
A Bargin Struck

Highschooler Kiyomi Suzuki does NOT believe in ghosts. However, her life will be turned upside down when evil starts popping up. Can she defeat the root of the evil? Or will her pride and denial be her doom?

hopelesspoetic · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

I grumbled as I clambered down the steps to the shrine. As usual, having to wake up at sunrise to do the daily chores of sweeping the courtyard and wiping the floors of our traditional Japanese shrine left me in a sour mood. My name is Kiyomi Suzuki, and despite living in a temple all my life, I didn't believe in ghosts, ghouls, or gods. My mother was American who transferred here for work. She met my father and the rest was history. After my grandparents died, my father retired from his job to take care of his childhood home and the local shrine. We gave up modern style for traditional, and all the "perks" that came with it. At least it was close to my high school.

"Kiyomi! Good morning," a familiar voice called. Following the sound I saw my best friend, Misaki Sato. Her long black hair and endless eyes were as bright as ever. I stood out thanks to my Western appearance; sandy blonde hair and bright blue/green eyes.

"Good morning," I replied, mustering a smile.

"Another early morning I see," Misaki chirped as she fell into step beside me. "Did you finish the math homework?" I nodded in response. "I got lost about half way through. Can you teach me?" I chuckled in response.

"What are good friends for?"

"Blessings upon you, Ms. Suzuki!" Misaki pretended to venerate me, nearly causing her to fall off the curve. As we waited by the light, I felt a strange sensation creep up the back of my neck, like I was being watched. I whipped my head around, my eyes sweeping through the crowd, but I saw nothing.

"What's the matter?" Misaki asked, cocking her head to one side.

"Nothing," I replied with a reassuring smile to her. I must be paranoid. As we approached the school, I noticed lots of students were crowded around the test results board. "Ranks were released today." I spoke my realization out loud.

"Leave it to the top student to forget something so important," Misaki muttered with a huff. Sure enough, my name was at the top of our year's list, perfect scores again. Misaki's moan was enough to tell me where she placed.

"Let's get to class," I offered, pulling her away. I found my assigned seat and several of my classmates closed in around me, congratulating me on my scores. I thanked them politely with the smiles and kind words I had become known for. As they clustered around me, singing my praises, I felt that same strange sensation wash over me. I glanced around again, but again I found nothing. A normal day of school passed without incident, followed by a slightly frustrating study session with Misaki, which lasted until sundown. It wasn't until I was walking home did I notice the same feeling again.

Someone was definitely watching me. I picked up my pace, hoping to hurry home, when a small, stunted figure clawed out in front of me. I froze mid stride. A child? No, the arms were too long. But then, what was this thing? When it lifted its glowing red eyes a tiny, irrational voice squeaked in my head "Teke teke"! Regardless of what it was, I made a run for it. If I could cut through these trees, the courtyard to the shrine should be right there! I could hear slapping of flesh meeting packed earth, and pained grunts from behind me. This had to be some kind of prank! It had to be! There's no such thing as ghosts!

I just cleared the trees when my foot caught something and I tumbled into the cobbles. Ugh, this was like a scene straight out of a horror movie! I couldn't stifle a cry as the rough stone bit into my hands and knees. What was happening? I turned around to face my attacker, and now I could clearly see as she shambled into the lantern light, she had no lower half; she had been cut clean in two. I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out. Not even a whimper escaped as she extended her hand and shadows solidified into a scythe.

She raised the massive blade above her head, and was ready to bring it down on me, when I heard a low snarl come from the direction of the shrine. Both our heads whipped towards the sound. Standing there, teeth bared, fur bushed, tails out, was a massive, white, nine tailed fox. With a voice reminiscent of a clap of thunder, the being spoke.

"You dare enter my domain, bug?" it snarled as it stalked over. The creature before me trembled, mouth opening and closing like a gasping fish. The fox was easily taller than any bus I'd ever seen, it's fur was so pure white it seemed to glow, with eyes a glowing pale blue. The creature attacking me turned to flee, but it didn't get far. The kitsune opened its mouth and shot a blazing blue and white fire ball that struck the creature square in the back. It managed a guttural yelp before it disintegrated into ash.

The fox watched it burn for a moment before turning and looking at me.

"Do you believe now?" it's rumbling voice thundered through me. My heart was racing, my mind was whirling, my breaths were shallow. The only response my body could think to do, was faint.