Heir to the Nekoma." He says with a soft smirk. A strong scent of strawberries coming off him that made Hinata feel weak.

'He must be one of my mates. His scent is very strong.' He thinks to himself and Hinata takes a deep breath before nodding.

"It's lovely to meet you Kuroo." He says and akiro smirks.

"Indeed it is Hinata." He says back.

Kuroo then looks to the rest of his pack and glared. "Introduce yourself fuckers." He says in an annoyed tone and everyone nods.

"Hello. I am Kenma Kozume. I happen to be one of Kuroo's mates. It's lovely to meet you Hinata." He says with a soft smile as the smell of cherryade filled his lungs.

Hinata smiled and nodded.

"I'm Yaku and this is Lev." He says pointed to the tall guy beside him. "Lev is unfortunately my Alpha. But it's lovely to meet you Hinata. And Lev shut up." Yaku says and Lev pouts but nods.

Hinata smiles as he could smell a strong scent of toffee and white chocolate.

"And I'm Yamamoto. Tanaka's alpha brother." He says with a smirk and tanaka rolls his eyes.

Hinata could smell a strong scent of fresh muffin radiating off of him.

"Shut up Moto. Just because you were born with a wolf doesn't make you more important." He says with an eye roll and Yamamoto smirks.

Hinata then tilts his head. "You're brothers?" He asks confused and Tanaka sighs.

"Hinata this is my twin. Yamamoto. Our father is from Nekoma. Our mother from Karasuno. I went to Karasuno he went to Nekoma." Tanaka says and Hinata finally understands.

Kuroo then looks at Hinata and tilts his head. "You've been acting rather unusual for a meeting Hinata. Could you tell us why?" Kuroo asks and Hinata looks over to Daichi who sighs but nods.

It's like Daichi knew everything from the start and Hinata looks down at his fingers.

"All your scents are really strong." He says and everyone raises their eyebrows.

"All of our scents? But Ukai said it would just be one of us." Kuroo stated and Hinata looked confused.

"Papa knew it would be at least one of you? How?" He asks and Suga sighs.

"I mean you do have a lot of soulmates to find Hinata. Maybe he just got lucky." Suga said and Hinata nodded.

"Got it." Hinata said but was kind of annoyed.

"I'm not getting marked all in one day again." Hinata says with a pout and everyone nods.

"Fair enough." Kuroo says and Hinata nods.

Conversations then start up as everyone catches up wondering if Hinata would let anyone mark him today but Hinata was more busy on what kenma was doing.

"Do a left rimshot and a quick slide attack." Hinata says and Kenma raises his eyebrow but does as he's asked and defeats the boss. He then looks up in shock.

"I've been stuck on this level for weeks. How'd you do that?" Kenma asks and Hinata giggles cutely.

"HiYo plays a lot of video games and I'm always awake when he plays them and he plays them a lot." He says with a cute giggle and Kenma just looks at him in awe.

"Wanna play with me?" Kenma asks and Hinata smiles a huge smile and nods.

Kenma then slowly moves his chair back to the side and gestures Hinata to do the same and Hinata sneaks away from the table and over to Kenma.

He then smiles and pulls out his phone and connects to Kenma's game.

Kenma smiles. "No one else plays video games with me. Apparently there too distracting and they take you away from your duties but I don't think so. I think they're really fun." He says and Hinata smiles and nods.

"I love playing with HiYo. Since I think my pack might think the same. But it's nice to play with someone else for once." Hinata says with a smile and Kenma nods.

The two play the game and the room after a while goes quiet. Everyone looking at the two playing and having their silent conversations.

Once they defeat the boss and level 150 they both smile at each other and realise the room is silent.

Hinata looks over and looks confused. "What? You're all having boring conversations and Kenma is playing video games. Which one would you think I'd rather choose?" Hinata says with a pout.

Hinata then sighs. "Ohhh. I get it. Okay." He says with a smile and puts his phone away. Standing up.

"Bye bye." He says as he takes kenmas hand and pulls them both out of the room. Everyone blinks.

"Did he seriously choose to let Kenma mark him first?" Kuroo asks with a sigh.