
9 lives

A young cat, Flint dies in a strange way. only to be reincarnated as human into a Sci-Fi world where your high school life is dictated by your skills. Put into group 41-D, the worst group in the school. Will Flint get along with the other people in his group? and become the strongest group in the school, or will he stick to his pessimistic views? and die.

MrHideySneeky · Sci-fi
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9 Lives

"ugh, life sucks" a young girl groaned as she sat alone in her room grooming her cat. This girls name was Shay, she had curly hair, soft features, and smooth skin. Shay appeared to be around 15, when she was actually 19. Shay had the spirit of an angel, and the grace to back it up, but being like an angel can't save you from death.

Shay's soft features and curly hair, could only slightly contain the miasma of emotions welling up beneath the surface. Shay experienced mood swings, she was an insomniac, and she hated her life. Everything felt like a joke to Shay, boys creep upon her like a piece of meat, she can't get a job because the employers see her as nothing more than meat to be used then passed on. That's all girls were nowadays "meat" Shay quietly hissed.

There was one bright side to Shay's life though, and that was Flint the cat. Well it was her cat, but she liked to think of Flint as the only boy she needed in her life and definently not something she owned. Flint had thick brown fur, and hazel eyes, his eye's seemed cold, but Shay knew that the flint would strike against iron and it would start a fire.

Shay would't be here for the great fire though, she had already made her choice...

Shay stayed in the shower all night, and she had even filled an entire tub with milk, and another with food. Flint wasn't stupid he knew what had happened, life was cold and Shay had wanted to end it. Flint knew the feeling well, but he couldn't do anything about it everytime he tried his stupid animal instincts kicked in and prevented him from dying. why couldn't he though? Shay had done it so easily, and yet he still stands here alive and well.

Over the next week Flint only ate to not die 'stupid animal instincts' he thought. Shay wasn't dumb either she had known when her payments on the apartment where due, and had killed herself slightly before, to insure Flint didn't die from her selfishness. Although Flint was selfish himself he had loved Shay so after the incident the coldness in his eye's deepened

After another day of waiting, the owner of the apartment complex came and demanded payment lest they be kicked out. Flint shared the same thought's about humans that Shay did about men, that they were disgusting things. So Flint just scoffed out of pity at the owners feebleness. soon the owner got into the apartment and laughed at the scene, before calling 911. The owner couldn't even be

considered human.

Soon paramedics arrived, they gave the scene one glance pulled out a body bag and called animal control for flint. Flint had expected this, and yet he didn't resist animal control he was more shocked by the cut and dry methods that the paramedics used 'only one glance' Flint thought. Anger boiled in him, he knew shay was dead. but only one glance. By the time Flint thought to make a move he already had been leashed and caged, only leaving him room to wait.

Days ticked by in his cage, they felt like years. the animal shelter was dull, the animals quiet. Flints mind was on fire trying to think of way's to go against the system, and take revenge for Shay. Nothing ever came, well at least not before the Unknowns.

As if they could sense the coldness from Flint, they appeared three silhouette's against the dull setting around him. just as quickly as they had appeared they had gotten Flint. The family reeked of death, it consisted of all women two older women and a little girl that appeared to be around ten. The little girl smelled like she was death, it wasn't a physical smell either he could feel it creeping into his soul and Flint knew they had killed before.

They never introduced themselves, so Flint just called them the Unknowns. Flint expected to die very fast when he met the Unknowns.


Two months later Flint tolerated the Unknowns, and he didn't expect to die. They didn't fatten him up or prepare him for some secret ritual they just let him be, but after living with them for two months Flint had three rules engrained into his head.

1. Don't try to leave the house

2. Don't enter the basement

3. Don't go into their rooms

What set him on edge though wasn't the rules that were there it were the rules that weren't. Even shay had rules where she didn't want Flint to go places because he might get injured. The areas he wasn't supposed to go to were a little suspicious, but he did't investigate. the things he can do without getting in trouble scared him though. The Unknowns were like robots he could bring dead animals from the backyard to them, and they wouldn't care they would just take the body to who knows where. Flint can pee and poop wherever he wishes without consequence, or even a reaction.

The Unknowns never called Flint a name, and rarely even acknowledged his existence. This gave him few chances to learn what kind of people they were. everything they did gave him an unnerving feeling, especially the little girl she was just creepy. The worst part for Flint was the feeling that no matter where he went in the house he felt like the little girl was always watching him.

One day while laying in the sun's light he noticed something. the sun seemed cold and distant, the air was still, the house was silent like the moment of tension before disaster. Then there was the smell it was death, and rot but it smelled familiar. the smell creeped through the house, and Flint followed it the smell came from the basement the door was cracked open.

'Should I go down there' Flint thought

Before he could think about it more, a kick slammed against his side sending him flying down the stairs. luckily cats always land on there feet, unluckily that doesn't save his ribcage. A crack was heard as Flint slammed against the wall. He forced himself to stand, he looked up to see his assailant it was the little girl. The girl didn't move from that spot, but he wasn't going to test his luck and see if he could go back upstairs.

The basement smelled of rot Flints enhanced cat senses allowed him to see throughout the basement. This was the first time he had seen a basement, as Shay had lived in an apartment. Not knowing what to look for he used his nose to locate the source of the somewhat familiar smell. Even though the smell was familiar, it felt disturbing. What was the smell? then it dawned upon him, the smell was shay. The revelation was too late, as he was struck on the back of the head and passed out.

...Vita est intimum...

The sound of chanting could be heard, as Flint slowly regained consciousness.

...ut quod esse ex anima sororem...

...Venite ad vitam alterius inpensa...

The chanting gave Flint the moment he needed to take in his surroundings. He lay inside his dead owner Shay, although not recognizable by sight the corpse smelled like her. the Unknowns stood above radiating happiness but not smiling while watching the situation and chanting in an old language to try and do god knows what. while the two older women held candles, the little girl held an iron hammer she twitched with a malicous glee while staring at Flint.

...Icta ferro vitae dederetur...

Flint didn't know what they were saying but he knew it wasn't good so he tried to escape only to realize he was restrained to Shays corpse

...Fueled per odium tuum et viros, vindicans vindicabit...

A green light burst forth from around Shays body, while a black one came from Flints. The lights mixed and pulsed into the iron hammer. Time became slow, Flint could see the muscles contracting as she raised the hammer. he could see every little evil twitch from her body as she started to bring the hammer down, he could even see the oull of a smile on her face. All this movement from one little girl in the span of less than a second and he couldn't move a muscle. as the iron hammer struck Flints head he felt a chain break as he left his body.

The last thing he heard nefore he completley died was ...Ortum sororem meam et vindicta ulciscerer nobiscum...

[9 Lives initiated]

'Due to the user losing their first life [calculating], 8 lives remain, and 9 Lives has been activated.'

'Death gives you many options for your next life user, depending on which option you choose this will affect how you live your next life. don't be careless though depending on what you choose you can lose more lives than usual, remember you need lives to open 9 lives. If you don't have any more lives you will die.'

[retrieving choices]



[Continue this life]1]



[Perfect world]4]

[Entertainment Join]5]




[Not Enough points]9]

'Please select an option user'

"I choose Heaven" Flint says suprised by his own voice

[Moving to Hea---]

'Error Error Error'

'Due to unnatural nature of death, next life is predetermined.'

[Removing 6 life points]

[Moving to Mixed world]

[Removing memori--]

'Error Error Error'

'Unable to remove memories, due to unnatural nature of death.'

'Can I not get anything I want, next its gonna say I'm not gonna be a cat' Flint thought

[Changing lifeform, removing 1 life]

[Moving to mixed world]

first major piece of creative writing, open to critical reviews.

MrHideySneekycreators' thoughts