
A Ballad of Absurdities

What if dreams were something much more mysterious than we imagined? The story follows Mary, a vivid dreamer in her attempts to escape from the bizarre tales of her dreams. What is reality and what is a dream? Carefully tread along the story that absorbs you into a rollercoaster of madness, where it seems the narrator of dreams does not wish to let the protagonist escape his amusement.

0MaryamS0 · Urban
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18 Chs

Dark Ballad- My Demons

I froze in place. It was cold and dark, and I was still leaning against the front door of Henson's house. The entity behind me waited for me to turn, yet I was deciding whether running back into the arms of my imposter family would be better than staying with a nut case.

"Come over here, human", the voice suddenly demanded in a deep voice.

'Haha, yeah, no, I can feel your intimidating presence at the door, so no!', I closed my eyes and still didn't move.

Huge footsteps approached me as I crouched myself into a ball. 'Omg, it's going to squash me under its foot.'

Suddenly, I was lifted off of my feet and onto the shoulder of a creature that was above 9 feet.

"Oh God!!", I panicked as I was lifted. I looked down at the floor that seemed far away.

'How is his head not hitting the ceiling?' I looked up and realized the infrastructure of the house was no longer that of Henson's house. Rather it seemed to be that of a sanctuary.

The huge creature that carried me was full of hair, I could not tell its front from its back. It wasn't speaking.

'Agh, this is crazy.' I thought.

The giant walked deep into the sanctuary and finally let me down, I fell on the floor and groaned in pain, the giant slowly turned and walked to the left side of the room.

The room I was brought in had moonlight seeping through it. It was an abandoned sanctuary with a pedestal in the front of the room and what seemed to be a throne.

A person covered entirely in white robes sat on the throne as if waiting for me. I couldn't tell if it was a human or another weird creature.

"We have been waiting for you The Appointed One", the creature spoke in a muscular voice.

"Ah, Um, okay?.", I replied stupidly.


"Um,... what do you want from me?" I could not stand his silence.

"For someone who has been appointed potential of being the Dream Master, you sure seem ... out of place," he said and stood up.

I realized now that this person was as large as the creature that had carried me here. He walked up to the pedestal in front of him and continued, " It seems you have strayed too much from the Dream Diary. No wonder your narrator hides his burned flesh under those hideous clothes."

"Huh?", I replied dumbfounded.

'Ned was burned? Because of me?', I was confused till I remembered my second encounter with him at the beach. I had asked why he was wearing butler clothes and he seemed hurt by my question.

"You are the last person who should be asking that" Ned had told me painfully.

"Huh? Was I hurting Ned all this time?" I asked the white-robed man.

"It is merely his fate, the narrators support the dreamers since their birth, every time the dreamer strays from their dream diary the narrator has to redirect them and that is not an easy task. Especially if the dreamer is as troublesome as you."

"Troublesome?!", it was my first time being called that.

"Yes troublesome, look at you now, you have been straying from your dream diary since you were a child, you even locked your brother in the realm of demons, you are ..."

"I DID WHAT?!!!", a shiver ran down my spine. "No..., that's..not possible..."

I felt like I was now suffocating.

"Then tell me something," he said, "What is the name of your brother?"

"Huh? It's a ...", I panicked. 'What is this? Why can't I remember?'

'Come on Mary, it's your brother! Omg, omg omg', I was hyperventilating.

"But I saw him! I saw him during my second trial!", I retorted in panic, grabbing my head and trying to recall my own brother's name.

"That is the consequence of straying in the dream realm too long." He spoke as he pulled out a furry ugly creature from under the pedestal and place it on the top.

The creature shrieked and I covered my ears.


"Yes, False memories will form, until you will not be able to tell reality apart from dreams"