
Comments of chapter undefined of Kingdom's Bloodline


Soroma points out all those points I don't like about MC. MC from a little beggar kid who always though about his survival suddenally changed into a Jesus that want's to save the world. MC is too much of a good guy and doesn't have any selfishness to him or goal that is his own. Ever since Yodel picked him up, he always been a little boat on the sea, controlled by the waves made by others and the only time it feels like he is decisive is when he acts for good of other or survival. He is probably the most shallow and unrealistic character in the so very realistic novel. Compared to Lampard for example. Lampard was also the good guy who wanted to. He wanted to save his country but while doing so he would gain power and wealth. MC truly lacks that. Looking at the last arc, what were the words at the end "WE WON?". Yea MC won but what did he gained? World peace, that what he gained, in comparison he himself was made prisoner and had 6 years of no progress and now he is about to be thrown into another BS situation, but he continues to be passive without a goal for himself. It's truly no wonder that MC likes independent girls, since people love what they themselves don't posses. Sigh... this novel is great but from the very beginning I never liked MC in the slightest. With all this political intrudes and betrayals, it reminds me of GoT... but unlike GoT, this story has the main character and the existence of this main character makes the story worse. In this morally grey realistic world, MC who wants to be prince on the white horse that wants the world peace is really annoying character to follow.


Except he is an ***** in a childs body, which is the whole point of the novel. In no realistic situation would he not tell her the truth. the author just tries to unnecessarily complicate thIngs with all the lying and keeping secrets.

Blood_Rain:I share your sentiments in general about Seigi-no-Mikata type MCs, but don't agree that Thales is one. He's just not your typical ruthless XianXia MC, but a 14 year old with complex realistic feelings. I'd really find it hard to believe if he acted emotionlessly after such an humble beginning. For me he is a realistic character who takes no pleasure in other's misfortune & is suitably a good guy, but not as you said "jesus that wants to save the world" What did he win you ask? His life, that's what. The Secret Department managed to make a grand plan & then grandly f*cked it up. Lampard's plans would have him a political hostage at best & dead at worst. He managed to avoid that & achieve the best possible outcome. He is *not* your typical XianXia hero, but a prince who needs to thinks about his subjects instead of being a selfish bad prince. Looking at it overall, he's not a Seigi-no-Mikata trying to save the world, nor is he a ruthless emotionless cruel person. He's a complex 14-year old character who tries to do the right thing, a very well written character, even if not perfect ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ He managed to avoid a war his country couldn't handle, prevented the unification of the greatest threat to his country, foiled the plan of his enemy while making a sanctuary for himself in an ally's territory he helped her retain 👍 Not a bad day's work for a 7 yr old 😊

I love the smell of tragedy in the morning😘👌


Is it one of the most awesome chapters or what? Didn't realize earlier, but Saroma didn't have much character development. Until now. Unlike typical female characters who would go 'kyaa! Kyaa!' when the MC invites them, Saroma shows complex emotions ranging from jealousy to self-respect. Also, many may hate Thales's ambiguous stance but I love it. Like Saroma said, is she to Thales's tastes? He's just 14 & I'd hate for such a complex character like him to have a straightforward love life. So I don't think Thales *loves* Saroma. And he shouldn't have to just because she has feelings for him & because she's the only possible female Love Interest in sight. Thales's complex, jumbled up, teenage feelings is very realistic & well done. Also we got to know Thales's type...maybe 😅


THAT’s IT. I WANT A STRONG AND INDEPENDENT LOVE INTEREST. And not one that gets moved to the side when she gets together with the MC. I don’t even care If it’s a harem as long as characters don’t become empty vases


Fvvvck just tell her the truth


Ofcourse running away to Constellation is not the right plan for them (i dont want them to runaway too) . Its good he didnt tell the reason to Saroma instead he should think another plan to protect both of them which more exhausting and dangerous


Thales was used to protecting our fighting people way out of league. I guess this is reality check of his true, current position. Everything is a lie and he is forcing his protection on someone who wants to stand by his side.


thales is supposed to be an young man in his previous life and yet he doesnt have the fucking balls to talk honestly... wth dude


D*nm what a rollercoster. Its just written well done to the point that my heart-ache. Their saga is definitely one of a kind only. Just like what Thales said to Big Rascal "Its time to write your own story"


Sigh author f*ucked in the end it was a wonderful narration of a girl becoming a woman and it had be smeared by the cliche "I will become worthy of you" type dialogue. Still was the best attempt at this kind of dialogue in a chinese webnovel I have ever seen.


Man I dont like how this time skip played out. I mean he was a 7 year old with exquisite and eloquent speech that didnt back down from anyone, but after the skip he is a coward...who would sacrifice those close to him because he's a mute now. It keeps repeating how beautiful she appears, jade like hands, etc...etc...but he can't say I love you or I hold you dear in my heart atleast


OMG she is so annoying forgetting in reality she's just a servant girl pretending to be an archduchess, now I regret that she didn't get killed off before at least that way I would always have liked her.


Thanks for the chapter


I think thales doesnt want to accept her


See this! I just gifted the story: Potion


Thanks for the chapter




What happen?

