
A Bastard Who is too Strong

Jacob, a young man trapped in an endless cycle of life and death, seeks to find meaning and purpose behind his tragic fate. Each time he dies, he is reborn into a different life with new skills and experiences. In his quest, Jacob challenges the god of death himself, who reveals the identity of the goddess of mercy as the mastermind behind his harrowing destiny. Now, he prepares to confront this goddess in the hope of breaking his never-ending cycle. This tale, filled with conflict, battles, and a profound spiritual journey, will captivate readers until the very end.

sicksix · Fantasy
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7 Chs

State Defense Representative

After weeks, I finally understood everything about this world. Naida started to believe when I told her that I had lost my memory, even though we had to go through an argument that I considered unimportant. Besides that, I also went to the library almost every day to search for information about this world. The internet exists, but just like on Earth, those in power control the information. That's why I trust the books in the library more.

Arbit World, that's what the books I read called it, looks remarkably similar to Earth. Technology, government, transportation, and so on are very similar to my previous life.

What's different from Earth is the presence of scattered dungeons everywhere. It's almost the same as my 139th life in the World of Azhel and some of my past lives.

"Are you nervous, Jacob?" Naida's question interrupted my thoughts. Naida refocused on the road.

"Are you nervous, Jacob?" she asked with a concerned tone while still focused on driving.

I snapped out of my thoughts and tried to smile, "Do I look like it?"

Naida smiled gently, her eyes fixed on the road ahead, "Not really, I'm just not used to seeing my nephew, who usually acts like a child, suddenly turn into a man who has lived for decades in just one day."

I felt a little relieved by her comment, "Like I said, I just lost my memory after waking up. Maybe it's a sign of my resurrection."

Naida nodded, "Maybe so. But you know, it's not a bad thing. You have the chance to start a new life with valuable knowledge and experience."

I smiled, feeling fortunate to have Naida who always supports me. However, I couldn't resist teasing her a bit.

"Don't I deserve to be proud after defeating the strongest Hunter in this country, Naida?" I said with a wide smile.

Naida looked sharply at me, her eyes widened, "I'm your aunt, at least call me politely!"

I burst into laughter, enjoying the moment of familiarity, "Hahaha, alright, granny."

Naida quickly changed her expression to a serious one, "How dare you call me granny! I'm not that old, you disrespectful brat!"

We continued our journey in Naida's car, the engine running smoothly and the road feeling comfortable.

What is different is that there are no levels or Systems that appear. Hunters? They exist but are called 'Classes' in this world. Hunters in this world are just one of many different Classes, and currently, as far as I know, they classify Classes based on skills.

Not long after our conversation, the car slowed down and stopped in front of a tall building with a gate that read 'National Defense Representative'. The area was vast and looked very serious.

I gazed at the building for a moment, feeling the nervousness creeping back. But Naida encouraged me.

"I hope you're not nervous and remember what I've taught you," Naida said with a supportive tone from inside the car.

I tried to smile, seeking strength from her words, "Don't worry, my body remembers everything."

Naida smiled in relief, "Alright, I believe you'll do your best. Contact me when the test is over, okay?"

I nodded, feeling very lucky to have Naida by my side as my supporter, "Okay."

I got out of the car and carefully closed the door. This building looked grand and serious, so I couldn't help but be impressed. With firm steps, I headed towards the entrance and was greeted by security guards who seemed to be ready for my arrival.

"Welcome," the security guard politely said.

I nodded in understanding and began to follow the instructions given. Meanwhile, my mind kept spinning about what might happen during this test. No one knows exactly how this exam will go, except for Naida, who gave me some basic information.

To obtain a Class, it is mandatory to go through a series of written and practical tests. The Class can also change according to one's previous Class, skills, and experience. Of course, one must retake the tests if they want to obtain a new Class.

Just like in some of my previous lives, the government-owned organization is the one that manages the training center and exams for Classes here. Every Class in this country must go through teaching and testing at the government organization, and after passing, they have the right to choose to work with the government, Guild, or even be a lone wolf.

Why did they create such an organization? Of course, because of the Dungeon. Inside the Dungeon, dangerous monsters reside. They cannot leave the Dungeon, but if there is someone or a group that enters a dungeon and they all die, the monsters can come out of it.

I stepped into this large building. The building felt so grand, and I knew this was the place where I would take the test to obtain a Class in this mysterious world of Arbit. The building wasn't too crowded, with only a few people rushing back and forth.

I looked around for an information officer. After a few steps, I saw an officer behind the information desk, who seemed friendly with a smile on his face.

"May I help you, sir?" he asked politely.

I nodded, "Yes, I want to take the test to obtain a Class."

The officer nodded in understanding, "Alright, may I have your ID card?"

I immediately handed over the ID card that Kana gave me earlier. The officer checked it for a moment, then nodded. "Thank you. Please wait a moment."

I sat on a chair provided in the waiting room. The room looked spacious but empty. I was a little surprised that there were so few people registering for this test. But maybe this was a different time than the others.

Shortly after, a young woman approached me. She looked friendly with a warm smile on her face.

"Are you Jacob Meridian, who wants to obtain a Class?" she asked.

I nodded, "Yes, that's right."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kana," she sai d kindly. "I am one of the staff in this organization. Follow me, please."

I followed Kana as she guided me to the 9th floor of the building. Every step we took brought me closer to the Class test that I had been waiting for.

Finally, we arrived in front of a room door. Kana opened it, and we entered a room.


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