
Welcome to the Island of no return!


My eyes slowly went opened and I could feel the sun shone on my face. My head aches and my eyes are cloudy. It takes a few minutes before I could see clearly. I wince at the constant pounding of my head, feels like a migraine. I got up and found my self on a beach bed and I’m wearing a white shirt. Wait! What? Where I’m I? I looked around and every where looks strange. Looks like I’m in some kind of an island. How did I get here and what happened to me?

I can barely get my mind to remember anything. Have I been kidnapped or something? This is weird, I might not remember anything at the moment but then I can’t imagine how I got to this place and with only a shirt on. I was still gathering my thoughts around what possibly brought me to an island when I sight a water bike coming from a distance on the ocean. Finally, someone’s around here, thought I was here alone.

The bike came to a stop and a man came down walking towards me. He doesn’t look harmless. He’s only wearing a summer shirt and a part of shorts. I wait eagerly for the man to come, he got closer and I could see his face. Dario? But how? Finally, the memory of what happened came flushing back to my head. Great, he spiked my drink. But why? There’s only one way to find out.

“I see you’re awake” he said as he came closer to me.

“You bastard! You drugged me”. I said looking him straight in the eye.

He avoided me and went straight to his bag; he took out a water bottle and drank from it. He seems not to pay any attention to me, it’s like I’m invincible.

“Dario, will you tell me what the hell I’m doing here?” I asked, this time with lots of serious in my voice

“You’re on my private Island. Welcome to Maldive”. He said getting busy with the bag and stocking stuffs into it.

“Maldive?” I repeat.

How on earth did we get here? Last thing I remember was that I was about to be wedded when he, Dario ruined my wedding and I took a drink in the bathroom that knocked me out. And did he just say his private island? How on earth did he own an island and in Maldive? He barely just got out of prison to own an Island. He must be a billionaire to own an island. I need to find out how and what I’m doing here.

“How is it possible that you own an island? You barely got out of prison and you never had that much money when we were together”. I ask trying to look interesting, yet not letting go the anger tone.

“Listen Katy, you’re on my island now. I own this place and there are more you’ll get to find out about me soon. You want to know how I got out of prison? I’m a fucken Italian, I know my way around the law block and if I get lost, I find my way back. It didn’t take me up to six months to get out of prison. I never got a sentence; you didn’t care to come to my final court hearing. You snitched on me Katy. Let out my secret to my best friend Arturo who later sold me to an Italian punster, a wicked con man who is a threat to every drug dealer on the street”. He looked at me with anger in his face.

It was a long time ago, I only told Arturo of his big visitor from Bali. He only told me they do business together. How was I supposed to know that was a secret and it was going to take him to jail? I never had an idea what business he was into, now I know he was a drug dealer. I can't believe I was about to be married to a drug dealer. I see where all the money came from.

“So, you want to take revenge on me by kidnapping me? And what does my sister have to do with this?” I asked with my hands on my hips.

“You’re dealing with a different Dario now. The Dario you once knew changed a long time ago and this new Dario is not going to tolerate any nonsense” He says giving me a stern look. “I paid your bitch of a sister a lot of money to give me details about everything you do. I had eyes on you. ”.

I can’t still believe Sonia actually did this to me, and it’s even worse to know she did it for the money. Does she really hate me that much? And how much is a lot of money that he offered her to betray me? I can’t stay on this island; Dario doesn’t look like he’s going to let me off just so easily. If I was actually the reason why he was ever in prison, it means he’s not going to let me go.

"I see you still have a thing for Italian food. Is that why you ordered mac and cheese with some salad? That used to be your favorite starter when we go out to our favorite Italian restaurant in the city. And that was a very boring bachelorette party you had. I expected a lot of drama but unfortunately, Sonia didn't choose her cards well. Maybe she isn't that bitch enough. I had my eyes on you Katy, every fucken move you made"

This is crazy. I can't believe he has been stalking me the whole time. What else am I missing? Why did i get involve with him in the first place? He was the sweetest, loving and caring man I ever knew until something happened. He went on a long vacation with his father in Istanbul, and since he returned, he changed. He met strange people and went to strange places. What happened to him in Istanbul?

Just when I’m about to ask him yet another question as to what his intentions really are, I spot a man coming out of nowhere and heading towards us. I thought it was just us on this island. Are there other people here too? The man is wearing a black jacket and he has a black shade on. He looks like he’s a thug or some sort of a body guard, or is he? He walks up to Dario and they speak in Italian.

“Ok, get it ready!” Dario finally response in English giving him a nod as he leaves.

Dario gives me a pointed look with his hands on his waist. He looks extremely handsome. He has always been a handsome guy but now, it looks like he just came out of a body grooming home. His hair is dark brown and his eyes are marble gray, I've always loved them. He looks more muscular and well built. Just his look sends a jolt down my body. He just has the perfect face and the perfect body. He puts his hands in his pocket and brought out a phone and shows it to me. I quickly recognize it to be mine.

“This is yours. Thanks to Sonia, she has really been helpful. But it’s going to be under my care from now. You will not be communicating with anyone except I prompt you to do so. From now on, you’re under my care, you’ll do what I ask and be wherever I want you to, without questions”. He puts back the phone into his pocket and looks back at me. I looked at him speechless, not sure of what to say.

How on earth does he intend to accomplish all his selfish aim? I am not his prisoner, he has no right whatsoever to keep me here away from my family, friends and career. There must be a way to talk him out of this madness.

“But I’m not your prisoner. As a matter of fact, the police could be looking for me. Tom will be looking for me too. On what account are you keeping me here?” I ask trying to sound as calm as possible.

“You will not speak of that guy anymore. You are going to be my wife. Don’t forget you are still engaged to me. So, I have total right and control over you. No one has to worry about you. You are going to do just fine with me. You’ll have everything you need and everything you want will be provided for you”.

He must be crazy to think I will want to marry him after the humiliation he has caused me. I only wanted to be with Tom. He was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, not him. I can never and will never imagine ever being with him. He is my past and my past will always be my past. And I don’t forget that he has a criminal record and could still be very dangerous.

“No” I said passively.

“What?” he asked taking a step closer to me.

“You heard me. I said no. I will not be you wife and I am not going to remain with you, as your prisoner or anything else. I demand to go back home immediately” I said boldly, looking him in the eyes. He looks at me for a minute and then burst into laughter.

“You don’t have a choice Katy. You can’t say no and you can’t say yes either. From now on, I make all the decisions for you”. He turned back and finds his thug friend talking into a walkie-talkie. He looks back at me with a stern look.

“You wouldn’t like to test my wrath. As I said, the Dario you once knew is no more, he changed. If I were you, I would behave and be a good girl”. He gave me a dirty smirk and picked his stuffs from the ground and held my wrist.

“Come on. Your new life awaits you. Let’s get this going”.

And with that, he dragged me by the hand and I reluctantly follow, trying to break free from his firm grip. This man is not only handsome, but he has strong muscles and strength to make any girl fall under is charms. He kept dragging me towards a path way and we appeared before a very beautiful villa. I gasped at the sight of the building. Oh my God! That is one gorgeous building. If this is Dario’s private island and this villa belongs to him, then I’m into a big trouble.