
Comments of chapter undefined of Kingdom's Bloodline


Thales is a pathetic joke


I think kessel would be pissed. But **** it, they deserves the pardon they got from the prince.


This chapter was frustrating. Who cares what Kessel would think? He's never done anything for Thales. And good for you Morat; you've managed to outsmart a 13-14 year old with no training for intelligence work. BAH!


I hate how just because he's smart they keep forgetting his real age and inexperience in basically every field. What the hell do they all expect from him? Try to take another boy his age, let's see what he'll do! I mean, NOBODY ever tells him anything useful and he always has to do everything by himself, AND HE DOES EVERYTHING HE CAN IN SUCH SITUATIONS, HE'S NOT OMNIPOTENT OR OMNISCIENT, AAAAAAHHH


This is not comment to what happened in this chapter but just my hypotensis on what Thales powers would be(like his blood-from mother side is definitely not human, Sins of hell river+mystic powers+maybe if he adds something in the future- psyonic powers xD) because I have such crazy theory I just need to tell to someone.... If we take it that his blood gives him high regeneration abitily, SoHR brings him back from death(not always) and if this combined with his mystic ability that is Traveling(teleporting)-that means Freedom he always wanted, with later development Thales wants to know the Truth(and Truth is in the different perspective Past) then he would be probably capable to travel through space and time(but only to past) and those side stories we had up until now(I don't believe that our master Author would write them only to tell us what happened in the past and how it was retold totally differently in the future just like that without other plans)... Adding on to this all fact that Mystics(final form out of those 4 stages) is practically that they are masses of energy with consciousness and that Power of Eradication is opposite(mass of matter with consciousness) will combine and Thales will became ultimate powerhouse and will be unkillable swordsman and capable of traveling to the past and teleporting around globe... This is just my crazy Theory it will probably be very different but I just can't help myself imagine this....


i hope morat will be cool and just not snitch to kessel


Thanks for the chapter