
AΩ: Reincarnation of the creator of the heavens

Itsuka is known to be an ordinary boy, at least that's what his classmates and the entire Kingdom of Flare believe. One day, while Itsuka is eating lunch on the school rooftop with his friends, the school catches fire and explodes, killing all students and teachers and reincarnating them into a new world. Excited by this new life, Itsuka and his friends soon face betrayal. Under the command of the first princess, his comrades turn against him after he interacts with the fourth princess. As a result, during a raid in the Atoma labyrinth meant for leveling up, they betray Itsuka and his friends, causing them to fall to the deepest part of the labyrinth. This incident kills his best friend and gives his other friend amnesia. Struggling with his emotions, Itsuka walks to the final level of the labyrinth, where he encounters and becomes the holder of DeathxLife. Half of its power goes to Ray Skyrish, his amnesiac friend, transforming Ray from male to female. After dealing with Ray's gender change and the power of DeathxLife, Itsuka defeats and tames the labyrinth's final boss, who transforms into a beautiful dragon girl. Escaping the labyrinth with his new allies, Itsuka enrolls in a new school in this world, the same one his previous classmates now attend. They believe Itsuka and his friend perished in the Atoma labyrinth, which was officially deemed an accident. From here on, Itsuka seeks revenge while creating a low-profile background character at school. Secretly, he is Death, the leader of the Death Pieces, an organization he forms that becomes a significant threat to the Flare country. Unbeknownst to many, he is actually Itsuka Yagami, a student at Akura Academy and a former victim of Mitsuri Mine, the first princess of Flare. Check out the first chapter—you might enjoy it! If you do, keep in mind that the main character, Itsuka, is a badass and likely has a harem of more than ten members. Enjoy reading! Average Words per Volume 1 Chapter: 1500-3000, though Chapter One of Volume One has over 5000+ words for it's recreation debut.

FakeMast3rmind · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Childhood Friend Hori Melatika

Itsuka brought Patricia to the back of the school as she finally calmed down.

"What did you just do to him?" Patricia Mine asked.

"Does it matter?" Itsuka Yagami replied.

"Never mind, I'm sorry," Patricia said.

"Tell me, who is Qutari to you?" Itsuka asked.

"He's a person I've despised for a while now," Patricia said.

"Why is that?" Itsuka asked.

"Well, you see, Qutari is the son of another kingdom. He's the only reason Minato is here as well. Minato was sent to protect his brother, and Qutari's goal is to make me his fiancée. I never agreed, but it's a family problem. Qutari is kind, but he always gets jealous when I talk to other boys. He then ruins the lives of people constantly. I couldn't care about their feelings, but even though they're just trash, they can still be tools. At least make them useful instead of just throwing them away like garbage. Anyways, I am so glad he's gone now, but what you did... Who are you exactly, Itsuka Yagami?"

"I cannot tell you for now, but maybe in the near future," Itsuka replied.

"I see. Sorry for asking," Patricia said.

"Where did you exactly meet Qutari?" Itsuka asked.

"That is private info, I cannot tell you that," Patricia said.

"Really?" Itsuka grabbed Patricia's arm as he gently kissed her on the lips. Patricia closed her eyes as she blushed. As Patricia opened her eyes, the kiss was already over.

"I love you, Patricia. Is it really that bad to help your love as well?" Itsuka asked.

"*Fufu* You're so charming. I love you too. Anyways, why did you call for me in the first place?" Patricia asked.

"I want to talk about Kaname," Itsuka said.

"You see, that problem is caused by none other than my sister, the first princess," Patricia explained.

"I'm her target, huh?" Itsuka asked.

"Yeah, there is really nothing I can do about it. I know my sister Kaname is being used as bait for you to bite. Soon enough, you will try to save her. The habit of saving is itself an education. It fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains forethought, and so broadens the mind," Patricia Qoutes.

"I see. Should I even save her then?" Itsuka wondered.

"I guess that's your option and not mine, am I right?" Patricia replied.

"I guess you're right," Itsuka smirked.

Someone then attacked from behind as Itsuka easily blocked with his scythe. The attacker was none other than Chizume Finataly, who looked like she was in pure rage.

"Why are you attacking us?" Itsuka asked.

Chizume was shocked at how easily Itsuka blocked her attack and how calm he was despite fighting her, a class A.

"Did you watch my fight?" Itsuka asked.

"Of course I didn't. Even though you won against a class S, I'm still stronger than most of them," Chizume replied.

"I thought so, because if you did, you wouldn't be ambushing us both right now," Itsuka said.

"*Fufu*" Patricia chuckled.

"Stop laughing, you dumbass, or else I'll eliminate you as well," Chizume threatened.

"You talk big. Why are you even attacking us?" Itsuka asked.

"Because you manipulated both of my friends!" Chizume yelled.

"You mean Anme and Itori. Yeah, why were you guys fighting anyways?" Itsuka asked.

"DON'T ACT DUMB!" Chizume shouted.

Chizume's claws turned sharp as she tried to hit Itsuka but kept failing. Itsuka either dodged or blocked until Chizume found the perfect timing to breathe out fire in Itsuka's face, making Itsuka's face burn. Chizume looked at Itsuka's dead body as she looked at Patricia, who was still smiling.

"Why are you still smiling!?" Chizume demanded.

"*Fufu*, I don't really get why you would want to kill him, but you need to know that violence is not always the right choice," Patricia said.

"Itsuka manipulated Master Izayu and Master Itori along with Anme. I cannot still be alive serving anyone else, so I'll rather kill the source of the manipulation along with myself and let them realize what I've done for them. Kairo was Itori's brother, not itsuka. Izayu was supposed to be a dragon lord that I serve, but now he's a hero who serves him. His done enough as the main villain of my story, and he shouldn't be alive anymore. I'll rather sacrifice myself to stop him from causing chaos in the future," Chizume explained.

"Really?" Itsuka asked.

As Chizume quickly looked back at Itsuka's body, it was nowhere to be seen. As she looked around, she realized she was in the void of nothingness. Everything was black as she floated in the time-space of nothingness. She tried to use her power to escape but to no avail. Itsuka's breathing was then heard. As she quickly looked at where she heard the sound, she was slammed into a wall that came out of thin air. As she looked at her assailant in the eyes, it was Itsuka Yagami but with red eyes and purple hair. This version of Itsuka offered a handshake to her.

Chizume tried to attack, but this Itsuka grabbed her head and slammed it again into another invisible wall that came out of nowhere. As Chizume's head bleed, this Itsuka laughed as he pulled out a scythe from his head and sliced Chizume in half. As she screamed in pain, Chizume seemed not to die even though she was cut in half. As she suffered, screaming in tears, the purple-haired Itsuka spoke.

"I'm Death. It is a pleasure meeting you. How are you doing, Miss Chizume? Are you suffering? Does it hurt? I bet it does, AHAHAHAHAHA," Death laughed.

Chizume couldn't speak. Before she realized it, her body was back, but she couldn't move as she floated in this void. The real Itsuka appeared out of thin air.

"Death, that's enough," Itsuka said.

"Tsk," Death replied before disappearing.

Itsuka pinned Chizume to an invisible wall.

"I'll never forgive you for manipulating Master Izayu and Master Itori!" Chizume shouted.

"I thought so," Itsuka said. As he exclaimed to himself ***"I can't kill her. In fact, I should help her since she's Izayu's previous ally. And besides, she will make a good asset on my board. Chizume got it all wrong, or she's being manipulated by none other than the first princess herself, Mitsuri Mine."***

"You got it all wrong, Chizume," Itsuka said.

"Don't lie to me, AND STOP ACTING STUPID! Master Izayu finally escaped the seal by herself that the seven heroes caused, but then you befriended her and won her over until you finally made her your tool. You made her loyal to you by turning her into your servant, despite that she's a dragon lord herself! And now you also took Master Itori along with our friend Anme," Chizume yelled.

"How do you actually know this?" Itsuka asked.


***I guess I was not wrong. Mitsuri is the mastermind behind all this mess right now. Exactly how strong is her manipulation ability? I mean, she literally manipulated Chizume, a dragon-born, herself.***Itsuka said to himself.

Death then appeared again behind Chizume, still smiling.

"Now, now, Chizume, do you know where you are? You're in Itsuka's domain since you're already dead," Death said.

"D-Dead!?" Chizume exclaimed.

"That's right. Before you even fought, you already died. The ambush that you remembered is all an illusion. To tell the truth, you instantly died the moment you jumped Itsuka and Patricia," Death explained.

"Y-You're lying, right?" Chizume stammered.

"He's correct, Chizume, you're already dead," Itsuka confirmed.

As Chizume continued to cry, Death said, "Oh my, look at you crying. What an excitement for me, you pathetic lizard."

Back with Patricia, both Chizume and Itsuka Yagami were missing. What actually happened when Chizume jumped them was that Chizume instantly fell to the ground dead. Itsuka didn't mean to kill her; it was a reflex. Itsuka made Chizume lay on Patricia's lap while Patricia was on her knees. Itsuka then summoned a portal and told Patricia to stay until Chizume woke up, even though she was already dead.

"I hope Itsuka is not sexually assaulting Chizume's body because I want to be his first time and my first time," Patricia mused.

Back with Chizume and Itsuka, Death vanished again, leaving Chizume and Itsuka alone.

"Sorry, but it seems like everything you just said is incorrect," Itsuka said.

"What do you know about Master Izayu!?" Chizume demanded.

"Her life being sealed by the seven heroes. Actually, I was the one who broke her out of the seal," Itsuka replied.

"LIES!" Chizume screamed.

Itsuka sighed as a screen appeared in front of her. It played the memory of Itsuka saving Izayu Itadawashi. As Chizume watched, her face turned pale as she realized she was wrong. Itsuka then played another memory of his childhood with Itori, breaking the manipulation within her caused by the first princess. Chizume cried into Itsuka's chest.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me. I am so sorry. Please, I'll do anything, just forgive me. I'll follow Master Izayu's path and serve under you. I'm sorry," Chizume sobbed.

She's shameless towards herself, what a pity. But at least now I have a new tool, and it's even a dragon born, Itsuka thought.

"Now, now, don't cry," Itsuka said.

"I'll do anything, please tell me your first order," Chizume pleaded.

Before Itsuka could respond, Chizume woke up on the ground with her head on Patricia's lap. It was night at the back of the school. Patricia patiently stood up, smiling at her.

"*Fufu* I didn't know that he could bring the dead back to life perfectly. Isn't he just amazing, dear?" Patricia said.

Chizume smiled back and nodded. She then grew wings on her back and flew out of the scene, while Patricia headed back to her dorm.

Itsuka was back at the bench in the park of Laviosa. The moonlight shone on him as he stood up, about to leave. A familiar voice called him from behind elegantly. As he looked back, he realized it was Anme Mine.

"Hasn't it been a long time since we last met, am I right, Itsuka Yagami?" Anme said.

"And what might be your real name?" Itsuka asked.

"You mean my previous name? Take a guess. My hint is you promised me to become my groom in the future, and I'll be your bride," Anme replied.

"Is your name..." Itsuka hesitated.

"Hori Melatika," Itsuka answered with a Cold look as the both eyes locked in at each other, Anme giggles to herself as she replied back exclaiming "I guess you know me so well Itsuka"