
Chapter 1

October 10th: 7 am

A young man around 18 years old based on his appearance whit short black hair wearing a pair of old blue jeans and an aged black t-shirt was slowly moving a pan of sizzling veggies on top of a worn-out stove.

"Guy's breakfast s ready!" he called out into the hallways of his family's house.

"Coming!" echoed a trio of voices whit two of them being significantly younger.

"Morning Alex," the young man's older sister, roughly 23 years old based on her appearance said as she sat in a chair that creaked a bit against the ancient wooden floors "watcha making for us today?"

"Yeah! Did you make something yummy?" asked the black-haired teen's younger sister asked, her 6-year-old twin responded before Alex could.

"Of course he did, Alex always makes good food for us" the only other boy in the house affirmed.

"I made the same thing as yesterday, rice and veggies," the teen said while putting a few plates whit steaming food on the table, noticing his younger siblings frowns as he did so "don't complain, Carla's boss was kind enough to give us a large sack of rice for free, and the vegetables will go bad if we don't eat them soon."

"He's right you know," the eldest of the group said, "besides these vegetables taste great, now hurry up and eat so I can take you guys to school, oh yeah, Alex, can you go pick up some groceries? I have to work the afternoon shift today."

October 10th: 4 pm

"I apologize lady Isabella, but you'll need to walk home today, some hooligans decided that it would be a fun idea to slash our tiers while we were getting gasoline," a well-mannered voice sounded out from the phone of a blonde girl who appeared to be roughly 19 years old "I do hope you understand."

"Yeah, it's fine, just hope it won't be raining later," the girl finished the call right as storm clouds began to gather "because of course I had to jynx it." she began to run as thunder boomed in the distance, and whiting the minute a heavy downpour began to assault the city.

"Crap, I need to get away from this rain," she muttered to herself, and then she saw him, wearing faded blue jeans and a black t-shirt a pair of grocery bags in one hand, and an umbrella in the other, it was one of her classmates, what was his name again? Tomas? Whatever what mattered is that he had an umbrella "hey you, in the black shirt!" he said while running up to the younger teen.

"Mind if I buy that umbrella off of you, ill give you $50 for it," she said once 'Thomas' turned around to look at her, a stupefied expression making its way onto his face at the price she named "if that's, not enough then ill give you 80, just please sell me the umbrella before I get even more drenched"

"I'll take the money, just let me get home first, and I'll give it to you there, deal?" the poorer of the two asked, knowing full well not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Fine, but you gotta let me walk under it too until we get there!" the shriveling girl responded.

October 10th: 4:15 pm

"Hold this for a sec," Alxed said, handing her the grocery bags, making her stumble at how heavy they were as he looked for his key.

She then finally took in the house, it was a one-story building, with white paint that seemed to be peeling off by the second, and a creaky wooden door that was finally being opened, letting her peer into the inside of the dwelling, seeing a very low-quality hardwood floor that was seemingly doing it's best to attack her vision.

"Guys, I'm back," the black-haired teen said while putting away his key and grabbing the heavy bags like they were just a pair of feathers, receiving no response in return.

"Great, no one home right now," Alex sighed in worry "anyways here's the umbrella, you can just pay me the 50, no need to go overboard whit 80 bucks."

"You sure?" the rich girl said looking at the home "sure seems like you could use it."

Alex scowled at her "yeah, I'm sure, just take the umbrella and leave."

"Ouch, prickly much" the girl sassed, not really liking the tone her classmate addressed her whit.

"Just shut up and take it, I don't want your stupid pity money!" he yelled, Isabella was just about to shout back before her phone rang.

"Yeah it's me, what do you mean stay where I am?!" she raged at the other side of the call "look, I have an umbrella, I'll be fine, ughhhh, fine but you better come quick." she ended the call, before glaring at the teen in front of her who's umbrella was still shielding both of them.

"Look, I don't wanna ask this just as much as you don't wanna hear it, but please let me stay inside your house till the rain calms down, there's gonna be lighting soon, and walking whit an umbrella won't be safe." She said.

"Fine, but you're helping me cook dinner, I don't care if you know how to cool or not, you're helping." He retorted while moving out of the way, and allowing her to walk inside.

"Really, can't I just pay you instead?" she asked "because I'm a horrible cook"

"Sorry Ms.Rich, but there are just some things money can't buy"

"Ugh, isn't that what people say about love and friendship and stuff"

"Yeah, but it's also what I say for those that piss me off"

"Oh my god, fine, I'm sorry I said that alright, It's just been a long day an-"

"Okay, apology accepted" the younger teen replied, finally entering his home and closing the door behind him "the bathroom is on the left, go take a shower, I'll put some of my sister's clothes, and a spare towel in front of the door."

"Shower? Why?"

"So that you don't catch a cold dumbass, you've been shivering since we first saw each other."

October 10th: 5 pm

Isabella was drying her hair when she noticed that something smelled really good, so whit her curiosity peaked she quickly got dressed into the orange shorts and white tanktop that had been on top of her towel and then exited the pale, depressing white bathroom to walk upon ancient wooden floors into a disheveled, yet clean kitchen.

Alex was quietly chopping a couple of vegetables as a pot of soup layed on the stove, a delicious aroma emanating from it "Oh, hey," he greeted after finally noticing his guest.

"Hey," she responded whit a smirk "so, you gonna keep staring at me, or are yo gong to tell me where the plates are so I can help set the table?"

"I wasn't staring.." the teen replied whit a small blush "you were just…..in my field of vision, that's all."

End of Chapter

Hello everyone, this story was made mostly so that I could get a feel for how to write whit this UI, and I do not think I will continue it for he time being as I want to focus on the main project that I will be submitting to the Webnovel Spirit Awards, tittled Witch Hunting, however I am curious to know what you all think of this, would you want me to continue it? please let me know in the comments, thank you for taking time out of your day to read this, I hope that you have a great day.

Danmanwhitplancreators' thoughts