
Comments of chapter undefined of Coming of the Villain Boss!


I hope this isn't drop...


Is it actually on hiatus now? Dod we finally burn through the buffer?


at this point I am sure that TL group dropped the series due to low revenue. The novel itself is popular but due to its writing style people tend to just let it stockpile for an arc or two which resulted in low revenue which made the group drop it. JUST a reminder this is my speculation from working with WN as a contracted author


Guys there are a few arcs left, so i do suggest just mtling the rest, it is a downbrade but it is manageable. Hopefully this is just a hiatus not a novel being dropped but i cant recommend waiting especially since the translation grouo is still actively working on other novels.


Coming back to check this novel everyday lol. Please don't drop this it's one of my favourites


Please don't drop. I check into this novel after each arcs been completed and I would hate it if it was dropped :(


anyone want spoilers about ming shu's past? just a little sneak peak of chapter 1651 of the novel. this is also the last arc where everything from ming shu's past was revealed. I won't say what happened after this but I'd tell you that it's gonna be sweet only for it to be so much darker and heartbreaking. Just know that she's not a villainess for no reason. The sun penetrated the abyss and shone on an unknown leaf: wide and large, like a boat, covered with crystal clear dew. There was a little girl lying under the leaves. On her pale face, fell the dew from the leaves, dripping on the girl's brows and along her beautiful eyelashes. The little girl's appearance is of the age twelve or thirteen years old. Although she hasn't grown up yet, you can still see her exquisite appearance, with a little bit of preciousness in her childishness. The dew woke the little girl up after being disturbed by its coldness. The moment she opened her eyes, the sadness and despair in her eyes intertwined, as if the whole world was full of darkness. "Cough, cough, cough..." The little girl coughed and got up. She slowly raised her head. The narrow line of sky above her head mirrored the blankness in her sad eyes. She was thrown here... How long has it been? She can't remember. At first she could count the days, but then she got confused and didn't remember anymore. Every morning, she can see the sun. The little girl got up and walked under the sun so that she could feel a little temperature. She greedily hopes that the sun will shine longer. She is afraid when there is no sunlight anymore, as she will be plunged into endless darkness. It's a pity that the sun did not follow her heart, and soon disappeared over the abyss. She could only see a small piece of sky. "My name is Mingshu, I want to leave here." The little girl repeated this sentence, as if she was afraid that she would forget. She was also practicing speaking, afraid that if no one would talk to her, she would forget how to speak in the future.


at least they open the rest of chapter. not like other novel that keep locked even hiatus for years


Pleaseee we're like almost 2000 chapters in- Please don't drop this novel, translators


Why???? lord nine's character is different in every arc and the way of ming shu's pampering is also different plus though they have achieved a happy ending you can see different types of novels in these arcs so why is it not updating ?????????!!!!!!!!!


Awww.. It's just few chapters left :( I guess this was dropped? :(


I suggest you guys just read the MTL of this. it ends at chapter 1666 and there's a lot revealed in those few chapters. You won't wanna miss it


My dear,where are you?😭


Is it really the zombie on the coffin? Until now lord still no show?


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola