
Comments of chapter undefined of Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God


Not the best end but differently not the worse. Be looking forward to what comes next.


Hope the author will release a sequel.. There are many more contents to be discovered, after all, the Scholar is only one of the three existences that Phoenix Rain warned Shi Feng about..


The story had many loose ends and repetitive story line elements over and over again, but the world building kept it going and it's the first webnovel of this magnitude that kept me reading from start till the end so I salute the author for that. Until the next time 🤗


felt like a really rushed ending there.


theres so many missing stuff :( like what ever happend to his guards kite anna and the other two :/ the 8pc epic armour set thats never happend so manny lose ends. love the book though hopping for the next book :)


After 3 and a half years. A novel that would get daily updates ending with 2918 chapters. I have finished the novel. I now have one less book to read now every day. I feel both sad and happy. Sad it’s over. Happy that I finished it. A little rushed at the end sure. But everyday something new to read. Goodbye old friend you’ll be missed. thank you for filling my days with the story. Even during the pandemic when i needed a sense of normalcy. thanks you for being there for me everyday. for the last time i will say thanks for the chapter.


Im happy and sad at the same time:( Hopefully we might get to see a sequel about the forth dimension world but its unlikely But overall this book took a few years to finish and i enjoyed it and i hope the rest of you did as well😁


I remember when I first started reading this years ago. Been quite a ride, appreciate the hard work out into the translation. Thanks a lot, looking forward to the next one.


what happen to his dragon sword


dang. all those chaptersa and still no girlfriend or wifu


its been a good ride. GG everyone cya next time


there were so many reasons I loved this book. so immersive and expansive. the crafting, the personal guards, exploring worlds and different races. missing parts I am mad about: 1) anna and kite development 2) book- conquer the grand f-en champion demons 3) exploring the sea... naval battles 4) settling the score with starling the whole ending was rushed and a snow job.... very disappointing after reading for over a year! very disappointing


The last Several chapters felt rushed compared to the rest of the book. I suspect there is something going on in authors personal life that caused him to bring the book to a quick close. Or, maybe he just got bored with it. Great booK! I was always excited to see the next chapter be released. Definitely will be a part of my day that i will miss. thank you for such wonderful penmenship and i hope that you find it in yourself to pick the story back up someday. i will be checking!


On the one hand I am glad it even had an ending, but on the other, that was rushed as it could be. Like, the first few hundreds of chapters after the hiatus we had a good pace, but the last 20 or so chapters was just petal to the metal without a care in the world. Again, glad it ended...but this was very rushed and you feel it. If there is another book after this, my only hope is the book is fully planned out. There has never been anything quite like Lord of the Mysteries when it comes to feeling like it was FULLY complete. Even with the last volumes being way shorter, the ending never felt rushed but instead like it would naturally occur faster due to the lesser and lesser plot points to resolve (cause after about 2/3rds of the books the author wisely stopped adding things to do and instead start checking them off one by one). Well, on to the next adventure I suppose, see everyone around!


Very rushed ending. Not as bad as Game of Thrones, but still, it felt like the author just wanted to be done. Kinda disappointed.


Very nice ending. thank you. hope you will write new novel soon.


Wow, what a journey. Its finally over. Thanks to everyone who played the drinking games. Not going to lie, i had developed a problem. The 20 or chapters were rushed and missed out on a few pay offs but at least it had a decent ending so i can’t complain. I mean i only had two shots in the last 20 chapters. My doctor looked at me like i was idiot when i told him why my alochol consumption went up. It was fun ride so in closing I’ll say this. Since i started counting all the different phrases, I’ve taken 257 shots over the last year and half. After giving the matter some thought, i found it reasonable that a number like that can make a person’s eyes nearly fall out of their sockets and green with envy. But the shots helped calm my nerves when i was going from “Zero Wing is doomed” to “What kind of guild is Zero Wing”. Compared to other novels I’ve read the difference between this one and those is like heaven and earth. I’ll even go as far as to say that Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God is as rare as a Phoenix Feather. Taking one last shot to all the guild mates who took this journey with me. Here’s to you.


Well it felt more like a prequel till now. Now the main story starts!? Did the novel finish? I think only this arc/book got completed?


it feels almost like the author got tired of writing this story in the end. It felt so rushed towards the end after he reached t5.


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